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//! Errors thrown by the program.
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
/// Errors for the the Clockwork thread program.
pub enum ClockworkError {
/// Thrown if a exec response has an invalid program ID or cannot be parsed.
#[msg("The exec response could not be parsed")]
/// Thrown if a thread has an invalid state and cannot complete the operation.
#[msg("The thread is in an invalid state")]
/// TThe provided trigger variant is invalid.
#[msg("The trigger variant cannot be changed")]
/// Thrown if a exec instruction is invalid because the thread's trigger condition has not been met.
#[msg("The trigger condition has not been activated")]
#[msg("This operation cannot be processes because the thread is currently busy")]
/// Thrown if a request is invalid because the thread is currently paused.
#[msg("The thread is currently paused")]
/// Thrown if a exec instruction would cause a thread to exceed its rate limit.
#[msg("The thread's rate limit has been reached")]
/// Thrown if a thread authority attempts to set a rate limit above the maximum allowed value.
#[msg("Thread rate limits cannot exceed the maximum allowed value")]
/// Thrown if an inner instruction attempted to write to an unauthorized address.
#[msg("Inner instruction attempted to write to an unauthorized address")]
/// Thrown if the user attempts to withdraw SOL that would put a thread below it's minimum rent threshold.
#[msg("Withdrawing this amount would leave the thread with less than the minimum required SOL for rent exemption")]