Struct NonZero

1.79.0 ยท Source
pub struct NonZero<T>(/* private fields */)
    T: ZeroablePrimitive;
Expand description

A value that is known not to equal zero.

This enables some memory layout optimization. For example, Option<NonZero<u32>> is the same size as u32:

use core::{mem::size_of, num::NonZero};

assert_eq!(size_of::<Option<NonZero<u32>>>(), size_of::<u32>());


NonZero<T> is guaranteed to have the same layout and bit validity as T with the exception that the all-zero bit pattern is invalid. Option<NonZero<T>> is guaranteed to be compatible with T, including in FFI.

Thanks to the null pointer optimization, NonZero<T> and Option<NonZero<T>> are guaranteed to have the same size and alignment:

use std::num::NonZero;

assert_eq!(size_of::<NonZero<u32>>(), size_of::<Option<NonZero<u32>>>());
assert_eq!(align_of::<NonZero<u32>>(), align_of::<Option<NonZero<u32>>>());



impl<T> NonZero<T>

1.28.0 (const: 1.47.0) ยท Source

pub const fn new(n: T) -> Option<NonZero<T>>

Creates a non-zero if the given value is not zero.

1.28.0 (const: 1.28.0) ยท Source

pub const unsafe fn new_unchecked(n: T) -> NonZero<T>

Creates a non-zero without checking whether the value is non-zero. This results in undefined behavior if the value is zero.


The value must not be zero.


pub fn from_mut(n: &mut T) -> Option<&mut NonZero<T>>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_from_mut)

Converts a reference to a non-zero mutable reference if the referenced value is not zero.


pub unsafe fn from_mut_unchecked(n: &mut T) -> &mut NonZero<T>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_from_mut)

Converts a mutable reference to a non-zero mutable reference without checking whether the referenced value is non-zero. This results in undefined behavior if the referenced value is zero.


The referenced value must not be zero.

1.28.0 (const: 1.34.0) ยท Source

pub const fn get(self) -> T

Returns the contained value as a primitive type.


impl NonZero<u8>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 8u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to u8::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u8>::BITS, u8::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<u8>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, 1.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u8>::MIN.get(), 1u8);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<u8>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to u8::MAX.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u8>::MAX.get(), u8::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u8>::new(u8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u8>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<u8>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<u8>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<u8>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<u8>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<u8>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<u8>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x82u8)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0xa)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(2), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0xau8)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x82)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(2), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12u8)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x12)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12u8)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroU8;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au8)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU8::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU8::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroU8;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au8)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU8::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU8::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au8)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au8)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_add(self, other: u8) -> Option<NonZero<u8>>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1u8)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u8)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), one.checked_add(1));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_add(1));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_add(self, other: u8) -> NonZero<u8>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Return NonZero::<u8>::MAX on overflow.

let one = NonZero::new(1u8)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u8)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(two, one.saturating_add(1));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_add(1));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_add(self, other: u8) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self + rhs > u8::MAX.


let one = NonZero::new(1u8)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u8)?;

assert_eq!(two, unsafe { one.unchecked_add(1) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_next_power_of_two(self) -> Option<NonZero<u8>>

Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to self. Checks for overflow and returns None if the next power of two is greater than the typeโ€™s maximum value. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2u8)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3u8)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u8)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), two.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(Some(four), three.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_next_power_of_two() );
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog2(self) -> u32

Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as u8::ilog2, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(7u8)?.ilog2(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(8u8)?.ilog2(), 3);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(9u8)?.ilog2(), 3);
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog10(self) -> u32

Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as u8::ilog10, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(99u8)?.ilog10(), 1);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(100u8)?.ilog10(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(101u8)?.ilog10(), 2);
1.85.0 (const: 1.85.0) ยท Source

pub const fn midpoint(self, rhs: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<u8>

Calculates the middle point of self and rhs.

midpoint(a, b) is (a + b) >> 1 as if it were performed in a sufficiently-large signed integral type. This implies that the result is always rounded towards negative infinity and that no overflow will ever occur.

let one = NonZero::new(1u8)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u8)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u8)?;

assert_eq!(one.midpoint(four), two);
assert_eq!(four.midpoint(one), two);
1.59.0 (const: 1.59.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_power_of_two(self) -> bool

Returns true if and only if self == (1 << k) for some k.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than is_power_of_two() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let eight = NonZero::new(8u8)?;
let ten = NonZero::new(10u8)?;
1.84.0 (const: 1.84.0) ยท Source

pub const fn isqrt(self) -> NonZero<u8>

Returns the square root of the number, rounded down.


Basic usage:

let ten = NonZero::new(10u8)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3u8)?;

assert_eq!(ten.isqrt(), three);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_signed(self) -> NonZero<i8>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as a signed integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u8>::MAX;

assert_eq!(n.cast_signed(), NonZero::new(-1i8).unwrap());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<u8>) -> Option<NonZero<u8>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2u8)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u8)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<u8>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<u8>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2u8)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u8)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > u8::MAX.


let two = NonZero::new(2u8)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u8)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<u8>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3u8)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27u8)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(u8::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<u8>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<u8>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3u8)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27u8)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

impl NonZero<u8>


pub const fn div_ceil(self, rhs: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<u8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (unsigned_nonzero_div_ceil)

Calculates the quotient of self and rhs, rounding the result towards positive infinity.

The result is guaranteed to be non-zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1u8).unwrap();
let max = NonZero::new(u8::MAX).unwrap();
assert_eq!(one.div_ceil(max), one);

let two = NonZero::new(2u8).unwrap();
let three = NonZero::new(3u8).unwrap();
assert_eq!(three.div_ceil(two), two);

impl NonZero<u16>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 16u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to u16::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u16>::BITS, u16::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<u16>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, 1.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u16>::MIN.get(), 1u16);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<u16>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to u16::MAX.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u16>::MAX.get(), u16::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u16>::new(u16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u16>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<u16>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<u16>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<u16>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<u16>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<u16>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<u16>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0xa003u16)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x3a)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(4), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x3au16)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0xa003)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(4), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234u16)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x3412)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234u16)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x2c48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroU16;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au16)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU16::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU16::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroU16;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au16)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU16::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU16::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au16)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au16)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_add(self, other: u16) -> Option<NonZero<u16>>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1u16)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u16)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), one.checked_add(1));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_add(1));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_add(self, other: u16) -> NonZero<u16>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Return NonZero::<u16>::MAX on overflow.

let one = NonZero::new(1u16)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u16)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(two, one.saturating_add(1));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_add(1));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_add(self, other: u16) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self + rhs > u16::MAX.


let one = NonZero::new(1u16)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u16)?;

assert_eq!(two, unsafe { one.unchecked_add(1) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_next_power_of_two(self) -> Option<NonZero<u16>>

Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to self. Checks for overflow and returns None if the next power of two is greater than the typeโ€™s maximum value. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2u16)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3u16)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u16)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), two.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(Some(four), three.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_next_power_of_two() );
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog2(self) -> u32

Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as u16::ilog2, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(7u16)?.ilog2(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(8u16)?.ilog2(), 3);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(9u16)?.ilog2(), 3);
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog10(self) -> u32

Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as u16::ilog10, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(99u16)?.ilog10(), 1);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(100u16)?.ilog10(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(101u16)?.ilog10(), 2);
1.85.0 (const: 1.85.0) ยท Source

pub const fn midpoint(self, rhs: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<u16>

Calculates the middle point of self and rhs.

midpoint(a, b) is (a + b) >> 1 as if it were performed in a sufficiently-large signed integral type. This implies that the result is always rounded towards negative infinity and that no overflow will ever occur.

let one = NonZero::new(1u16)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u16)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u16)?;

assert_eq!(one.midpoint(four), two);
assert_eq!(four.midpoint(one), two);
1.59.0 (const: 1.59.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_power_of_two(self) -> bool

Returns true if and only if self == (1 << k) for some k.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than is_power_of_two() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let eight = NonZero::new(8u16)?;
let ten = NonZero::new(10u16)?;
1.84.0 (const: 1.84.0) ยท Source

pub const fn isqrt(self) -> NonZero<u16>

Returns the square root of the number, rounded down.


Basic usage:

let ten = NonZero::new(10u16)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3u16)?;

assert_eq!(ten.isqrt(), three);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_signed(self) -> NonZero<i16>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as a signed integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u16>::MAX;

assert_eq!(n.cast_signed(), NonZero::new(-1i16).unwrap());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<u16>) -> Option<NonZero<u16>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2u16)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u16)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<u16>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<u16>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2u16)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u16)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > u16::MAX.


let two = NonZero::new(2u16)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u16)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<u16>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3u16)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27u16)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(u16::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<u16>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<u16>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3u16)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27u16)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

impl NonZero<u16>


pub const fn div_ceil(self, rhs: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<u16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (unsigned_nonzero_div_ceil)

Calculates the quotient of self and rhs, rounding the result towards positive infinity.

The result is guaranteed to be non-zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1u16).unwrap();
let max = NonZero::new(u16::MAX).unwrap();
assert_eq!(one.div_ceil(max), one);

let two = NonZero::new(2u16).unwrap();
let three = NonZero::new(3u16).unwrap();
assert_eq!(three.div_ceil(two), two);

impl NonZero<u32>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 32u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to u32::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u32>::BITS, u32::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<u32>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, 1.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u32>::MIN.get(), 1u32);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<u32>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to u32::MAX.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u32>::MAX.get(), u32::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u32>::new(u32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u32>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<u32>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<u32>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<u32>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<u32>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<u32>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<u32>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x10000b3u32)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0xb301)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(8), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0xb301u32)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x10000b3)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(8), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12345678u32)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x78563412)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12345678u32)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x1e6a2c48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroU32;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au32)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU32::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU32::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroU32;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au32)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU32::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU32::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au32)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au32)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_add(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<u32>>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1u32)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u32)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), one.checked_add(1));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_add(1));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_add(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<u32>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Return NonZero::<u32>::MAX on overflow.

let one = NonZero::new(1u32)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u32)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(two, one.saturating_add(1));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_add(1));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_add(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self + rhs > u32::MAX.


let one = NonZero::new(1u32)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u32)?;

assert_eq!(two, unsafe { one.unchecked_add(1) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_next_power_of_two(self) -> Option<NonZero<u32>>

Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to self. Checks for overflow and returns None if the next power of two is greater than the typeโ€™s maximum value. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2u32)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3u32)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u32)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), two.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(Some(four), three.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_next_power_of_two() );
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog2(self) -> u32

Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as u32::ilog2, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(7u32)?.ilog2(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(8u32)?.ilog2(), 3);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(9u32)?.ilog2(), 3);
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog10(self) -> u32

Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as u32::ilog10, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(99u32)?.ilog10(), 1);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(100u32)?.ilog10(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(101u32)?.ilog10(), 2);
1.85.0 (const: 1.85.0) ยท Source

pub const fn midpoint(self, rhs: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<u32>

Calculates the middle point of self and rhs.

midpoint(a, b) is (a + b) >> 1 as if it were performed in a sufficiently-large signed integral type. This implies that the result is always rounded towards negative infinity and that no overflow will ever occur.

let one = NonZero::new(1u32)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u32)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u32)?;

assert_eq!(one.midpoint(four), two);
assert_eq!(four.midpoint(one), two);
1.59.0 (const: 1.59.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_power_of_two(self) -> bool

Returns true if and only if self == (1 << k) for some k.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than is_power_of_two() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let eight = NonZero::new(8u32)?;
let ten = NonZero::new(10u32)?;
1.84.0 (const: 1.84.0) ยท Source

pub const fn isqrt(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the square root of the number, rounded down.


Basic usage:

let ten = NonZero::new(10u32)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3u32)?;

assert_eq!(ten.isqrt(), three);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_signed(self) -> NonZero<i32>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as a signed integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u32>::MAX;

assert_eq!(n.cast_signed(), NonZero::new(-1i32).unwrap());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<u32>) -> Option<NonZero<u32>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2u32)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u32)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<u32>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<u32>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2u32)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u32)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > u32::MAX.


let two = NonZero::new(2u32)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u32)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<u32>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3u32)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27u32)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(u32::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<u32>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<u32>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3u32)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27u32)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

impl NonZero<u32>


pub const fn div_ceil(self, rhs: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<u32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (unsigned_nonzero_div_ceil)

Calculates the quotient of self and rhs, rounding the result towards positive infinity.

The result is guaranteed to be non-zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1u32).unwrap();
let max = NonZero::new(u32::MAX).unwrap();
assert_eq!(one.div_ceil(max), one);

let two = NonZero::new(2u32).unwrap();
let three = NonZero::new(3u32).unwrap();
assert_eq!(three.div_ceil(two), two);

impl NonZero<u64>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 64u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to u64::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u64>::BITS, u64::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<u64>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, 1.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u64>::MIN.get(), 1u64);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<u64>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to u64::MAX.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u64>::MAX.get(), u64::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u64>::new(u64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u64>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<u64>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<u64>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<u64>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<u64>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<u64>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<u64>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0xaa00000000006e1u64)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x6e10aa)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(12), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x6e10aau64)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0xaa00000000006e1)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(12), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234567890123456u64)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x5634129078563412)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234567890123456u64)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x6a2c48091e6a2c48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<u64>) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroU64;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au64)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU64::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU64::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<u64>) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroU64;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au64)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU64::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU64::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au64)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au64)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_add(self, other: u64) -> Option<NonZero<u64>>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1u64)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u64)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), one.checked_add(1));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_add(1));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_add(self, other: u64) -> NonZero<u64>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Return NonZero::<u64>::MAX on overflow.

let one = NonZero::new(1u64)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u64)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(two, one.saturating_add(1));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_add(1));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_add(self, other: u64) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self + rhs > u64::MAX.


let one = NonZero::new(1u64)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u64)?;

assert_eq!(two, unsafe { one.unchecked_add(1) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_next_power_of_two(self) -> Option<NonZero<u64>>

Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to self. Checks for overflow and returns None if the next power of two is greater than the typeโ€™s maximum value. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2u64)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3u64)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u64)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), two.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(Some(four), three.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_next_power_of_two() );
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog2(self) -> u32

Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as u64::ilog2, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(7u64)?.ilog2(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(8u64)?.ilog2(), 3);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(9u64)?.ilog2(), 3);
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog10(self) -> u32

Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as u64::ilog10, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(99u64)?.ilog10(), 1);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(100u64)?.ilog10(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(101u64)?.ilog10(), 2);
1.85.0 (const: 1.85.0) ยท Source

pub const fn midpoint(self, rhs: NonZero<u64>) -> NonZero<u64>

Calculates the middle point of self and rhs.

midpoint(a, b) is (a + b) >> 1 as if it were performed in a sufficiently-large signed integral type. This implies that the result is always rounded towards negative infinity and that no overflow will ever occur.

let one = NonZero::new(1u64)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u64)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u64)?;

assert_eq!(one.midpoint(four), two);
assert_eq!(four.midpoint(one), two);
1.59.0 (const: 1.59.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_power_of_two(self) -> bool

Returns true if and only if self == (1 << k) for some k.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than is_power_of_two() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let eight = NonZero::new(8u64)?;
let ten = NonZero::new(10u64)?;
1.84.0 (const: 1.84.0) ยท Source

pub const fn isqrt(self) -> NonZero<u64>

Returns the square root of the number, rounded down.


Basic usage:

let ten = NonZero::new(10u64)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3u64)?;

assert_eq!(ten.isqrt(), three);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_signed(self) -> NonZero<i64>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as a signed integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u64>::MAX;

assert_eq!(n.cast_signed(), NonZero::new(-1i64).unwrap());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<u64>) -> Option<NonZero<u64>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2u64)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u64)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<u64>) -> NonZero<u64>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<u64>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2u64)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u64)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<u64>) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > u64::MAX.


let two = NonZero::new(2u64)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u64)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<u64>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3u64)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27u64)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(u64::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<u64>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<u64>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3u64)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27u64)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

impl NonZero<u64>


pub const fn div_ceil(self, rhs: NonZero<u64>) -> NonZero<u64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (unsigned_nonzero_div_ceil)

Calculates the quotient of self and rhs, rounding the result towards positive infinity.

The result is guaranteed to be non-zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1u64).unwrap();
let max = NonZero::new(u64::MAX).unwrap();
assert_eq!(one.div_ceil(max), one);

let two = NonZero::new(2u64).unwrap();
let three = NonZero::new(3u64).unwrap();
assert_eq!(three.div_ceil(two), two);

impl NonZero<u128>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 128u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to u128::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u128>::BITS, u128::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<u128>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, 1.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u128>::MIN.get(), 1u128);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<u128>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to u128::MAX.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<u128>::MAX.get(), u128::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u128>::new(u128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u128>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<u128>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<u128>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<u128>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<u128>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<u128>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<u128>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x13f40000000000000000000000004f76u128)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x4f7613f4)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(16), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x4f7613f4u128)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x13f40000000000000000000000004f76)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(16), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12345678901234567890123456789012u128)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x12907856341290785634129078563412)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12345678901234567890123456789012u128)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x48091e6a2c48091e6a2c48091e6a2c48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<u128>) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroU128;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au128)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU128::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU128::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<u128>) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroU128;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au128)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU128::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroU128::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au128)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Au128)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_add(self, other: u128) -> Option<NonZero<u128>>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1u128)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u128)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), one.checked_add(1));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_add(1));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_add(self, other: u128) -> NonZero<u128>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Return NonZero::<u128>::MAX on overflow.

let one = NonZero::new(1u128)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u128)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(two, one.saturating_add(1));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_add(1));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_add(self, other: u128) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self + rhs > u128::MAX.


let one = NonZero::new(1u128)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u128)?;

assert_eq!(two, unsafe { one.unchecked_add(1) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_next_power_of_two(self) -> Option<NonZero<u128>>

Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to self. Checks for overflow and returns None if the next power of two is greater than the typeโ€™s maximum value. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2u128)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3u128)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u128)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), two.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(Some(four), three.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_next_power_of_two() );
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog2(self) -> u32

Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as u128::ilog2, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(7u128)?.ilog2(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(8u128)?.ilog2(), 3);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(9u128)?.ilog2(), 3);
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog10(self) -> u32

Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as u128::ilog10, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(99u128)?.ilog10(), 1);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(100u128)?.ilog10(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(101u128)?.ilog10(), 2);
1.85.0 (const: 1.85.0) ยท Source

pub const fn midpoint(self, rhs: NonZero<u128>) -> NonZero<u128>

Calculates the middle point of self and rhs.

midpoint(a, b) is (a + b) >> 1 as if it were performed in a sufficiently-large signed integral type. This implies that the result is always rounded towards negative infinity and that no overflow will ever occur.

let one = NonZero::new(1u128)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2u128)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u128)?;

assert_eq!(one.midpoint(four), two);
assert_eq!(four.midpoint(one), two);
1.59.0 (const: 1.59.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_power_of_two(self) -> bool

Returns true if and only if self == (1 << k) for some k.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than is_power_of_two() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let eight = NonZero::new(8u128)?;
let ten = NonZero::new(10u128)?;
1.84.0 (const: 1.84.0) ยท Source

pub const fn isqrt(self) -> NonZero<u128>

Returns the square root of the number, rounded down.


Basic usage:

let ten = NonZero::new(10u128)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3u128)?;

assert_eq!(ten.isqrt(), three);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_signed(self) -> NonZero<i128>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as a signed integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<u128>::MAX;

assert_eq!(n.cast_signed(), NonZero::new(-1i128).unwrap());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<u128>) -> Option<NonZero<u128>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2u128)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u128)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<u128>) -> NonZero<u128>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<u128>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2u128)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u128)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<u128>) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > u128::MAX.


let two = NonZero::new(2u128)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4u128)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<u128>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3u128)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27u128)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(u128::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<u128>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<u128>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3u128)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27u128)?;
let max = NonZero::new(u128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

impl NonZero<u128>


pub const fn div_ceil(self, rhs: NonZero<u128>) -> NonZero<u128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (unsigned_nonzero_div_ceil)

Calculates the quotient of self and rhs, rounding the result towards positive infinity.

The result is guaranteed to be non-zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1u128).unwrap();
let max = NonZero::new(u128::MAX).unwrap();
assert_eq!(one.div_ceil(max), one);

let two = NonZero::new(2u128).unwrap();
let three = NonZero::new(3u128).unwrap();
assert_eq!(three.div_ceil(two), two);

impl NonZero<usize>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 64u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to usize::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<usize>::BITS, usize::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<usize>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, 1.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<usize>::MIN.get(), 1usize);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<usize>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to usize::MAX.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<usize>::MAX.get(), usize::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<usize>::new(usize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<usize>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<usize>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<usize>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<usize>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<usize>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<usize>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<usize>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0xaa00000000006e1usize)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x6e10aa)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(12), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x6e10aausize)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0xaa00000000006e1)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(12), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234567890123456usize)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x5634129078563412)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234567890123456usize)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x6a2c48091e6a2c48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<usize>) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ausize)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroUsize::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroUsize::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<usize>) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ausize)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroUsize::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroUsize::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ausize)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ausize)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_add(self, other: usize) -> Option<NonZero<usize>>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1usize)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2usize)?;
let max = NonZero::new(usize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), one.checked_add(1));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_add(1));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_add(self, other: usize) -> NonZero<usize>

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value. Return NonZero::<usize>::MAX on overflow.

let one = NonZero::new(1usize)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2usize)?;
let max = NonZero::new(usize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(two, one.saturating_add(1));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_add(1));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_add(self, other: usize) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Adds an unsigned integer to a non-zero value, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self + rhs > usize::MAX.


let one = NonZero::new(1usize)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2usize)?;

assert_eq!(two, unsafe { one.unchecked_add(1) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_next_power_of_two(self) -> Option<NonZero<usize>>

Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to self. Checks for overflow and returns None if the next power of two is greater than the typeโ€™s maximum value. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2usize)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3usize)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4usize)?;
let max = NonZero::new(usize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(two), two.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(Some(four), three.checked_next_power_of_two() );
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_next_power_of_two() );
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog2(self) -> u32

Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as usize::ilog2, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(7usize)?.ilog2(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(8usize)?.ilog2(), 3);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(9usize)?.ilog2(), 3);
1.67.0 (const: 1.67.0) ยท Source

pub const fn ilog10(self) -> u32

Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number, rounded down.

This is the same operation as usize::ilog10, except that it has no failure cases to worry about since this value can never be zero.

assert_eq!(NonZero::new(99usize)?.ilog10(), 1);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(100usize)?.ilog10(), 2);
assert_eq!(NonZero::new(101usize)?.ilog10(), 2);
1.85.0 (const: 1.85.0) ยท Source

pub const fn midpoint(self, rhs: NonZero<usize>) -> NonZero<usize>

Calculates the middle point of self and rhs.

midpoint(a, b) is (a + b) >> 1 as if it were performed in a sufficiently-large signed integral type. This implies that the result is always rounded towards negative infinity and that no overflow will ever occur.

let one = NonZero::new(1usize)?;
let two = NonZero::new(2usize)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4usize)?;

assert_eq!(one.midpoint(four), two);
assert_eq!(four.midpoint(one), two);
1.59.0 (const: 1.59.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_power_of_two(self) -> bool

Returns true if and only if self == (1 << k) for some k.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than is_power_of_two() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let eight = NonZero::new(8usize)?;
let ten = NonZero::new(10usize)?;
1.84.0 (const: 1.84.0) ยท Source

pub const fn isqrt(self) -> NonZero<usize>

Returns the square root of the number, rounded down.


Basic usage:

let ten = NonZero::new(10usize)?;
let three = NonZero::new(3usize)?;

assert_eq!(ten.isqrt(), three);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_signed(self) -> NonZero<isize>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as a signed integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<usize>::MAX;

assert_eq!(n.cast_signed(), NonZero::new(-1isize).unwrap());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<usize>) -> Option<NonZero<usize>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2usize)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4usize)?;
let max = NonZero::new(usize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<usize>) -> NonZero<usize>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<usize>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2usize)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4usize)?;
let max = NonZero::new(usize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<usize>) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > usize::MAX.


let two = NonZero::new(2usize)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4usize)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<usize>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3usize)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27usize)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(usize::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<usize>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<usize>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3usize)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27usize)?;
let max = NonZero::new(usize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

impl NonZero<usize>


pub const fn div_ceil(self, rhs: NonZero<usize>) -> NonZero<usize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (unsigned_nonzero_div_ceil)

Calculates the quotient of self and rhs, rounding the result towards positive infinity.

The result is guaranteed to be non-zero.

let one = NonZero::new(1usize).unwrap();
let max = NonZero::new(usize::MAX).unwrap();
assert_eq!(one.div_ceil(max), one);

let two = NonZero::new(2usize).unwrap();
let three = NonZero::new(3usize).unwrap();
assert_eq!(three.div_ceil(two), two);

impl NonZero<i8>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 8u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to i8::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i8>::BITS, i8::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<i8>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to i8::MIN.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i8>::MIN.get(), i8::MIN);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<i8>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to i8::MAX.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i8>::MAX.get(), i8::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<i8>::new(-1i8)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<i8>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<i8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<i8>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<i8>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<i8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<i8>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<i8>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<i8>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<i8>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<i8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(-0x7ei8)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0xa)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(2), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<i8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0xai8)?;
let m = NonZero::new(-0x7e)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(2), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<i8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12i8)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x12)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<i8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12i8)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<i8>) -> NonZero<i8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroI8;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai8)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI8::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI8::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<i8>) -> NonZero<i8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroI8;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai8)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI8::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI8::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<i8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai8)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<i8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai8)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn abs(self) -> NonZero<i8>

Computes the absolute value of self. See i8::abs for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i8)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i8)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_abs(self) -> Option<NonZero<i8>>

Checked absolute value. Checks for overflow and returns None if self == NonZero::<i8>::MIN. The result cannot be zero.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i8)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i8)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i8::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(Some(pos), neg.checked_abs());
assert_eq!(None, min.checked_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_abs(self) -> (NonZero<i8>, bool)

Computes the absolute value of self, with overflow information, see i8::overflowing_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i8)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i8)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i8::MIN)?;

assert_eq!((pos, false), pos.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((pos, false), neg.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((min, true), min.overflowing_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_abs(self) -> NonZero<i8>

Saturating absolute value, see i8::saturating_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i8)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i8)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i8::MIN)?;
let min_plus = NonZero::new(i8::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min_plus.saturating_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_abs(self) -> NonZero<i8>

Wrapping absolute value, see i8::wrapping_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i8)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i8)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i8::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(min, min.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(max, (-max).wrapping_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn unsigned_abs(self) -> NonZero<u8>

Computes the absolute value of self without any wrapping or panicking.

let u_pos = NonZero::new(1u8)?;
let i_pos = NonZero::new(1i8)?;
let i_neg = NonZero::new(-1i8)?;
let i_min = NonZero::new(i8::MIN)?;
let u_max = NonZero::new(u8::MAX / 2 + 1)?;

assert_eq!(u_pos, i_pos.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_pos, i_neg.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_max, i_min.unsigned_abs());
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_positive(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is positive and false if the number is negative.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i8)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i8)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_negative(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is negative and false if the number is positive.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i8)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i8)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_neg(self) -> Option<NonZero<i8>>

Checked negation. Computes -self, returning None if self == NonZero::<i8>::MIN.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i8)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i8)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i8::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.checked_neg(), Some(neg_five));
assert_eq!(min.checked_neg(), None);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_neg(self) -> (NonZero<i8>, bool)

Negates self, overflowing if this is equal to the minimum value.

See i8::overflowing_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i8)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i8)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i8::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.overflowing_neg(), (neg_five, false));
assert_eq!(min.overflowing_neg(), (min, true));
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_neg(self) -> NonZero<i8>

Saturating negation. Computes -self, returning NonZero::<i8>::MAX if self == NonZero::<i8>::MIN instead of overflowing.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i8)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i8)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i8::MIN)?;
let min_plus_one = NonZero::new(i8::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.saturating_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.saturating_neg(), max);
assert_eq!(max.saturating_neg(), min_plus_one);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_neg(self) -> NonZero<i8>

Wrapping (modular) negation. Computes -self, wrapping around at the boundary of the type.

See i8::wrapping_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i8)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i8)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i8::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.wrapping_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.wrapping_neg(), min);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_unsigned(self) -> NonZero<u8>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as an unsigned integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(-1i8).unwrap();

assert_eq!(n.cast_unsigned(), NonZero::<u8>::MAX);
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<i8>) -> Option<NonZero<i8>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2i8)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i8)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<i8>) -> NonZero<i8>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<i8>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2i8)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i8)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<i8>) -> NonZero<i8>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > i8::MAX, or self * rhs < i8::MIN.


let two = NonZero::new(2i8)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i8)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<i8>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3i8)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27i8)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(i8::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<i8>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<i8>::MIN or NonZero::<i8>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3i8)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27i8)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i8::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

impl NonZero<i16>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 16u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to i16::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i16>::BITS, i16::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<i16>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to i16::MIN.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i16>::MIN.get(), i16::MIN);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<i16>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to i16::MAX.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i16>::MAX.get(), i16::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<i16>::new(-1i16)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<i16>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<i16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<i16>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<i16>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<i16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<i16>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<i16>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<i16>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<i16>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<i16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(-0x5ffdi16)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x3a)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(4), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<i16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x3ai16)?;
let m = NonZero::new(-0x5ffd)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(4), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<i16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234i16)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x3412)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<i16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234i16)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x2c48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<i16>) -> NonZero<i16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroI16;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai16)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI16::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI16::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<i16>) -> NonZero<i16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroI16;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai16)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI16::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI16::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<i16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai16)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<i16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai16)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn abs(self) -> NonZero<i16>

Computes the absolute value of self. See i16::abs for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i16)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i16)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_abs(self) -> Option<NonZero<i16>>

Checked absolute value. Checks for overflow and returns None if self == NonZero::<i16>::MIN. The result cannot be zero.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i16)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i16)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i16::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(Some(pos), neg.checked_abs());
assert_eq!(None, min.checked_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_abs(self) -> (NonZero<i16>, bool)

Computes the absolute value of self, with overflow information, see i16::overflowing_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i16)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i16)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i16::MIN)?;

assert_eq!((pos, false), pos.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((pos, false), neg.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((min, true), min.overflowing_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_abs(self) -> NonZero<i16>

Saturating absolute value, see i16::saturating_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i16)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i16)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i16::MIN)?;
let min_plus = NonZero::new(i16::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min_plus.saturating_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_abs(self) -> NonZero<i16>

Wrapping absolute value, see i16::wrapping_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i16)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i16)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i16::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(min, min.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(max, (-max).wrapping_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn unsigned_abs(self) -> NonZero<u16>

Computes the absolute value of self without any wrapping or panicking.

let u_pos = NonZero::new(1u16)?;
let i_pos = NonZero::new(1i16)?;
let i_neg = NonZero::new(-1i16)?;
let i_min = NonZero::new(i16::MIN)?;
let u_max = NonZero::new(u16::MAX / 2 + 1)?;

assert_eq!(u_pos, i_pos.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_pos, i_neg.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_max, i_min.unsigned_abs());
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_positive(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is positive and false if the number is negative.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i16)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i16)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_negative(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is negative and false if the number is positive.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i16)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i16)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_neg(self) -> Option<NonZero<i16>>

Checked negation. Computes -self, returning None if self == NonZero::<i16>::MIN.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i16)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i16)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i16::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.checked_neg(), Some(neg_five));
assert_eq!(min.checked_neg(), None);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_neg(self) -> (NonZero<i16>, bool)

Negates self, overflowing if this is equal to the minimum value.

See i16::overflowing_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i16)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i16)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i16::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.overflowing_neg(), (neg_five, false));
assert_eq!(min.overflowing_neg(), (min, true));
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_neg(self) -> NonZero<i16>

Saturating negation. Computes -self, returning NonZero::<i16>::MAX if self == NonZero::<i16>::MIN instead of overflowing.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i16)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i16)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i16::MIN)?;
let min_plus_one = NonZero::new(i16::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.saturating_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.saturating_neg(), max);
assert_eq!(max.saturating_neg(), min_plus_one);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_neg(self) -> NonZero<i16>

Wrapping (modular) negation. Computes -self, wrapping around at the boundary of the type.

See i16::wrapping_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i16)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i16)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i16::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.wrapping_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.wrapping_neg(), min);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_unsigned(self) -> NonZero<u16>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as an unsigned integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(-1i16).unwrap();

assert_eq!(n.cast_unsigned(), NonZero::<u16>::MAX);
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<i16>) -> Option<NonZero<i16>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2i16)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i16)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<i16>) -> NonZero<i16>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<i16>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2i16)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i16)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<i16>) -> NonZero<i16>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > i16::MAX, or self * rhs < i16::MIN.


let two = NonZero::new(2i16)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i16)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<i16>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3i16)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27i16)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(i16::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<i16>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<i16>::MIN or NonZero::<i16>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3i16)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27i16)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i16::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

impl NonZero<i32>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 32u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to i32::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i32>::BITS, i32::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<i32>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to i32::MIN.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i32>::MIN.get(), i32::MIN);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<i32>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to i32::MAX.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i32>::MAX.get(), i32::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<i32>::new(-1i32)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<i32>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<i32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<i32>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<i32>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<i32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<i32>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<i32>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<i32>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<i32>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<i32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x10000b3i32)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0xb301)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(8), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<i32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0xb301i32)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x10000b3)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(8), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<i32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12345678i32)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x78563412)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<i32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12345678i32)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x1e6a2c48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<i32>) -> NonZero<i32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroI32;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai32)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI32::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI32::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<i32>) -> NonZero<i32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroI32;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai32)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI32::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI32::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<i32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai32)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<i32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai32)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn abs(self) -> NonZero<i32>

Computes the absolute value of self. See i32::abs for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i32)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i32)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_abs(self) -> Option<NonZero<i32>>

Checked absolute value. Checks for overflow and returns None if self == NonZero::<i32>::MIN. The result cannot be zero.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i32)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i32)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i32::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(Some(pos), neg.checked_abs());
assert_eq!(None, min.checked_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_abs(self) -> (NonZero<i32>, bool)

Computes the absolute value of self, with overflow information, see i32::overflowing_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i32)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i32)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i32::MIN)?;

assert_eq!((pos, false), pos.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((pos, false), neg.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((min, true), min.overflowing_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_abs(self) -> NonZero<i32>

Saturating absolute value, see i32::saturating_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i32)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i32)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i32::MIN)?;
let min_plus = NonZero::new(i32::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min_plus.saturating_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_abs(self) -> NonZero<i32>

Wrapping absolute value, see i32::wrapping_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i32)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i32)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i32::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(min, min.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(max, (-max).wrapping_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn unsigned_abs(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Computes the absolute value of self without any wrapping or panicking.

let u_pos = NonZero::new(1u32)?;
let i_pos = NonZero::new(1i32)?;
let i_neg = NonZero::new(-1i32)?;
let i_min = NonZero::new(i32::MIN)?;
let u_max = NonZero::new(u32::MAX / 2 + 1)?;

assert_eq!(u_pos, i_pos.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_pos, i_neg.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_max, i_min.unsigned_abs());
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_positive(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is positive and false if the number is negative.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i32)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i32)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_negative(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is negative and false if the number is positive.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i32)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i32)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_neg(self) -> Option<NonZero<i32>>

Checked negation. Computes -self, returning None if self == NonZero::<i32>::MIN.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i32)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i32)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i32::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.checked_neg(), Some(neg_five));
assert_eq!(min.checked_neg(), None);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_neg(self) -> (NonZero<i32>, bool)

Negates self, overflowing if this is equal to the minimum value.

See i32::overflowing_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i32)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i32)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i32::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.overflowing_neg(), (neg_five, false));
assert_eq!(min.overflowing_neg(), (min, true));
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_neg(self) -> NonZero<i32>

Saturating negation. Computes -self, returning NonZero::<i32>::MAX if self == NonZero::<i32>::MIN instead of overflowing.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i32)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i32)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i32::MIN)?;
let min_plus_one = NonZero::new(i32::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.saturating_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.saturating_neg(), max);
assert_eq!(max.saturating_neg(), min_plus_one);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_neg(self) -> NonZero<i32>

Wrapping (modular) negation. Computes -self, wrapping around at the boundary of the type.

See i32::wrapping_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i32)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i32)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i32::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.wrapping_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.wrapping_neg(), min);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_unsigned(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as an unsigned integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(-1i32).unwrap();

assert_eq!(n.cast_unsigned(), NonZero::<u32>::MAX);
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<i32>) -> Option<NonZero<i32>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2i32)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i32)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<i32>) -> NonZero<i32>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<i32>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2i32)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i32)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<i32>) -> NonZero<i32>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > i32::MAX, or self * rhs < i32::MIN.


let two = NonZero::new(2i32)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i32)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<i32>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3i32)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27i32)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(i32::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<i32>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<i32>::MIN or NonZero::<i32>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3i32)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27i32)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i32::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

impl NonZero<i64>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 64u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to i64::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i64>::BITS, i64::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<i64>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to i64::MIN.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i64>::MIN.get(), i64::MIN);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<i64>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to i64::MAX.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i64>::MAX.get(), i64::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<i64>::new(-1i64)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<i64>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<i64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<i64>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<i64>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<i64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<i64>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<i64>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<i64>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<i64>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<i64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0xaa00000000006e1i64)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x6e10aa)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(12), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<i64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x6e10aai64)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0xaa00000000006e1)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(12), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<i64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234567890123456i64)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x5634129078563412)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<i64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234567890123456i64)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x6a2c48091e6a2c48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<i64>) -> NonZero<i64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroI64;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai64)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI64::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI64::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<i64>) -> NonZero<i64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroI64;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai64)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI64::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI64::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<i64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai64)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<i64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai64)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn abs(self) -> NonZero<i64>

Computes the absolute value of self. See i64::abs for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i64)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i64)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_abs(self) -> Option<NonZero<i64>>

Checked absolute value. Checks for overflow and returns None if self == NonZero::<i64>::MIN. The result cannot be zero.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i64)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i64)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i64::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(Some(pos), neg.checked_abs());
assert_eq!(None, min.checked_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_abs(self) -> (NonZero<i64>, bool)

Computes the absolute value of self, with overflow information, see i64::overflowing_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i64)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i64)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i64::MIN)?;

assert_eq!((pos, false), pos.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((pos, false), neg.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((min, true), min.overflowing_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_abs(self) -> NonZero<i64>

Saturating absolute value, see i64::saturating_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i64)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i64)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i64::MIN)?;
let min_plus = NonZero::new(i64::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min_plus.saturating_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_abs(self) -> NonZero<i64>

Wrapping absolute value, see i64::wrapping_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i64)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i64)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i64::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(min, min.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(max, (-max).wrapping_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn unsigned_abs(self) -> NonZero<u64>

Computes the absolute value of self without any wrapping or panicking.

let u_pos = NonZero::new(1u64)?;
let i_pos = NonZero::new(1i64)?;
let i_neg = NonZero::new(-1i64)?;
let i_min = NonZero::new(i64::MIN)?;
let u_max = NonZero::new(u64::MAX / 2 + 1)?;

assert_eq!(u_pos, i_pos.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_pos, i_neg.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_max, i_min.unsigned_abs());
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_positive(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is positive and false if the number is negative.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i64)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i64)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_negative(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is negative and false if the number is positive.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i64)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i64)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_neg(self) -> Option<NonZero<i64>>

Checked negation. Computes -self, returning None if self == NonZero::<i64>::MIN.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i64)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i64)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i64::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.checked_neg(), Some(neg_five));
assert_eq!(min.checked_neg(), None);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_neg(self) -> (NonZero<i64>, bool)

Negates self, overflowing if this is equal to the minimum value.

See i64::overflowing_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i64)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i64)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i64::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.overflowing_neg(), (neg_five, false));
assert_eq!(min.overflowing_neg(), (min, true));
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_neg(self) -> NonZero<i64>

Saturating negation. Computes -self, returning NonZero::<i64>::MAX if self == NonZero::<i64>::MIN instead of overflowing.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i64)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i64)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i64::MIN)?;
let min_plus_one = NonZero::new(i64::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.saturating_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.saturating_neg(), max);
assert_eq!(max.saturating_neg(), min_plus_one);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_neg(self) -> NonZero<i64>

Wrapping (modular) negation. Computes -self, wrapping around at the boundary of the type.

See i64::wrapping_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i64)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i64)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i64::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.wrapping_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.wrapping_neg(), min);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_unsigned(self) -> NonZero<u64>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as an unsigned integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(-1i64).unwrap();

assert_eq!(n.cast_unsigned(), NonZero::<u64>::MAX);
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<i64>) -> Option<NonZero<i64>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2i64)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i64)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<i64>) -> NonZero<i64>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<i64>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2i64)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i64)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<i64>) -> NonZero<i64>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > i64::MAX, or self * rhs < i64::MIN.


let two = NonZero::new(2i64)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i64)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<i64>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3i64)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27i64)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(i64::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<i64>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<i64>::MIN or NonZero::<i64>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3i64)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27i64)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i64::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

impl NonZero<i128>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 128u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to i128::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i128>::BITS, i128::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<i128>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to i128::MIN.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i128>::MIN.get(), i128::MIN);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<i128>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to i128::MAX.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<i128>::MAX.get(), i128::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<i128>::new(-1i128)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<i128>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<i128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<i128>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<i128>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<i128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<i128>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<i128>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<i128>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<i128>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<i128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x13f40000000000000000000000004f76i128)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x4f7613f4)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(16), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<i128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x4f7613f4i128)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x13f40000000000000000000000004f76)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(16), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<i128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12345678901234567890123456789012i128)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x12907856341290785634129078563412)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<i128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x12345678901234567890123456789012i128)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x48091e6a2c48091e6a2c48091e6a2c48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<i128>) -> NonZero<i128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroI128;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai128)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI128::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI128::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<i128>) -> NonZero<i128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroI128;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai128)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI128::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroI128::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<i128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai128)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<i128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Ai128)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn abs(self) -> NonZero<i128>

Computes the absolute value of self. See i128::abs for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i128)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i128)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_abs(self) -> Option<NonZero<i128>>

Checked absolute value. Checks for overflow and returns None if self == NonZero::<i128>::MIN. The result cannot be zero.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i128)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i128)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i128::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(Some(pos), neg.checked_abs());
assert_eq!(None, min.checked_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_abs(self) -> (NonZero<i128>, bool)

Computes the absolute value of self, with overflow information, see i128::overflowing_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i128)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i128)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i128::MIN)?;

assert_eq!((pos, false), pos.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((pos, false), neg.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((min, true), min.overflowing_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_abs(self) -> NonZero<i128>

Saturating absolute value, see i128::saturating_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i128)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i128)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i128::MIN)?;
let min_plus = NonZero::new(i128::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min_plus.saturating_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_abs(self) -> NonZero<i128>

Wrapping absolute value, see i128::wrapping_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1i128)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1i128)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i128::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(min, min.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(max, (-max).wrapping_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn unsigned_abs(self) -> NonZero<u128>

Computes the absolute value of self without any wrapping or panicking.

let u_pos = NonZero::new(1u128)?;
let i_pos = NonZero::new(1i128)?;
let i_neg = NonZero::new(-1i128)?;
let i_min = NonZero::new(i128::MIN)?;
let u_max = NonZero::new(u128::MAX / 2 + 1)?;

assert_eq!(u_pos, i_pos.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_pos, i_neg.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_max, i_min.unsigned_abs());
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_positive(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is positive and false if the number is negative.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i128)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i128)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_negative(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is negative and false if the number is positive.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i128)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i128)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_neg(self) -> Option<NonZero<i128>>

Checked negation. Computes -self, returning None if self == NonZero::<i128>::MIN.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i128)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i128)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i128::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.checked_neg(), Some(neg_five));
assert_eq!(min.checked_neg(), None);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_neg(self) -> (NonZero<i128>, bool)

Negates self, overflowing if this is equal to the minimum value.

See i128::overflowing_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i128)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i128)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i128::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.overflowing_neg(), (neg_five, false));
assert_eq!(min.overflowing_neg(), (min, true));
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_neg(self) -> NonZero<i128>

Saturating negation. Computes -self, returning NonZero::<i128>::MAX if self == NonZero::<i128>::MIN instead of overflowing.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i128)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i128)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i128::MIN)?;
let min_plus_one = NonZero::new(i128::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.saturating_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.saturating_neg(), max);
assert_eq!(max.saturating_neg(), min_plus_one);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_neg(self) -> NonZero<i128>

Wrapping (modular) negation. Computes -self, wrapping around at the boundary of the type.

See i128::wrapping_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5i128)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5i128)?;
let min = NonZero::new(i128::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.wrapping_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.wrapping_neg(), min);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_unsigned(self) -> NonZero<u128>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as an unsigned integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(-1i128).unwrap();

assert_eq!(n.cast_unsigned(), NonZero::<u128>::MAX);
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<i128>) -> Option<NonZero<i128>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2i128)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i128)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<i128>) -> NonZero<i128>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<i128>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2i128)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i128)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<i128>) -> NonZero<i128>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > i128::MAX, or self * rhs < i128::MIN.


let two = NonZero::new(2i128)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4i128)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<i128>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3i128)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27i128)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(i128::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<i128>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<i128>::MIN or NonZero::<i128>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3i128)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27i128)?;
let max = NonZero::new(i128::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

impl NonZero<isize>

1.67.0 ยท Source

pub const BITS: u32 = 64u32

The size of this non-zero integer type in bits.

This value is equal to isize::BITS.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<isize>::BITS, isize::BITS);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MIN: NonZero<isize>

The smallest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to isize::MIN.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<isize>::MIN.get(), isize::MIN);
1.70.0 ยท Source

pub const MAX: NonZero<isize>

The largest value that can be represented by this non-zero integer type, equal to isize::MAX.

Note: While most integer types are defined for every whole number between MIN and MAX, signed non-zero integers are a special case. They have a โ€œgapโ€ at 0.

assert_eq!(NonZero::<isize>::MAX.get(), isize::MAX);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than leading_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<isize>::new(-1isize)?;

assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);
1.53.0 (const: 1.53.0) ยท Source

pub const fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32

Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of self.

On many architectures, this function can perform better than trailing_zeros() on the underlying integer type, as special handling of zero can be avoided.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::<isize>::new(0b0101000)?;

assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);

pub const fn isolate_most_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<isize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the most significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<isize>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<isize>::new(0b_01000000)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_most_significant_one(), b);

pub const fn isolate_least_significant_one(self) -> NonZero<isize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (isolate_most_least_significant_one)

Returns self with only the least significant bit set.


Basic usage:


let a = NonZero::<isize>::new(0b_01100100)?;
let b = NonZero::<isize>::new(0b_00000100)?;

assert_eq!(a.isolate_least_significant_one(), b);
1.86.0 (const: 1.86.0) ยท Source

pub const fn count_ones(self) -> NonZero<u32>

Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of self.


Basic usage:

let a = NonZero::<isize>::new(0b100_0000)?;
let b = NonZero::<isize>::new(0b100_0011)?;

assert_eq!(a.count_ones(), NonZero::new(1)?);
assert_eq!(b.count_ones(), NonZero::new(3)?);

pub const fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<isize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the << shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0xaa00000000006e1isize)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0x6e10aa)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(12), m);

pub const fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> NonZero<isize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, n, wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.

Please note this isnโ€™t the same operation as the >> shifting operator!


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x6e10aaisize)?;
let m = NonZero::new(0xaa00000000006e1)?;

assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(12), m);

pub const fn swap_bytes(self) -> NonZero<isize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the byte order of the integer.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234567890123456isize)?;
let m = n.swap_bytes();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x5634129078563412)?);

pub const fn reverse_bits(self) -> NonZero<isize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Reverses the order of bits in the integer. The least significant bit becomes the most significant bit, second least-significant bit becomes second most-significant bit, etc.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1234567890123456isize)?;
let m = n.reverse_bits();

assert_eq!(m, NonZero::new(0x6a2c48091e6a2c48)?);

pub const fn from_be(x: NonZero<isize>) -> NonZero<isize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from big endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroIsize;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Aisize)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroIsize::from_be(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroIsize::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn from_le(x: NonZero<isize>) -> NonZero<isize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts an integer from little endian to the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

use std::num::NonZeroIsize;
let n = NonZero::new(0x1Aisize)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroIsize::from_le(n), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(NonZeroIsize::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_be(self) -> NonZero<isize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to big endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Aisize)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())

pub const fn to_le(self) -> NonZero<isize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_bitwise)

Converts self to little endian from the targetโ€™s endianness.

On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(0x1Aisize)?;

if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
} else {
    assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn abs(self) -> NonZero<isize>

Computes the absolute value of self. See isize::abs for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos = NonZero::new(1isize)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1isize)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_abs(self) -> Option<NonZero<isize>>

Checked absolute value. Checks for overflow and returns None if self == NonZero::<isize>::MIN. The result cannot be zero.

let pos = NonZero::new(1isize)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1isize)?;
let min = NonZero::new(isize::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(Some(pos), neg.checked_abs());
assert_eq!(None, min.checked_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_abs(self) -> (NonZero<isize>, bool)

Computes the absolute value of self, with overflow information, see isize::overflowing_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1isize)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1isize)?;
let min = NonZero::new(isize::MIN)?;

assert_eq!((pos, false), pos.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((pos, false), neg.overflowing_abs());
assert_eq!((min, true), min.overflowing_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_abs(self) -> NonZero<isize>

Saturating absolute value, see isize::saturating_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1isize)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1isize)?;
let min = NonZero::new(isize::MIN)?;
let min_plus = NonZero::new(isize::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(isize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min.saturating_abs());
assert_eq!(max, min_plus.saturating_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_abs(self) -> NonZero<isize>

Wrapping absolute value, see isize::wrapping_abs.

let pos = NonZero::new(1isize)?;
let neg = NonZero::new(-1isize)?;
let min = NonZero::new(isize::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos, pos.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(pos, neg.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(min, min.wrapping_abs());
assert_eq!(max, (-max).wrapping_abs());
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn unsigned_abs(self) -> NonZero<usize>

Computes the absolute value of self without any wrapping or panicking.

let u_pos = NonZero::new(1usize)?;
let i_pos = NonZero::new(1isize)?;
let i_neg = NonZero::new(-1isize)?;
let i_min = NonZero::new(isize::MIN)?;
let u_max = NonZero::new(usize::MAX / 2 + 1)?;

assert_eq!(u_pos, i_pos.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_pos, i_neg.unsigned_abs());
assert_eq!(u_max, i_min.unsigned_abs());
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_positive(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is positive and false if the number is negative.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5isize)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5isize)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn is_negative(self) -> bool

Returns true if self is negative and false if the number is positive.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5isize)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5isize)?;

1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_neg(self) -> Option<NonZero<isize>>

Checked negation. Computes -self, returning None if self == NonZero::<isize>::MIN.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5isize)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5isize)?;
let min = NonZero::new(isize::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.checked_neg(), Some(neg_five));
assert_eq!(min.checked_neg(), None);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn overflowing_neg(self) -> (NonZero<isize>, bool)

Negates self, overflowing if this is equal to the minimum value.

See isize::overflowing_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5isize)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5isize)?;
let min = NonZero::new(isize::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.overflowing_neg(), (neg_five, false));
assert_eq!(min.overflowing_neg(), (min, true));
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_neg(self) -> NonZero<isize>

Saturating negation. Computes -self, returning NonZero::<isize>::MAX if self == NonZero::<isize>::MIN instead of overflowing.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5isize)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5isize)?;
let min = NonZero::new(isize::MIN)?;
let min_plus_one = NonZero::new(isize::MIN + 1)?;
let max = NonZero::new(isize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.saturating_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.saturating_neg(), max);
assert_eq!(max.saturating_neg(), min_plus_one);
1.71.0 (const: 1.71.0) ยท Source

pub const fn wrapping_neg(self) -> NonZero<isize>

Wrapping (modular) negation. Computes -self, wrapping around at the boundary of the type.

See isize::wrapping_neg for documentation on overflow behavior.

let pos_five = NonZero::new(5isize)?;
let neg_five = NonZero::new(-5isize)?;
let min = NonZero::new(isize::MIN)?;

assert_eq!(pos_five.wrapping_neg(), neg_five);
assert_eq!(min.wrapping_neg(), min);
1.87.0 (const: 1.87.0) ยท Source

pub const fn cast_unsigned(self) -> NonZero<usize>

Returns the bit pattern of self reinterpreted as an unsigned integer of the same size.


Basic usage:

let n = NonZero::new(-1isize).unwrap();

assert_eq!(n.cast_unsigned(), NonZero::<usize>::MAX);
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_mul(self, other: NonZero<isize>) -> Option<NonZero<isize>>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let two = NonZero::new(2isize)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4isize)?;
let max = NonZero::new(isize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(Some(four), two.checked_mul(two));
assert_eq!(None, max.checked_mul(two));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_mul(self, other: NonZero<isize>) -> NonZero<isize>

Multiplies two non-zero integers together. Return NonZero::<isize>::MAX on overflow.

let two = NonZero::new(2isize)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4isize)?;
let max = NonZero::new(isize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(four, two.saturating_mul(two));
assert_eq!(max, four.saturating_mul(max));

pub const unsafe fn unchecked_mul(self, other: NonZero<isize>) -> NonZero<isize>

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (nonzero_ops)

Multiplies two non-zero integers together, assuming overflow cannot occur. Overflow is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior to overflow even if the result would wrap to a non-zero value. The behavior is undefined as soon as self * rhs > isize::MAX, or self * rhs < isize::MIN.


let two = NonZero::new(2isize)?;
let four = NonZero::new(4isize)?;

assert_eq!(four, unsafe { two.unchecked_mul(two) });
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn checked_pow(self, other: u32) -> Option<NonZero<isize>>

Raises non-zero value to an integer power. Checks for overflow and returns None on overflow. As a consequence, the result cannot wrap to zero.

let three = NonZero::new(3isize)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27isize)?;
let half_max = NonZero::new(isize::MAX / 2)?;

assert_eq!(Some(twenty_seven), three.checked_pow(3));
assert_eq!(None, half_max.checked_pow(3));
1.64.0 (const: 1.64.0) ยท Source

pub const fn saturating_pow(self, other: u32) -> NonZero<isize>

Raise non-zero value to an integer power. Return NonZero::<isize>::MIN or NonZero::<isize>::MAX on overflow.

let three = NonZero::new(3isize)?;
let twenty_seven = NonZero::new(27isize)?;
let max = NonZero::new(isize::MAX)?;

assert_eq!(twenty_seven, three.saturating_pow(3));
assert_eq!(max, max.saturating_pow(3));

Trait Implementationsยง


impl AsBytes for NonZero<i128>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more

impl AsBytes for NonZero<i16>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more

impl AsBytes for NonZero<i32>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more

impl AsBytes for NonZero<i64>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more

impl AsBytes for NonZero<i8>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more

impl AsBytes for NonZero<isize>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more

impl AsBytes for NonZero<u128>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more

impl AsBytes for NonZero<u16>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more

impl AsBytes for NonZero<u32>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more

impl AsBytes for NonZero<u64>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more

impl AsBytes for NonZero<u8>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more

impl AsBytes for NonZero<usize>


fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] โ“˜

Gets the bytes of this value. Read more

fn as_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] โ“˜
where Self: FromBytes,

Gets the bytes of this value mutably. Read more

fn write_to(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to bytes. Read more

fn write_to_prefix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the prefix of bytes. Read more

fn write_to_suffix(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()>

Writes a copy of self to the suffix of bytes. Read more
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Binary for NonZero<T>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
1.45.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> BitOr<NonZero<T>> for T
where T: ZeroablePrimitive + BitOr<Output = T>,


type Output = NonZero<T>

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

fn bitor(self, rhs: NonZero<T>) -> <T as BitOr<NonZero<T>>>::Output

Performs the | operation. Read more
1.45.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> BitOr<T> for NonZero<T>
where T: ZeroablePrimitive + BitOr<Output = T>,


type Output = NonZero<T>

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

fn bitor(self, rhs: T) -> <NonZero<T> as BitOr<T>>::Output

Performs the | operation. Read more
1.45.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> BitOr for NonZero<T>
where T: ZeroablePrimitive + BitOr<Output = T>,


type Output = NonZero<T>

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

fn bitor(self, rhs: NonZero<T>) -> <NonZero<T> as BitOr>::Output

Performs the | operation. Read more
1.45.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> BitOrAssign<T> for NonZero<T>
where T: ZeroablePrimitive, NonZero<T>: BitOr<T, Output = NonZero<T>>,


fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: T)

Performs the |= operation. Read more
1.45.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> BitOrAssign for NonZero<T>
where T: ZeroablePrimitive, NonZero<T>: BitOr<Output = NonZero<T>>,


fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: NonZero<T>)

Performs the |= operation. Read more

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<i128>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<i128>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<i16>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<i32>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<i64>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<i64>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<i8>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<isize>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<u128>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<u16>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<u32>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<u64>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<u8>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.

impl<'de> BorrowDecode<'de> for NonZero<usize>


fn borrow_decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, DecodeError>
where D: BorrowDecoder<'de>,

Attempt to decode this type with the given BorrowDecode.
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Clone for NonZero<T>


fn clone(&self) -> NonZero<T>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 ยท Sourceยง

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Debug for NonZero<T>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Decode for NonZero<i128>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<i128>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl Decode for NonZero<i16>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl Decode for NonZero<i32>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl Decode for NonZero<i64>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<i64>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl Decode for NonZero<i8>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl Decode for NonZero<isize>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl Decode for NonZero<u128>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl Decode for NonZero<u16>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl Decode for NonZero<u32>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl Decode for NonZero<u64>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl Decode for NonZero<u8>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl Decode for NonZero<usize>


fn decode<D>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, DecodeError>
where D: Decoder,

Attempt to decode this type with the given Decode.

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<i128>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<i128>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<i16>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<i32>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<i64>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<i64>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<i8>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<isize>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<u128>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<u16>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<u32>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<u64>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<u8>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NonZero<usize>


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Display for NonZero<T>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Div<NonZero<u128>> for u128


fn div(self, other: NonZero<u128>) -> u128

Same as self / other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.


type Output = u128

The resulting type after applying the / operator.
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Div<NonZero<u16>> for u16


fn div(self, other: NonZero<u16>) -> u16

Same as self / other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.


type Output = u16

The resulting type after applying the / operator.
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Div<NonZero<u32>> for u32


fn div(self, other: NonZero<u32>) -> u32

Same as self / other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.


type Output = u32

The resulting type after applying the / operator.
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Div<NonZero<u64>> for u64


fn div(self, other: NonZero<u64>) -> u64

Same as self / other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.


type Output = u64

The resulting type after applying the / operator.
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Div<NonZero<u8>> for u8


fn div(self, other: NonZero<u8>) -> u8

Same as self / other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.


type Output = u8

The resulting type after applying the / operator.
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Div<NonZero<usize>> for usize


fn div(self, other: NonZero<usize>) -> usize

Same as self / other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.


type Output = usize

The resulting type after applying the / operator.
1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl DivAssign<NonZero<u128>> for u128


fn div_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<u128>)

Same as self /= other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.

1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl DivAssign<NonZero<u16>> for u16


fn div_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<u16>)

Same as self /= other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.

1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl DivAssign<NonZero<u32>> for u32


fn div_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<u32>)

Same as self /= other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.

1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl DivAssign<NonZero<u64>> for u64


fn div_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<u64>)

Same as self /= other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.

1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl DivAssign<NonZero<u8>> for u8


fn div_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<u8>)

Same as self /= other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.

1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl DivAssign<NonZero<usize>> for usize


fn div_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<usize>)

Same as self /= other.get(), but because other is a NonZero<_>, thereโ€™s never a runtime check for division-by-zero.

This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any fractional part of the exact result, and cannot panic.


impl Encode for NonZero<i128>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl Encode for NonZero<i16>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl Encode for NonZero<i32>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl Encode for NonZero<i64>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl Encode for NonZero<i8>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl Encode for NonZero<isize>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl Encode for NonZero<u128>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl Encode for NonZero<u16>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl Encode for NonZero<u32>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl Encode for NonZero<u64>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl Encode for NonZero<u8>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl Encode for NonZero<usize>


fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where E: Encoder,

Encode a given type.

impl From<Alignment> for NonZero<usize>


fn from(align: Alignment) -> NonZero<usize>

Converts to this type from the input type.
1.31.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> From<NonZero<T>> for T


fn from(nonzero: NonZero<T>) -> T

Converts to this type from the input type.
1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i16>> for NonZero<i128>


fn from(small: NonZero<i16>) -> NonZero<i128>

Converts NonZero<i16> to NonZero<i128> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i16>> for NonZero<i32>


fn from(small: NonZero<i16>) -> NonZero<i32>

Converts NonZero<i16> to NonZero<i32> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i16>> for NonZero<i64>


fn from(small: NonZero<i16>) -> NonZero<i64>

Converts NonZero<i16> to NonZero<i64> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i16>> for NonZero<isize>


fn from(small: NonZero<i16>) -> NonZero<isize>

Converts NonZero<i16> to NonZero<isize> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i32>> for NonZero<i128>


fn from(small: NonZero<i32>) -> NonZero<i128>

Converts NonZero<i32> to NonZero<i128> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i32>> for NonZero<i64>


fn from(small: NonZero<i32>) -> NonZero<i64>

Converts NonZero<i32> to NonZero<i64> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i64>> for NonZero<i128>


fn from(small: NonZero<i64>) -> NonZero<i128>

Converts NonZero<i64> to NonZero<i128> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i8>> for NonZero<i128>


fn from(small: NonZero<i8>) -> NonZero<i128>

Converts NonZero<i8> to NonZero<i128> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i8>> for NonZero<i16>


fn from(small: NonZero<i8>) -> NonZero<i16>

Converts NonZero<i8> to NonZero<i16> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i8>> for NonZero<i32>


fn from(small: NonZero<i8>) -> NonZero<i32>

Converts NonZero<i8> to NonZero<i32> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i8>> for NonZero<i64>


fn from(small: NonZero<i8>) -> NonZero<i64>

Converts NonZero<i8> to NonZero<i64> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<i8>> for NonZero<isize>


fn from(small: NonZero<i8>) -> NonZero<isize>

Converts NonZero<i8> to NonZero<isize> losslessly.


impl<const LIMBS: usize> From<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<Uint<LIMBS>>


fn from(integer: NonZero<u128>) -> NonZero<Uint<LIMBS>>

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<Limb>


fn from(integer: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<Limb>

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<const LIMBS: usize> From<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<Uint<LIMBS>>


fn from(integer: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<Uint<LIMBS>>

Converts to this type from the input type.
1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<i128>


fn from(small: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<i128>

Converts NonZero<u16> to NonZero<i128> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<i32>


fn from(small: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<i32>

Converts NonZero<u16> to NonZero<i32> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<i64>


fn from(small: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<i64>

Converts NonZero<u16> to NonZero<i64> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<u128>


fn from(small: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<u128>

Converts NonZero<u16> to NonZero<u128> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<u32>


fn from(small: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<u32>

Converts NonZero<u16> to NonZero<u32> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<u64>


fn from(small: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<u64>

Converts NonZero<u16> to NonZero<u64> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<usize>


fn from(small: NonZero<u16>) -> NonZero<usize>

Converts NonZero<u16> to NonZero<usize> losslessly.


impl From<NonZero<u32>> for Error


fn from(code: NonZero<u32>) -> Error

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<NonZero<u32>> for Error


fn from(code: NonZero<u32>) -> Error

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<Limb>


fn from(integer: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<Limb>

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<const LIMBS: usize> From<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<Uint<LIMBS>>


fn from(integer: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<Uint<LIMBS>>

Converts to this type from the input type.
1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<i128>


fn from(small: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<i128>

Converts NonZero<u32> to NonZero<i128> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<i64>


fn from(small: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<i64>

Converts NonZero<u32> to NonZero<i64> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<u128>


fn from(small: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<u128>

Converts NonZero<u32> to NonZero<u128> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<u64>


fn from(small: NonZero<u32>) -> NonZero<u64>

Converts NonZero<u32> to NonZero<u64> losslessly.


impl From<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<Limb>


fn from(integer: NonZero<u64>) -> NonZero<Limb>

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<const LIMBS: usize> From<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<Uint<LIMBS>>


fn from(integer: NonZero<u64>) -> NonZero<Uint<LIMBS>>

Converts to this type from the input type.
1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<i128>


fn from(small: NonZero<u64>) -> NonZero<i128>

Converts NonZero<u64> to NonZero<i128> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<u128>


fn from(small: NonZero<u64>) -> NonZero<u128>

Converts NonZero<u64> to NonZero<u128> losslessly.


impl From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<Limb>


fn from(integer: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<Limb>

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<const LIMBS: usize> From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<Uint<LIMBS>>


fn from(integer: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<Uint<LIMBS>>

Converts to this type from the input type.
1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<i128>


fn from(small: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<i128>

Converts NonZero<u8> to NonZero<i128> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<i16>


fn from(small: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<i16>

Converts NonZero<u8> to NonZero<i16> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<i32>


fn from(small: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<i32>

Converts NonZero<u8> to NonZero<i32> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<i64>


fn from(small: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<i64>

Converts NonZero<u8> to NonZero<i64> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<isize>


fn from(small: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<isize>

Converts NonZero<u8> to NonZero<isize> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<u128>


fn from(small: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<u128>

Converts NonZero<u8> to NonZero<u128> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<u16>


fn from(small: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<u16>

Converts NonZero<u8> to NonZero<u16> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<u32>


fn from(small: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<u32>

Converts NonZero<u8> to NonZero<u32> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<u64>


fn from(small: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<u64>

Converts NonZero<u8> to NonZero<u64> losslessly.

1.41.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl From<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<usize>


fn from(small: NonZero<u8>) -> NonZero<usize>

Converts NonZero<u8> to NonZero<usize> losslessly.

1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<i128>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<NonZero<i128>, <NonZero<i128> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<i16>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <NonZero<i16> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<i32>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, <NonZero<i32> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<i64>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<NonZero<i64>, <NonZero<i64> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<i8>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<isize>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str( src: &str, ) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, <NonZero<isize> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<u128>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, <NonZero<u128> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<u16>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<u32>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <NonZero<u32> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<u64>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, <NonZero<u64> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<u8>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.35.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl FromStr for NonZero<usize>


type Err = ParseIntError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str( src: &str, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <NonZero<usize> as FromStr>::Err>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Hash for NonZero<T>


fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher,

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more
1.3.0 ยท Sourceยง

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher, Self: Sized,

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more
1.84.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> LowerExp for NonZero<T>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> LowerHex for NonZero<T>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for &NonZero<i128>


type Output = <NonZero<i128> as Neg>::Output

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> <NonZero<i128> as Neg>::Output

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for &NonZero<i16>


type Output = <NonZero<i16> as Neg>::Output

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> <NonZero<i16> as Neg>::Output

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for &NonZero<i32>


type Output = <NonZero<i32> as Neg>::Output

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> <NonZero<i32> as Neg>::Output

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for &NonZero<i64>


type Output = <NonZero<i64> as Neg>::Output

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> <NonZero<i64> as Neg>::Output

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for &NonZero<i8>


type Output = <NonZero<i8> as Neg>::Output

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> <NonZero<i8> as Neg>::Output

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for &NonZero<isize>


type Output = <NonZero<isize> as Neg>::Output

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> <NonZero<isize> as Neg>::Output

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for NonZero<i128>


type Output = NonZero<i128>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> NonZero<i128>

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for NonZero<i16>


type Output = NonZero<i16>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> NonZero<i16>

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for NonZero<i32>


type Output = NonZero<i32>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> NonZero<i32>

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for NonZero<i64>


type Output = NonZero<i64>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> NonZero<i64>

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for NonZero<i8>


type Output = NonZero<i8>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> NonZero<i8>

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.71.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Neg for NonZero<isize>


type Output = NonZero<isize>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> NonZero<isize>

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Octal for NonZero<T>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Ord for NonZero<T>


fn cmp(&self, other: &NonZero<T>) -> Ordering

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more

fn max(self, other: NonZero<T>) -> NonZero<T>

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more

fn min(self, other: NonZero<T>) -> NonZero<T>

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more

fn clamp(self, min: NonZero<T>, max: NonZero<T>) -> NonZero<T>

Restrict a value to a certain interval. Read more
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> PartialEq for NonZero<T>


fn eq(&self, other: &NonZero<T>) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.

fn ne(&self, other: &NonZero<T>) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> PartialOrd for NonZero<T>


fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &NonZero<T>) -> Option<Ordering>

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more

fn lt(&self, other: &NonZero<T>) -> bool

Tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more

fn le(&self, other: &NonZero<T>) -> bool

Tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more

fn gt(&self, other: &NonZero<T>) -> bool

Tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more

fn ge(&self, other: &NonZero<T>) -> bool

Tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Rem<NonZero<u128>> for u128


fn rem(self, other: NonZero<u128>) -> u128

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.


type Output = u128

The resulting type after applying the % operator.
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Rem<NonZero<u16>> for u16


fn rem(self, other: NonZero<u16>) -> u16

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.


type Output = u16

The resulting type after applying the % operator.
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Rem<NonZero<u32>> for u32


fn rem(self, other: NonZero<u32>) -> u32

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.


type Output = u32

The resulting type after applying the % operator.
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Rem<NonZero<u64>> for u64


fn rem(self, other: NonZero<u64>) -> u64

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.


type Output = u64

The resulting type after applying the % operator.
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Rem<NonZero<u8>> for u8


fn rem(self, other: NonZero<u8>) -> u8

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.


type Output = u8

The resulting type after applying the % operator.
1.51.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl Rem<NonZero<usize>> for usize


fn rem(self, other: NonZero<usize>) -> usize

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.


type Output = usize

The resulting type after applying the % operator.
1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl RemAssign<NonZero<u128>> for u128


fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<u128>)

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.

1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl RemAssign<NonZero<u16>> for u16


fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<u16>)

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.

1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl RemAssign<NonZero<u32>> for u32


fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<u32>)

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.

1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl RemAssign<NonZero<u64>> for u64


fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<u64>)

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.

1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl RemAssign<NonZero<u8>> for u8


fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<u8>)

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.

1.79.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl RemAssign<NonZero<usize>> for usize


fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: NonZero<usize>)

This operation satisfies n % d == n - (n / d) * d, and cannot panic.


impl Serialize for NonZero<i128>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl Serialize for NonZero<i16>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl Serialize for NonZero<i32>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl Serialize for NonZero<i64>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl Serialize for NonZero<i8>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl Serialize for NonZero<isize>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl Serialize for NonZero<u128>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl Serialize for NonZero<u16>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl Serialize for NonZero<u32>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl Serialize for NonZero<u64>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl Serialize for NonZero<u8>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl Serialize for NonZero<usize>


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i128>> for NonZero<i16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <NonZero<i16> as TryFrom<NonZero<i128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i128> to NonZero<i16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i128>> for NonZero<i32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, <NonZero<i32> as TryFrom<NonZero<i128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i128> to NonZero<i32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i128>> for NonZero<i64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i64>, <NonZero<i64> as TryFrom<NonZero<i128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i128> to NonZero<i64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i128>> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<NonZero<i128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i128> to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i128>> for NonZero<isize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, <NonZero<isize> as TryFrom<NonZero<i128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i128> to NonZero<isize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i128>> for NonZero<u128>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, <NonZero<u128> as TryFrom<NonZero<i128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i128> to NonZero<u128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i128>> for NonZero<u16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as TryFrom<NonZero<i128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i128> to NonZero<u16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i128>> for NonZero<u32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <NonZero<u32> as TryFrom<NonZero<i128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i128> to NonZero<u32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i128>> for NonZero<u64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, <NonZero<u64> as TryFrom<NonZero<i128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i128> to NonZero<u64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i128>> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<NonZero<i128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i128> to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i128>> for NonZero<usize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <NonZero<usize> as TryFrom<NonZero<i128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i128> to NonZero<usize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i16>> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i16>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<NonZero<i16>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i16> to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i16>> for NonZero<u128>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i16>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, <NonZero<u128> as TryFrom<NonZero<i16>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i16> to NonZero<u128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i16>> for NonZero<u16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i16>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as TryFrom<NonZero<i16>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i16> to NonZero<u16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i16>> for NonZero<u32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i16>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <NonZero<u32> as TryFrom<NonZero<i16>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i16> to NonZero<u32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i16>> for NonZero<u64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i16>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, <NonZero<u64> as TryFrom<NonZero<i16>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i16> to NonZero<u64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i16>> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i16>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<NonZero<i16>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i16> to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i16>> for NonZero<usize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i16>, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <NonZero<usize> as TryFrom<NonZero<i16>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i16> to NonZero<usize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i32>> for NonZero<i16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <NonZero<i16> as TryFrom<NonZero<i32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i32> to NonZero<i16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i32>> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<NonZero<i32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i32> to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i32>> for NonZero<isize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, <NonZero<isize> as TryFrom<NonZero<i32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i32> to NonZero<isize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i32>> for NonZero<u128>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, <NonZero<u128> as TryFrom<NonZero<i32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i32> to NonZero<u128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i32>> for NonZero<u16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as TryFrom<NonZero<i32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i32> to NonZero<u16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i32>> for NonZero<u32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <NonZero<u32> as TryFrom<NonZero<i32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i32> to NonZero<u32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i32>> for NonZero<u64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, <NonZero<u64> as TryFrom<NonZero<i32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i32> to NonZero<u64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i32>> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<NonZero<i32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i32> to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i32>> for NonZero<usize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <NonZero<usize> as TryFrom<NonZero<i32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i32> to NonZero<usize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i64>> for NonZero<i16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <NonZero<i16> as TryFrom<NonZero<i64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i64> to NonZero<i16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i64>> for NonZero<i32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, <NonZero<i32> as TryFrom<NonZero<i64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i64> to NonZero<i32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i64>> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<NonZero<i64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i64> to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i64>> for NonZero<isize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, <NonZero<isize> as TryFrom<NonZero<i64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i64> to NonZero<isize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i64>> for NonZero<u128>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, <NonZero<u128> as TryFrom<NonZero<i64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i64> to NonZero<u128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i64>> for NonZero<u16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as TryFrom<NonZero<i64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i64> to NonZero<u16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i64>> for NonZero<u32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <NonZero<u32> as TryFrom<NonZero<i64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i64> to NonZero<u32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i64>> for NonZero<u64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, <NonZero<u64> as TryFrom<NonZero<i64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i64> to NonZero<u64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i64>> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<NonZero<i64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i64> to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i64>> for NonZero<usize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <NonZero<usize> as TryFrom<NonZero<i64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i64> to NonZero<usize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i8>> for NonZero<u128>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i8>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, <NonZero<u128> as TryFrom<NonZero<i8>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i8> to NonZero<u128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i8>> for NonZero<u16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i8>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as TryFrom<NonZero<i8>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i8> to NonZero<u16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i8>> for NonZero<u32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i8>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <NonZero<u32> as TryFrom<NonZero<i8>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i8> to NonZero<u32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i8>> for NonZero<u64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i8>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, <NonZero<u64> as TryFrom<NonZero<i8>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i8> to NonZero<u64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i8>> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i8>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<NonZero<i8>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i8> to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<i8>> for NonZero<usize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<i8>, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <NonZero<usize> as TryFrom<NonZero<i8>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<i8> to NonZero<usize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<isize>> for NonZero<i128>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<isize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i128>, <NonZero<i128> as TryFrom<NonZero<isize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<isize> to NonZero<i128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<isize>> for NonZero<i16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<isize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <NonZero<i16> as TryFrom<NonZero<isize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<isize> to NonZero<i16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<isize>> for NonZero<i32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<isize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, <NonZero<i32> as TryFrom<NonZero<isize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<isize> to NonZero<i32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<isize>> for NonZero<i64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<isize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i64>, <NonZero<i64> as TryFrom<NonZero<isize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<isize> to NonZero<i64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<isize>> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<isize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<NonZero<isize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<isize> to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<isize>> for NonZero<u128>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<isize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, <NonZero<u128> as TryFrom<NonZero<isize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<isize> to NonZero<u128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<isize>> for NonZero<u16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<isize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as TryFrom<NonZero<isize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<isize> to NonZero<u16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<isize>> for NonZero<u32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<isize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <NonZero<u32> as TryFrom<NonZero<isize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<isize> to NonZero<u32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<isize>> for NonZero<u64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<isize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, <NonZero<u64> as TryFrom<NonZero<isize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<isize> to NonZero<u64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<isize>> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<isize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<NonZero<isize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<isize> to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<isize>> for NonZero<usize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<isize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <NonZero<usize> as TryFrom<NonZero<isize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<isize> to NonZero<usize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<i128>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i128>, <NonZero<i128> as TryFrom<NonZero<u128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u128> to NonZero<i128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<i16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <NonZero<i16> as TryFrom<NonZero<u128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u128> to NonZero<i16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<i32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, <NonZero<i32> as TryFrom<NonZero<u128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u128> to NonZero<i32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<i64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i64>, <NonZero<i64> as TryFrom<NonZero<u128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u128> to NonZero<i64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<NonZero<u128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u128> to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<isize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, <NonZero<isize> as TryFrom<NonZero<u128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u128> to NonZero<isize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<u16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as TryFrom<NonZero<u128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u128> to NonZero<u16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<u32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <NonZero<u32> as TryFrom<NonZero<u128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u128> to NonZero<u32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<u64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, <NonZero<u64> as TryFrom<NonZero<u128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u128> to NonZero<u64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<NonZero<u128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u128> to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u128>> for NonZero<usize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u128>, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <NonZero<usize> as TryFrom<NonZero<u128>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u128> to NonZero<usize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<i16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u16>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <NonZero<i16> as TryFrom<NonZero<u16>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u16> to NonZero<i16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u16>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<NonZero<u16>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u16> to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<isize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u16>, ) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, <NonZero<isize> as TryFrom<NonZero<u16>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u16> to NonZero<isize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u16>> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u16>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<NonZero<u16>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u16> to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<i16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <NonZero<i16> as TryFrom<NonZero<u32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u32> to NonZero<i16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<i32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, <NonZero<i32> as TryFrom<NonZero<u32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u32> to NonZero<i32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<NonZero<u32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u32> to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<isize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, <NonZero<isize> as TryFrom<NonZero<u32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u32> to NonZero<isize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<u16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as TryFrom<NonZero<u32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u32> to NonZero<u16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<NonZero<u32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u32> to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u32>> for NonZero<usize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u32>, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <NonZero<usize> as TryFrom<NonZero<u32>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u32> to NonZero<usize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<i16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <NonZero<i16> as TryFrom<NonZero<u64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u64> to NonZero<i16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<i32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, <NonZero<i32> as TryFrom<NonZero<u64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u64> to NonZero<i32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<i64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i64>, <NonZero<i64> as TryFrom<NonZero<u64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u64> to NonZero<i64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<NonZero<u64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u64> to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<isize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, <NonZero<isize> as TryFrom<NonZero<u64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u64> to NonZero<isize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<u16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as TryFrom<NonZero<u64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u64> to NonZero<u16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<u32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <NonZero<u32> as TryFrom<NonZero<u64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u64> to NonZero<u32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<NonZero<u64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u64> to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u64>> for NonZero<usize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u64>, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <NonZero<usize> as TryFrom<NonZero<u64>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u64> to NonZero<usize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<u8>> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<u8>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<NonZero<u8>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<u8> to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for Alignment


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from( align: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<Alignment, <Alignment as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for NonZero<i128>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i128>, <NonZero<i128> as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<usize> to NonZero<i128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for NonZero<i16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <NonZero<i16> as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<usize> to NonZero<i16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for NonZero<i32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, <NonZero<i32> as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<usize> to NonZero<i32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for NonZero<i64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i64>, <NonZero<i64> as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<usize> to NonZero<i64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<usize> to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for NonZero<isize>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, <NonZero<isize> as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<usize> to NonZero<isize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for NonZero<u128>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, <NonZero<u128> as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<usize> to NonZero<u128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for NonZero<u16>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<usize> to NonZero<u16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for NonZero<u32>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <NonZero<u32> as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<usize> to NonZero<u32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for NonZero<u64>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, <NonZero<u64> as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<usize> to NonZero<u64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.49.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<NonZero<usize>> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: NonZero<usize>, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<NonZero<usize>>>::Error>

Attempts to convert NonZero<usize> to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<i128> for NonZero<i128>


fn try_from( value: i128, ) -> Result<NonZero<i128>, <NonZero<i128> as TryFrom<i128>>::Error>

Attempts to convert i128 to NonZero<i128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<i16> for NonZero<i16>


fn try_from( value: i16, ) -> Result<NonZero<i16>, <NonZero<i16> as TryFrom<i16>>::Error>

Attempts to convert i16 to NonZero<i16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<i32> for NonZero<i32>


fn try_from( value: i32, ) -> Result<NonZero<i32>, <NonZero<i32> as TryFrom<i32>>::Error>

Attempts to convert i32 to NonZero<i32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<i64> for NonZero<i64>


fn try_from( value: i64, ) -> Result<NonZero<i64>, <NonZero<i64> as TryFrom<i64>>::Error>

Attempts to convert i64 to NonZero<i64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<i8> for NonZero<i8>


fn try_from( value: i8, ) -> Result<NonZero<i8>, <NonZero<i8> as TryFrom<i8>>::Error>

Attempts to convert i8 to NonZero<i8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<isize> for NonZero<isize>


fn try_from( value: isize, ) -> Result<NonZero<isize>, <NonZero<isize> as TryFrom<isize>>::Error>

Attempts to convert isize to NonZero<isize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<u128> for NonZero<u128>


fn try_from( value: u128, ) -> Result<NonZero<u128>, <NonZero<u128> as TryFrom<u128>>::Error>

Attempts to convert u128 to NonZero<u128>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<u16> for NonZero<u16>


fn try_from( value: u16, ) -> Result<NonZero<u16>, <NonZero<u16> as TryFrom<u16>>::Error>

Attempts to convert u16 to NonZero<u16>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<u32> for NonZero<u32>


fn try_from( value: u32, ) -> Result<NonZero<u32>, <NonZero<u32> as TryFrom<u32>>::Error>

Attempts to convert u32 to NonZero<u32>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<u64> for NonZero<u64>


fn try_from( value: u64, ) -> Result<NonZero<u64>, <NonZero<u64> as TryFrom<u64>>::Error>

Attempts to convert u64 to NonZero<u64>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<u8> for NonZero<u8>


fn try_from( value: u8, ) -> Result<NonZero<u8>, <NonZero<u8> as TryFrom<u8>>::Error>

Attempts to convert u8 to NonZero<u8>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.46.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl TryFrom<usize> for NonZero<usize>


fn try_from( value: usize, ) -> Result<NonZero<usize>, <NonZero<usize> as TryFrom<usize>>::Error>

Attempts to convert usize to NonZero<usize>.


type Error = TryFromIntError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
1.84.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> UpperExp for NonZero<T>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> UpperHex for NonZero<T>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Zeroize for NonZero<i128>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.

impl Zeroize for NonZero<i16>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.

impl Zeroize for NonZero<i32>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.

impl Zeroize for NonZero<i64>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.

impl Zeroize for NonZero<i8>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.

impl Zeroize for NonZero<isize>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.

impl Zeroize for NonZero<u128>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.

impl Zeroize for NonZero<u16>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.

impl Zeroize for NonZero<u32>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.

impl Zeroize for NonZero<u64>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.

impl Zeroize for NonZero<u8>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.

impl Zeroize for NonZero<usize>


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not โ€œoptimized awayโ€ by the compiler.
1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Copy for NonZero<T>

1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Eq for NonZero<T>
where T: ZeroablePrimitive + Eq,

1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Freeze for NonZero<T>

1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> RefUnwindSafe for NonZero<T>

1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Send for NonZero<T>


impl<T> StructuralPartialEq for NonZero<T>

1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Sync for NonZero<T>


impl Unaligned for NonZero<i8>


impl Unaligned for NonZero<u8>

1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> Unpin for NonZero<T>

1.28.0 ยท Sourceยง

impl<T> UnwindSafe for NonZero<T>

Blanket Implementationsยง


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut u8)

๐Ÿ”ฌThis is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<Q, K> Comparable<K> for Q
where Q: Ord + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn compare(&self, key: &K) -> Ordering

Compare self to key and return their ordering.

impl<T> Conv for T


fn conv<T>(self) -> T
where Self: Into<T>,

Converts self into T using Into<T>. Read more

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Compare self to key and return true if they are equal.

impl<T> FmtForward for T


fn fmt_binary(self) -> FmtBinary<Self>
where Self: Binary,

Causes self to use its Binary implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_display(self) -> FmtDisplay<Self>
where Self: Display,

Causes self to use its Display implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_lower_exp(self) -> FmtLowerExp<Self>
where Self: LowerExp,

Causes self to use its LowerExp implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_lower_hex(self) -> FmtLowerHex<Self>
where Self: LowerHex,

Causes self to use its LowerHex implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_octal(self) -> FmtOctal<Self>
where Self: Octal,

Causes self to use its Octal implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_pointer(self) -> FmtPointer<Self>
where Self: Pointer,

Causes self to use its Pointer implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_upper_exp(self) -> FmtUpperExp<Self>
where Self: UpperExp,

Causes self to use its UpperExp implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_upper_hex(self) -> FmtUpperHex<Self>
where Self: UpperHex,

Causes self to use its UpperHex implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_list(self) -> FmtList<Self>
where &'a Self: for<'a> IntoIterator,

Formats each item in a sequence. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self> โ“˜

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self> โ“˜
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<T> Pipe for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn pipe<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(Self) -> R) -> R
where Self: Sized,

Pipes by value. This is generally the method you want to use. Read more

fn pipe_ref<'a, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a Self) -> R) -> R
where R: 'a,

Borrows self and passes that borrow into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_ref_mut<'a, R>(&'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut Self) -> R) -> R
where R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self and passes that borrow into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_borrow<'a, B, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a B) -> R) -> R
where Self: Borrow<B>, B: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Borrows self, then passes self.borrow() into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_borrow_mut<'a, B, R>( &'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut B) -> R, ) -> R
where Self: BorrowMut<B>, B: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self, then passes self.borrow_mut() into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_as_ref<'a, U, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a U) -> R) -> R
where Self: AsRef<U>, U: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Borrows self, then passes self.as_ref() into the pipe function.

fn pipe_as_mut<'a, U, R>(&'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut U) -> R) -> R
where Self: AsMut<U>, U: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self, then passes self.as_mut() into the pipe function.

fn pipe_deref<'a, T, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a T) -> R) -> R
where Self: Deref<Target = T>, T: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Borrows self, then passes self.deref() into the pipe function.

fn pipe_deref_mut<'a, T, R>( &'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut T) -> R, ) -> R
where Self: DerefMut<Target = T> + Deref, T: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self, then passes self.deref_mut() into the pipe function.

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> Tap for T


fn tap(self, func: impl FnOnce(&Self)) -> Self

Immutable access to a value. Read more

fn tap_mut(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)) -> Self

Mutable access to a value. Read more

fn tap_borrow<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&B)) -> Self
where Self: Borrow<B>, B: ?Sized,

Immutable access to the Borrow<B> of a value. Read more

fn tap_borrow_mut<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut B)) -> Self
where Self: BorrowMut<B>, B: ?Sized,

Mutable access to the BorrowMut<B> of a value. Read more

fn tap_ref<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&R)) -> Self
where Self: AsRef<R>, R: ?Sized,

Immutable access to the AsRef<R> view of a value. Read more

fn tap_ref_mut<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut R)) -> Self
where Self: AsMut<R>, R: ?Sized,

Mutable access to the AsMut<R> view of a value. Read more

fn tap_deref<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&T)) -> Self
where Self: Deref<Target = T>, T: ?Sized,

Immutable access to the Deref::Target of a value. Read more

fn tap_deref_mut<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut T)) -> Self
where Self: DerefMut<Target = T> + Deref, T: ?Sized,

Mutable access to the Deref::Target of a value. Read more

fn tap_dbg(self, func: impl FnOnce(&Self)) -> Self

Calls .tap() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_mut_dbg(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)) -> Self

Calls .tap_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_borrow_dbg<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&B)) -> Self
where Self: Borrow<B>, B: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_borrow() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_borrow_mut_dbg<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut B)) -> Self
where Self: BorrowMut<B>, B: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_borrow_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_ref_dbg<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&R)) -> Self
where Self: AsRef<R>, R: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_ref() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_ref_mut_dbg<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut R)) -> Self
where Self: AsMut<R>, R: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_ref_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_deref_dbg<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&T)) -> Self
where Self: Deref<Target = T>, T: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_deref() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_deref_mut_dbg<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut T)) -> Self
where Self: DerefMut<Target = T> + Deref, T: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_deref_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> ToString for T
where T: Display + ?Sized,


fn to_string(&self) -> String

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

impl<T> TryConv for T


fn try_conv<T>(self) -> Result<T, Self::Error>
where Self: TryInto<T>,

Attempts to convert self into T using TryInto<T>. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> DeserializeOwned for T
where T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>,