Struct actix_web::web::HttpResponse [−][src]
pub struct HttpResponse<B = AnyBody> { /* fields omitted */ }
Expand description
An outgoing response.
pub fn Continue() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn SwitchingProtocols() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn Processing() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn Ok() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn Created() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn Accepted() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn NonAuthoritativeInformation() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn NoContent() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn ResetContent() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn PartialContent() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn MultiStatus() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn AlreadyReported() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn MultipleChoices() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn MovedPermanently() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn Found() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn SeeOther() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn NotModified() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn UseProxy() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn TemporaryRedirect() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn PermanentRedirect() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn BadRequest() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn NotFound() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn PaymentRequired() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn Forbidden() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn MethodNotAllowed() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn NotAcceptable() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn ProxyAuthenticationRequired() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn RequestTimeout() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn Conflict() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn Gone() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn LengthRequired() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn PreconditionFailed() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn PreconditionRequired() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn PayloadTooLarge() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn UriTooLong() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn UnsupportedMediaType() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn RangeNotSatisfiable() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn ExpectationFailed() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn UnprocessableEntity() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn TooManyRequests() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn InternalServerError() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn NotImplemented() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn BadGateway() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn GatewayTimeout() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn VersionNotSupported() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn VariantAlsoNegotiates() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn InsufficientStorage() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn LoopDetected() -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
Constructs a response.
pub fn build(status: StatusCode) -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
pub fn build(status: StatusCode) -> HttpResponseBuilderⓘNotable traits for HttpResponseBuilderimpl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponseBuilder type Output = Result<HttpResponse, Error>;
Constructs a response builder with specific HTTP status.
Create an error response.
Constructs a response with body
Returns a reference to response head.
Returns a mutable reference to response head.
Get the response status code
Set the StatusCode
for this response
Get a mutable reference to the headers
Get an iterator for the cookies set by this response.
Add a cookie to this response
Remove all cookies with the given name from this response. Returns the number of cookies removed.
Keep-alive status for this connection
Responses extensions
Mutable reference to a the response’s extensions
pub fn set_body<B2>(self, body: B2) -> HttpResponse<B2>ⓘNotable traits for HttpResponse<AnyBody>impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
pub fn set_body<B2>(self, body: B2) -> HttpResponse<B2>ⓘNotable traits for HttpResponse<AnyBody>impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
Set a body
Split response and body
pub fn drop_body(self) -> HttpResponse<()>ⓘNotable traits for HttpResponse<AnyBody>impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
pub fn drop_body(self) -> HttpResponse<()>ⓘNotable traits for HttpResponse<AnyBody>impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
Drop request’s body
pub fn map_body<F, B2>(self, f: F) -> HttpResponse<B2>ⓘNotable traits for HttpResponse<AnyBody>impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
F: FnOnce(&mut ResponseHead, B) -> B2,
pub fn map_body<F, B2>(self, f: F) -> HttpResponse<B2>ⓘNotable traits for HttpResponse<AnyBody>impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
F: FnOnce(&mut ResponseHead, B) -> B2,
impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
Set a body and return previous body value
Trait Implementations
Get content encoding
Set content encoding Read more
Performs the conversion.
Performs the conversion.
fn from(res: ServiceResponse<B>) -> HttpResponse<B>ⓘNotable traits for HttpResponse<AnyBody>impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
fn from(res: ServiceResponse<B>) -> HttpResponse<B>ⓘNotable traits for HttpResponse<AnyBody>impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
Performs the conversion.
fn respond_to(self, _: &HttpRequest) -> HttpResponseⓘNotable traits for HttpResponse<AnyBody>impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
fn respond_to(self, _: &HttpRequest) -> HttpResponseⓘNotable traits for HttpResponse<AnyBody>impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
impl Future for HttpResponse<AnyBody> type Output = Result<Response<AnyBody>, Error>;
Convert self to HttpResponse
Override a status code for a Responder. Read more
fn with_header<H>(self, header: H) -> CustomResponder<Self> where
Self: Sized,
H: IntoHeaderPair,
fn with_header<H>(self, header: H) -> CustomResponder<Self> where
Self: Sized,
H: IntoHeaderPair,
Insert header to the final response. Read more
Auto Trait Implementations
impl<B = AnyBody<BoxBody>> !RefUnwindSafe for HttpResponse<B>
impl<B = AnyBody<BoxBody>> !Send for HttpResponse<B>
impl<B = AnyBody<BoxBody>> !Sync for HttpResponse<B>
impl<B> Unpin for HttpResponse<B> where
B: Unpin,
impl<B = AnyBody<BoxBody>> !UnwindSafe for HttpResponse<B>
Blanket Implementations
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Map this future’s output to a different type, returning a new future of the resulting type. Read more
Map this future’s output to a different type, returning a new future of the resulting type. Read more
Chain on a computation for when a future finished, passing the result of
the future to the provided closure f
. Read more
Wrap this future in an Either
future, making it the left-hand variant
of that Either
. Read more
Wrap this future in an Either
future, making it the right-hand variant
of that Either
. Read more
Convert this future into a single element stream. Read more
Flatten the execution of this future when the output of this future is itself another future. Read more
Flatten the execution of this future when the successful result of this future is a stream. Read more
Fuse a future such that poll
will never again be called once it has
completed. This method can be used to turn any Future
into a
. Read more
Do something with the output of a future before passing it on. Read more
Wrap the future in a Box, pinning it. Read more
Wrap the future in a Box, pinning it. Read more
Turns a Future<Output = T>
into a
TryFuture<Ok = T, Error = ()
>. Read more
Turns a Future<Output = T>
into a
TryFuture<Ok = T, Error = Never
>. Read more
A convenience for calling Future::poll
on Unpin
future types.
Evaluates and consumes the future, returning the resulting output if
the future is ready after the first call to Future::poll
. Read more
)The output that the future will produce on completion.
type Future = F
type Future = F
)Which kind of future are we turning this into?
)Creates a future from a value.
fn flatten_sink<Item>(self) -> FlattenSink<Self, Self::Ok> where
Self::Ok: Sink<Item>,
<Self::Ok as Sink<Item>>::Error == Self::Error,
fn flatten_sink<Item>(self) -> FlattenSink<Self, Self::Ok> where
Self::Ok: Sink<Item>,
<Self::Ok as Sink<Item>>::Error == Self::Error,
Flattens the execution of this future when the successful result of this
future is a [Sink
]. Read more
Maps this future’s success value to a different value. Read more
fn map_ok_or_else<T, E, F>(self, e: E, f: F) -> MapOkOrElse<Self, F, E> where
F: FnOnce(Self::Ok) -> T,
E: FnOnce(Self::Error) -> T,
fn map_ok_or_else<T, E, F>(self, e: E, f: F) -> MapOkOrElse<Self, F, E> where
F: FnOnce(Self::Ok) -> T,
E: FnOnce(Self::Error) -> T,
Maps this future’s success value to a different value, and permits for error handling resulting in the same type. Read more
Maps this future’s error value to a different value. Read more
Executes another future after this one resolves successfully. The success value is passed to a closure to create this subsequent future. Read more
Executes another future if this one resolves to an error. The error value is passed to a closure to create this subsequent future. Read more
Do something with the success value of a future before passing it on. Read more
Do something with the error value of a future before passing it on. Read more
fn try_flatten(self) -> TryFlatten<Self, Self::Ok> where
Self::Ok: TryFuture,
<Self::Ok as TryFuture>::Error == Self::Error,
fn try_flatten(self) -> TryFlatten<Self, Self::Ok> where
Self::Ok: TryFuture,
<Self::Ok as TryFuture>::Error == Self::Error,
Flatten the execution of this future when the successful result of this future is another future. Read more
fn try_flatten_stream(self) -> TryFlattenStream<Self> where
Self::Ok: TryStream,
<Self::Ok as TryStream>::Error == Self::Error,
fn try_flatten_stream(self) -> TryFlattenStream<Self> where
Self::Ok: TryStream,
<Self::Ok as TryStream>::Error == Self::Error,
Flatten the execution of this future when the successful result of this future is a stream. Read more
fn unwrap_or_else<F>(self, f: F) -> UnwrapOrElse<Self, F> where
F: FnOnce(Self::Error) -> Self::Ok,
fn unwrap_or_else<F>(self, f: F) -> UnwrapOrElse<Self, F> where
F: FnOnce(Self::Error) -> Self::Ok,
pub fn vzip(self) -> V
Attaches the provided Subscriber
to this type, returning a
wrapper. Read more
Attaches the current default Subscriber
to this type, returning a
wrapper. Read more