[][src]Struct actix_web::ws::WebsocketContext

pub struct WebsocketContext<A, S = ()> where
    A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A, S>>, 
{ /* fields omitted */ }

Execution context for WebSockets actors


impl<A, S: 'static> WebsocketContext<A, S> where
    A: Actor<Context = Self>, 

pub fn create<P>(req: HttpRequest<S>, actor: A, stream: WsStream<P>) -> Body where
    A: StreamHandler<Message, ProtocolError>,
    P: Stream<Item = Bytes, Error = PayloadError> + 'static, 

Create a new Websocket context from a request and an actor

pub fn with_factory<F>(req: HttpRequest<S>, f: F) -> Body where
    F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> A + 'static, 

Create a new Websocket context

impl<A, S> WebsocketContext<A, S> where
    A: Actor<Context = Self>, 

pub fn write_raw(&mut self, data: FramedMessage)[src]

Write payload

This is a low-level function that accepts framed messages that should be created using Frame::message(). If you want to send text or binary data you should prefer the text() or binary() convenience functions that handle the framing for you.

pub fn state(&self) -> &S[src]

Shared application state

pub fn request(&mut self) -> &mut HttpRequest<S>[src]

Incoming request

pub fn drain(&mut self) -> Drain<A>[src]

Returns drain future

pub fn text<T: Into<Binary>>(&mut self, text: T)[src]

Send text frame

pub fn binary<B: Into<Binary>>(&mut self, data: B)[src]

Send binary frame

pub fn ping(&mut self, message: &str)[src]

Send ping frame

pub fn pong(&mut self, message: &str)[src]

Send pong frame

pub fn close(&mut self, reason: Option<CloseReason>)[src]

Send close frame

pub fn connected(&self) -> bool[src]

Check if connection still open

pub fn handle(&self) -> SpawnHandle[src]

Handle of the running future

SpawnHandle is the handle returned by AsyncContext::spawn() method.

pub fn set_mailbox_capacity(&mut self, cap: usize)[src]

Set mailbox capacity

By default mailbox capacity is 16 messages.

Trait Implementations

impl<A, S> WsWriter for WebsocketContext<A, S> where
    A: Actor<Context = Self>,
    S: 'static, 

fn send_text<T: Into<Binary>>(&mut self, text: T)[src]

Send text frame

fn send_binary<B: Into<Binary>>(&mut self, data: B)[src]

Send binary frame

fn send_ping(&mut self, message: &str)[src]

Send ping frame

fn send_pong(&mut self, message: &str)[src]

Send pong frame

fn send_close(&mut self, reason: Option<CloseReason>)[src]

Send close frame

impl<A, S> ActorContext for WebsocketContext<A, S> where
    A: Actor<Context = Self>, 

impl<A, S> AsyncContext<A> for WebsocketContext<A, S> where
    A: Actor<Context = Self>, 

fn waiting(&self) -> bool[src]

Check if context is paused (waiting for future completion or stopping)

fn add_stream<S>(&mut self, fut: S) -> SpawnHandle where
    A: StreamHandler<<S as Stream>::Item, <S as Stream>::Error>,
    S: Stream + 'static, 

This method register stream to an actor context and allows to handle Stream in similar way as normal actor messages. Read more

fn add_message_stream<S>(&mut self, fut: S) where
    A: Handler<<S as Stream>::Item>,
    S: Stream<Error = ()> + 'static,
    <S as Stream>::Item: Message

This method is similar to add_stream but it skips stream errors. Read more

fn notify<M>(&mut self, msg: M) where
    A: Handler<M>,
    M: Message + 'static, 

Send message msg to self.

fn notify_later<M>(&mut self, msg: M, after: Duration) -> SpawnHandle where
    A: Handler<M>,
    M: Message + 'static, 

Send message msg to self after specified period of time. Returns spawn handle which could be used for cancellation. Notification get cancelled if context's stop method get called. Read more

fn run_later<F>(&mut self, dur: Duration, f: F) -> SpawnHandle where
    F: FnOnce(&mut A, &mut <A as Actor>::Context) + 'static, 

Execute closure after specified period of time within same Actor and Context. Execution get cancelled if context's stop method get called. Read more

fn run_interval<F>(&mut self, dur: Duration, f: F) -> SpawnHandle where
    F: FnMut(&mut A, &mut <A as Actor>::Context) + 'static, 

Spawns a job to execute the given closure periodically, at a specified fixed interval Read more

impl<A, M, S> ToEnvelope<A, M> for WebsocketContext<A, S> where
    A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A, S>> + Handler<M>,
    M: ActixMessage + Send + 'static,
    M::Result: Send

impl<A, S> AsyncContextParts<A> for WebsocketContext<A, S> where
    A: Actor<Context = Self>, 

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<A, S = ()> !Send for WebsocketContext<A, S>

impl<A, S = ()> !Sync for WebsocketContext<A, S>

Blanket Implementations

impl<T, U> Into for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> From for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryFrom for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryInto for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Erased for T