- Svg
- SvgCircle
- SvgColored
Vertex - SvgColored
Vertex Vec - SvgCubic
Curve - SvgDash
Pattern - SvgFill
Style - SvgLine
- SvgMulti
Polygon - SvgMulti
Polygon Vec - SvgParse
Options - SvgPath
- SvgPath
Element Vec - SvgPath
Vec - SvgPoint
- SvgQuadratic
Curve - SvgRect
- SvgRender
Options - SvgRender
Transform - SvgSimple
Node Vec - SvgSize
- SvgStroke
Style - SvgStyled
Node - SvgTransform
- SvgVector
- SvgVertex
- SvgVertex
Vec - SvgXml
Node - SvgXml
Options - Tessellated
Colored SvgNode - Tessellated
Colored SvgNode Vec - TessellatedGPU
SvgNode - Tessellated
SvgNode - Tessellated
SvgNode Vec - Tessellated
SvgNode VecRef
- Font
Database - Image
Rendering - Indent
- Option
SvgDash Pattern - Result
SvgSvg Parse Error - Result
SvgXml Node SvgParse Error - Shape
Rendering - SvgColored
Vertex VecDestructor - SvgFill
Rule - SvgFit
To - SvgLine
Cap - SvgLine
Join - SvgMulti
Polygon VecDestructor - SvgNode
- One
corresponds to one SVG<path></path>
element - SvgParse
Error - SvgPath
Element - SvgPath
Element VecDestructor - SvgPath
VecDestructor - SvgSimple
Node - One
is either a path, a rect or a circle - SvgSimple
Node VecDestructor - SvgStyle
- SvgVertex
VecDestructor - Tessellated
Colored SvgNode VecDestructor - Tessellated
SvgNode VecDestructor - Text
Rendering - c_void
- allocate_
clipmask_ texture - apply_
fxaa - Applies an FXAA filter to the texture
- join_
tessellated_ colored_ nodes - join_
tessellated_ nodes - path_
contains_ point - polygon_
contains_ point - raw_
line_ intersection - render_
node_ clipmask_ cpu - render_
tessellated_ node_ gpu - svg_
multi_ polygon_ difference - svg_
multi_ polygon_ intersection - svg_
multi_ polygon_ union - svg_
multi_ polygon_ xor - svg_
node_ contains_ point - svg_
parse - NOTE: SVG file data may be Zlib compressed
- svg_
path_ bevel - svg_
path_ offset - svg_
render - svg_
root - svg_
to_ string - svgxmlnode_
parse - tessellate_
circle_ fill - tessellate_
circle_ stroke - tessellate_
cubiccurve_ stroke - tessellate_
line_ stroke - tessellate_
multi_ polygon_ fill - tessellate_
multi_ polygon_ stroke - tessellate_
multi_ shape_ fill - tessellate_
multi_ shape_ stroke - tessellate_
node_ fill - tessellate_
node_ stroke - tessellate_
path_ fill - tessellate_
path_ stroke - tessellate_
quadraticcurve_ stroke - tessellate_
rect_ fill - tessellate_
rect_ stroke - tessellate_
styled_ node - Tessellate the path using lyon
- tessellate_
svgpathelement_ stroke