//! The module defining the key value store.
//! Everything related the transaction for the key value store is defined in the `` file.
//! This module enables the following operations on the key value store:
//! - get
//! - set
//! - delete
//! - put
//! These operations can be processed by the following storage engines:
//! - `fdb`: [FoundationDB]( a distributed database designed to handle large volumes of structured data across clusters of commodity servers
//! - `indxdb`: WASM based database to store data in the browser
//! - `rocksdb`: [RocksDB]( an embeddable persistent key-value store for fast storage
//! - `speedb`: [SpeedyDB]( fork of rocksDB making it faster (Redis is using speedb but this is not acid transactions)
//! - `tikv`: [TiKV]( a distributed, and transactional key-value database
//! - `mem`: in-memory database
mod cache;
mod ds;
mod fdb;
mod indxdb;
mod kv;
mod mem;
mod rocksdb;
mod speedb;
mod tikv;
mod tx;
mod clock;
mod tests;
pub use self::ds::*;
pub use self::kv::*;
pub use self::tx::*;