Module xml Copy item path Source svg BodyRenderer Render for a body
component ComponentArguments A component can take various arguments (to pass down to its children), which are then
later compiled into Rust function arguments - for example CssMatcher DivRenderer Render for a div
component DomXml Wrapper for the XML parser - necessary to easily create a Dom from
XML without putting an XML solver into azul-core
. DuplicatedAttributeError DuplicatedNamespaceError DynamicXmlComponent Component that was created from a XML node (instead of being registered from Rust code).
Necessary to FilteredComponentArguments InvalidCharError InvalidCharMultipleError InvalidQuoteError InvalidSpaceError InvalidStringError NonXmlCharError TextRenderer Render for a p
component UnexpectedCloseTagError UnknownEntityReferenceError UnknownNamespaceError Xml XmlComponent XmlComponentMap Holds all XML components - builtin components XmlNode Represents one XML node tag XmlNodeVec XmlQualifiedName XmlTextError XmlTextPos CompileError Error that can happen from the translation from XML code to Rust code -
stringified, since it is only used for printing and is not exposed in the public API ComponentError ComponentParseError DomXmlParseError DynamicItem Item of a split string - either a variable name or a string RenderDomError ResultXmlXmlError XmlError XmlNodeType XmlNodeVecDestructor XmlParseError XmlStreamError c_void DEFAULT_ARGS XmlComponentTrait Specifies a component that reacts to a parsed XML node combine_and_replace_dynamic_items Combines the split string back into its original form while replacing the variables with their
values compile_body_node_to_rust_code compile_component compile_components compile_components_to_rust_code Takes all components and generates the source code function from them compile_node_to_rust_code_inner domxml_from_file Loads, parses and builds a DOM from an XML file domxml_from_str find_attribute find_node_by_type Searches in the the root_nodes
for a node_type
, convenience function in order to
for example find the first node in all these nodes. format_args_dynamic Given a string and a key => value mapping, replaces parts of the string with the value, i.e.: format_component_args get_body_node Find the one and only <body>
node, return error if
there is no app node or there are multiple app nodes get_html_node Find the one and only <body>
node, return error if
there is no app node or there are multiple app nodes get_item Given a root node, traverses along the hierarchy, and returns a
mutable reference to the last child node of the root node normalize_casing Normalizes input such as abcDef
, AbcDef
, abc-def
to the normalized form of abc_def
parse_bool Parses a string (“true” or “false”) parse_component_arguments Compiles a XML args="a: String, b: bool"
into a ["a" => "String", "b" => "bool"]
map parse_xml parse_xml_string Parses the XML string into an XML tree, returns
the root <app></app>
node, with the children attached to it. prepare_string render_component_inner render_dom_from_body_node render_dom_from_body_node_inner Takes a single (expanded) app node and renders the DOM or returns an error set_attributes set_stringified_attributes split_dynamic_string Splits a string into formatting arguments str_to_dom Parses an XML string and returns a StyledDom
with the components instantiated in the
str_to_rust_code Parses an XML string and returns a String
, which contains the Rust source code
(i.e. it compiles the XML to valid Rust) translate_roxmltree_expandedname validate_and_filter_component_args Filters the XML attributes of a component given XmlAttributeMap CompiledComponent ComponentArgumentName ComponentArgumentOrder ComponentArgumentType ComponentArgumentTypes ComponentName SyntaxError Error that can happen during hot-reload -
stringified, since it is only used for printing and is not exposed in the public API XmlAttributeMap Attributes of an XML node, such as ["color" => "blue"]
in <button color="blue" />
. XmlTagName Tag of an XML node, such as the “button” in <button>Hello</button>
. XmlTextContent (Unparsed) text content of an XML node, such as the “Hello” in <button>Hello</button>