Expand description
Global configuration register
- audio_
config_ 0 - Audio configuration register 0
- audio_
config_ 1 - Audio configuration register 1
- bmx_
cfg0 - bmx_cfg0.
- bmx_
cfg1 - bmx_cfg1.
- bmx_
cfg2 - bmx_cfg2.
- bmx_
cfg3 - bmx_cfg3.
- bmx_
cfg4 - bmx_cfg4.
- bmx_
cfg5 - bmx_cfg5.
- bmx_
cfg6 - bmx_cfg6.
- bus_
config_ 0 - Bus configuration register 0
- cam_
cfg0 - cam_cfg0.
- cgen_
cfg1 - cgen_s1a + cgen_s1
- cgen_
cfg2 - cgen_s1_ext + cgen_s3
- cgen_
cfg3 - cgen_cfg3.
- cgen_m
- cgen_m.
- chip_
inform - Chip information register
- clock_
config_ 0 - System clock configuration register 0
- clock_
config_ 1 - System clock configuration register 1
- core_
cfg16 - core_cfg16.
- core_
cfg17 - core_cfg17.
- core_
cfg18 - core_cfg18.
- core_
cfg19 - core_cfg19.
- core_
cfg20 - core_cfg20.
- core_
cfg21 - core_cfg21.
- dbi_
config - MIPI Display Bus Interface clock configuration
- debug_
cfg1 - debug_cfg1.
- debug_
config_ 0 - Debug configuration register 0
- debug_
config_ 1 - Debug configuration register 1
- debug_
config_ 2 - Debug configuration register 2
- debug_
config_ 3 - Debug configuration register 3
- debug_
config_ 4 - Debug configuration register 4
- digit_
clock_ 0 - Digital clock configuration 0
- digit_
clock_ 1 - Digital clock configuration 1
- digit_
clock_ 2 - Digital clock configuration 2
- dma_
config_ 0 - Direct Memory Access configuration 0
- dma_
config_ 1 - Direct Memory Access configuration 1
- dma_
config_ 2 - Direct Memory Access configuration 2
- emac_
config - Ethernet Media Access Control configuration
- flash_
config - Serial flash configuration
- glb_
parm_ cfg0 - glb_parm_cfg0.
- gpadc_
config - General Purpose Analog-to-digital convert configuration
- gpdac_
config_ 0 - General Purpose Digital-to-analog convert configuration 0
- gpdac_
config_ 1 - General Purpose Digital-to-analog convert configuration 1
- gpdac_
config_ 2 - General Purpose Digital-to-analog convert configuration 2
- gpdac_
config_ 3 - General Purpose Digital-to-analog convert configuration 3
- gpio_
clear_ 0 - Set pin output value to low (GPIO0 ~ GPIO31)
- gpio_
clear_ 1 - Set pin output value to low (GPIO32 ~ GPIO34)
- gpio_
config - Generic Purpose Input/Output config
- gpio_
input_ 0 - Read value from Generic Purpose Input/Output pins (GPIO0 ~ GPIO31)
- gpio_
input_ 1 - Read value from Generic Purpose Input/Output pins (GPIO32 ~ GPIO34)
- gpio_
output_ 0 - Write value to Generic Purpose Input/Output pins (GPIO0 ~ GPIO31)
- gpio_
output_ 1 - Write value to Generic Purpose Input/Output pins (GPIO32 ~ GPIO34)
- gpio_
set_ 0 - Set pin output value to high (GPIO0 ~ GPIO31)
- gpio_
set_ 1 - Set pin output value to high (GPIO32 ~ GPIO34)
- i2c_
config - Inter-Integrated Circuit bus configuration
- i2s_
config - Inter-IC Sound configuration
- interrupt_
clear - Chip clear interrupt register
- interrupt_
mask - Chip interrupt mask register
- interrupt_
state - Chip interrupt state register
- ir_
config_ 0 - Infrared configuration register 0
- ir_
config_ 1 - Infrared configuration register 1
- ldo18
- 1.8-V Low Dropout Linear Regulator configuration
- permit_
config - Permission control peripheral configuration
- pio_
cfg0 - pio_cfg0.
- proc_
mon - proc_mon.
- psram_
config - Pseudo Static Random-Access Memory configuration
- pwm_
cfg0 - pwm_cfg0.
- pwm_
config - Pulse-Width configuration
- radio_
config - Radio frequency configuration register
- reg_
sram_ parm - reg_sram_parm.
- reg_
sram_ parm2 - reg_sram_parm2.
- reg_
sram_ ret - reg_sram_ret.
- reg_
sram_ slp - reg_sram_slp.
- reset_
sts0 - reset_sts0.
- sdh_
config - Secure Digital host configuration
- sdio_
cfg0 - sdio_cfg0.
- self_
test_ 0 - Machine Built-in Self Test register 0
- self_
test_ 1 - Machine Built-in Self Test register 1
- spi_
config - Serial Peripheral Interface configuration
- sram_
cfg3 - sram_cfg3.
- swrst_
cfg0 - swrst_s1_ext + swrst_s3 + swrst_s2
- swrst_
cfg2 - swrst_cfg2.
- swrst_
cfg3 - Disable hreset
- swrst_
s1 - swrst_s1.
- uart_
config - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter configuration
- uart_
signal_ 0 - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter signal configuration 0
- uart_
signal_ 1 - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter signal configuration 1
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 0 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 0
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 1 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 1
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 2 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 2
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 3 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 3
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 4 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 4
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 5 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 5
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 6 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 6
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 7 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 7
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 8 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 8
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 9 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 9
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 10 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 10
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 11 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 11
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 12 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 12
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 13 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 13
- wifi_
pll_ config_ 14 - Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 14
- Register
Block - Register block
Type Aliases§
CONFIG_ 0 - audio_config_0 (rw) register accessor: Audio configuration register 0
CONFIG_ 1 - audio_config_1 (rw) register accessor: Audio configuration register 1
- BMX_
CFG0 - bmx_cfg0 (rw) register accessor: bmx_cfg0.
- BMX_
CFG1 - bmx_cfg1 (rw) register accessor: bmx_cfg1.
- BMX_
CFG2 - bmx_cfg2 (rw) register accessor: bmx_cfg2.
- BMX_
CFG3 - bmx_cfg3 (rw) register accessor: bmx_cfg3.
- BMX_
CFG4 - bmx_cfg4 (rw) register accessor: bmx_cfg4.
- BMX_
CFG5 - bmx_cfg5 (rw) register accessor: bmx_cfg5.
- BMX_
CFG6 - bmx_cfg6 (rw) register accessor: bmx_cfg6.
- BUS_
CONFIG_ 0 - bus_config_0 (rw) register accessor: Bus configuration register 0
- CAM_
CFG0 - cam_cfg0 (rw) register accessor: cam_cfg0.
CFG1 - cgen_cfg1 (rw) register accessor: cgen_s1a + cgen_s1
CFG2 - cgen_cfg2 (rw) register accessor: cgen_s1_ext + cgen_s3
CFG3 - cgen_cfg3 (rw) register accessor: cgen_cfg3.
- cgen_m (rw) register accessor: cgen_m.
INFORM - chip_inform (rw) register accessor: Chip information register
CONFIG_ 0 - clock_config_0 (rw) register accessor: System clock configuration register 0
CONFIG_ 1 - clock_config_1 (rw) register accessor: System clock configuration register 1
CFG16 - core_cfg16 (rw) register accessor: core_cfg16.
CFG17 - core_cfg17 (rw) register accessor: core_cfg17.
CFG18 - core_cfg18 (rw) register accessor: core_cfg18.
CFG19 - core_cfg19 (rw) register accessor: core_cfg19.
CFG20 - core_cfg20 (rw) register accessor: core_cfg20.
CFG21 - core_cfg21 (rw) register accessor: core_cfg21.
- DBI_
CONFIG - dbi_config (rw) register accessor: MIPI Display Bus Interface clock configuration
CFG1 - debug_cfg1 (rw) register accessor: debug_cfg1.
CONFIG_ 0 - debug_config_0 (rw) register accessor: Debug configuration register 0
CONFIG_ 1 - debug_config_1 (rw) register accessor: Debug configuration register 1
CONFIG_ 2 - debug_config_2 (rw) register accessor: Debug configuration register 2
CONFIG_ 3 - debug_config_3 (rw) register accessor: Debug configuration register 3
CONFIG_ 4 - debug_config_4 (rw) register accessor: Debug configuration register 4
CLOCK_ 0 - digit_clock_0 (rw) register accessor: Digital clock configuration 0
CLOCK_ 1 - digit_clock_1 (rw) register accessor: Digital clock configuration 1
CLOCK_ 2 - digit_clock_2 (rw) register accessor: Digital clock configuration 2
- DMA_
CONFIG_ 0 - dma_config_0 (rw) register accessor: Direct Memory Access configuration 0
- DMA_
CONFIG_ 1 - dma_config_1 (rw) register accessor: Direct Memory Access configuration 1
- DMA_
CONFIG_ 2 - dma_config_2 (rw) register accessor: Direct Memory Access configuration 2
CONFIG - emac_config (rw) register accessor: Ethernet Media Access Control configuration
CONFIG - flash_config (rw) register accessor: Serial flash configuration
- GLB_
PARM_ CFG0 - glb_parm_cfg0 (rw) register accessor: glb_parm_cfg0.
CONFIG - gpadc_config (rw) register accessor: General Purpose Analog-to-digital convert configuration
CONFIG_ 0 - gpdac_config_0 (rw) register accessor: General Purpose Digital-to-analog convert configuration 0
CONFIG_ 1 - gpdac_config_1 (rw) register accessor: General Purpose Digital-to-analog convert configuration 1
CONFIG_ 2 - gpdac_config_2 (rw) register accessor: General Purpose Digital-to-analog convert configuration 2
CONFIG_ 3 - gpdac_config_3 (rw) register accessor: General Purpose Digital-to-analog convert configuration 3
CLEAR_ 0 - gpio_clear_0 (rw) register accessor: Set pin output value to low (GPIO0 ~ GPIO31)
CLEAR_ 1 - gpio_clear_1 (rw) register accessor: Set pin output value to low (GPIO32 ~ GPIO34)
CONFIG - gpio_config (rw) register accessor: Generic Purpose Input/Output config
INPUT_ 0 - gpio_input_0 (rw) register accessor: Read value from Generic Purpose Input/Output pins (GPIO0 ~ GPIO31)
INPUT_ 1 - gpio_input_1 (rw) register accessor: Read value from Generic Purpose Input/Output pins (GPIO32 ~ GPIO34)
OUTPUT_ 0 - gpio_output_0 (rw) register accessor: Write value to Generic Purpose Input/Output pins (GPIO0 ~ GPIO31)
OUTPUT_ 1 - gpio_output_1 (rw) register accessor: Write value to Generic Purpose Input/Output pins (GPIO32 ~ GPIO34)
SET_ 0 - gpio_set_0 (rw) register accessor: Set pin output value to high (GPIO0 ~ GPIO31)
SET_ 1 - gpio_set_1 (rw) register accessor: Set pin output value to high (GPIO32 ~ GPIO34)
- I2C_
CONFIG - i2c_config (rw) register accessor: Inter-Integrated Circuit bus configuration
- I2S_
CONFIG - i2s_config (rw) register accessor: Inter-IC Sound configuration
CLEAR - interrupt_clear (rw) register accessor: Chip clear interrupt register
MASK - interrupt_mask (rw) register accessor: Chip interrupt mask register
STATE - interrupt_state (rw) register accessor: Chip interrupt state register
- IR_
CONFIG_ 0 - ir_config_0 (rw) register accessor: Infrared configuration register 0
- IR_
CONFIG_ 1 - ir_config_1 (rw) register accessor: Infrared configuration register 1
- LDO18
- ldo18 (rw) register accessor: 1.8-V Low Dropout Linear Regulator configuration
CONFIG - permit_config (rw) register accessor: Permission control peripheral configuration
- PIO_
CFG0 - pio_cfg0 (rw) register accessor: pio_cfg0.
MON - proc_mon (rw) register accessor: proc_mon.
CONFIG - psram_config (rw) register accessor: Pseudo Static Random-Access Memory configuration
- PWM_
CFG0 - pwm_cfg0 (rw) register accessor: pwm_cfg0.
- PWM_
CONFIG - pwm_config (rw) register accessor: Pulse-Width configuration
CONFIG - radio_config (rw) register accessor: Radio frequency configuration register
- REG_
SRAM_ PARM - reg_sram_parm (rw) register accessor: reg_sram_parm.
- REG_
SRAM_ PARM2 - reg_sram_parm2 (rw) register accessor: reg_sram_parm2.
- REG_
SRAM_ RET - reg_sram_ret (rw) register accessor: reg_sram_ret.
- REG_
SRAM_ SLP - reg_sram_slp (rw) register accessor: reg_sram_slp.
STS0 - reset_sts0 (rw) register accessor: reset_sts0.
- SDH_
CONFIG - sdh_config (rw) register accessor: Secure Digital host configuration
CFG0 - sdio_cfg0 (rw) register accessor: sdio_cfg0.
TEST_ 0 - self_test_0 (rw) register accessor: Machine Built-in Self Test register 0
TEST_ 1 - self_test_1 (rw) register accessor: Machine Built-in Self Test register 1
- SPI_
CONFIG - spi_config (rw) register accessor: Serial Peripheral Interface configuration
CFG3 - sram_cfg3 (rw) register accessor: sram_cfg3.
CFG0 - swrst_cfg0 (rw) register accessor: swrst_s1_ext + swrst_s3 + swrst_s2
CFG2 - swrst_cfg2 (rw) register accessor: swrst_cfg2.
CFG3 - swrst_cfg3 (rw) register accessor: Disable hreset
S1 - swrst_s1 (rw) register accessor: swrst_s1.
CONFIG - uart_config (rw) register accessor: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter configuration
SIGNAL_ 0 - uart_signal_0 (rw) register accessor: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter signal configuration 0
SIGNAL_ 1 - uart_signal_1 (rw) register accessor: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter signal configuration 1
PLL_ CONFIG_ 0 - wifi_pll_config_0 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 0
PLL_ CONFIG_ 1 - wifi_pll_config_1 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 1
PLL_ CONFIG_ 2 - wifi_pll_config_2 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 2
PLL_ CONFIG_ 3 - wifi_pll_config_3 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 3
PLL_ CONFIG_ 4 - wifi_pll_config_4 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 4
PLL_ CONFIG_ 5 - wifi_pll_config_5 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 5
PLL_ CONFIG_ 6 - wifi_pll_config_6 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 6
PLL_ CONFIG_ 7 - wifi_pll_config_7 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 7
PLL_ CONFIG_ 8 - wifi_pll_config_8 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 8
PLL_ CONFIG_ 9 - wifi_pll_config_9 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 9
PLL_ CONFIG_ 10 - wifi_pll_config_10 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 10
PLL_ CONFIG_ 11 - wifi_pll_config_11 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 11
PLL_ CONFIG_ 12 - wifi_pll_config_12 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 12
PLL_ CONFIG_ 13 - wifi_pll_config_13 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 13
PLL_ CONFIG_ 14 - wifi_pll_config_14 (rw) register accessor: Wireless Fidelity Phase-Locked Loop configuration 14