Trait aead::stream::NewStream[][src]

pub trait NewStream<A>: StreamPrimitive<A> where
    A: AeadInPlace,
    A::NonceSize: Sub<Self::NonceOverhead>,
    NonceSize<A, Self>: ArrayLength<u8>, 
{ fn from_aead(aead: A, nonce: &Nonce<A, Self>) -> Self; fn new(key: &Key<A>, nonce: &Nonce<A, Self>) -> Self
        A: NewAead,
        Self: Sized
, { ... } }
This is supported on crate feature stream only.
Expand description

Create a new STREAM from the provided AEAD.

Required methods

Create a new STREAM from the given AEAD cipher.

Provided methods

Create a new STREAM with the given key and nonce.
