pub trait CurveCycle {
    type E1: CurveGroup<BaseField = <Self::E2 as Group>::ScalarField, ScalarField = <Self::E2 as CurveGroup>::BaseField> + MulAssign<<Self::E2 as CurveGroup>::BaseField>;
    type E2: CurveGroup + MulAssign<<Self::E1 as CurveGroup>::BaseField>;
Expand description

Wrapper trait representing a cycle of elliptic curves (E1, E2) such that the base field of E1 is the scalar field of E2, and the scalar field of E1 is the base field of E2.

Required Associated Types§


type E1: CurveGroup<BaseField = <Self::E2 as Group>::ScalarField, ScalarField = <Self::E2 as CurveGroup>::BaseField> + MulAssign<<Self::E2 as CurveGroup>::BaseField>


type E2: CurveGroup + MulAssign<<Self::E1 as CurveGroup>::BaseField>
