Crate cairo_vm Copy item path Source Expand description § An implementation of the Cairo virtual machine§ Feature Flags
: Enables usage of the std
standard library. Enabled by default.
: Enables the following to help with tests (not enabled by default):
: Enable hints that were introduced in Cairo 1. Not enabled by default.
: Enable secp hints that were introduced in Cairo 0. Not enabled by default.
: Enable data availability hints that were introduced in Cairo 0. Not enabled by default.
air_private_input air_public_input cairo_run hint_processor math_utils program_hash serde stdlib typed_operations types utils vm with_std any_box define_hint_string_map Generates a const string for each hint, and a lazy_static HashMap that maps the const name to
the hint string.
Allows gating specific hints behind feature gates. relocatable Felt252 Definition of the Field Element type.