Struct comfy_table::Table[][src]

pub struct Table { /* fields omitted */ }
Expand description

This is the main interface for building a table. Each table consists of Rows, which in turn contain Cells.

There also exists a representation of a Column. Columns are automatically created when adding rows to a table.


Create a new table with default ASCII styling.

This is an alternative fmt function, which simply removes any trailing whitespaces. Trailing whitespaces often occur, when using tables without a right border.

This is an alternative to fmt, but rather returns an iterator to each line, rather than one String separated by newlines.

Set the header row of the table. This is usually the title of each column.
There’ll be no header unless you explicitly set it with this function.

use comfy_table::{Table, Row};

let mut table = Table::new();
let header = Row::from(vec!["Header One", "Header Two"]);

Add a new row to the table.

use comfy_table::{Table, Row};

let mut table = Table::new();
let row = Row::from(vec!["One", "Two"]);

Enforce a max width that should be used in combination with dynamic content arrangement.
This is usually not necessary, if you plan to output your table to a tty, since the terminal width can be automatically determined.

Get the expected width of the table.

This will be Some(width), if the terminal width can be detected or if the table width is set via set_table_width.

If neither is not possible, None will be returned.
This implies that both the Dynamic mode and the Percentage constraint won’t work.

Specify how Comfy Table should arrange the content in your table.

use comfy_table::{Table, ContentArrangement};

let mut table = Table::new();

Set the delimiter used to split text in all cells.

A custom delimiter on a cell in will overwrite the column’s delimiter.
Normal text uses spaces ( ) as delimiters. This is necessary to help comfy-table understand the concept of words.

In case you are sure you don’t want export tables to a tty or you experience problems with tty specific code, you can enforce a non_tty mode.

This disables:

  • table_width lookup from the current tty
  • Styling and attributes on cells (unless you use Table::enforce_styling)

If you use the dynamic content arrangement, you need to set the width of your desired table manually with set_table_width.

Returns whether the table will be handled as if it’s printed to a tty.

This function respects the Table::force_no_tty function.
Otherwise we try to determine, if we are on a tty.

Enforce terminal styling.

Only useful if you forcefully disabled tty, but still want those fancy terminal styles.

use comfy_table::Table;

let mut table = Table::new();

Returns whether the content of this table should be styled with the current settings and environment.

Convenience method to set a ColumnConstraint for all columns at once. Constraints are used to influence the way the columns will be arranged. Check out their docs for more information.

Attention: This function should be called after at least one row (or the headers) has been added to the table. Before that, the columns won’t initialized.

If more constraints are passed than there are columns, any superfluous constraints will be ignored.

use comfy_table::{Width::*, CellAlignment, ColumnConstraint::*, ContentArrangement, Table};

let mut table = Table::new();
table.add_row(&vec!["one", "two", "three"])

This function creates a TableStyle from a given preset string.
Preset strings can be found in styling::presets::*.

You can also write your own preset strings and use them with this function. There’s the convenience method Table::current_style_as_preset, which prints you a preset string from your current style configuration.
The function expects the to-be-drawn characters to be in the same order as in the TableComponent enum.

If the string isn’t long enough, the default ASCII_FULL style will be used for all remaining components.

If the string is too long, remaining charaacters will be simply ignored.

Returns the current style as a preset string.

A pure convenience method, so you’re not force to fiddle with those preset strings yourself.

use comfy_table::Table;
use comfy_table::presets::UTF8_FULL;

let mut table = Table::new();

assert_eq!(UTF8_FULL, table.current_style_as_preset())

Modify a preset with a modifier string from modifiers.

For instance, the UTF8_ROUND_CORNERS modifies all corners to be round UTF8 box corners.

use comfy_table::Table;
use comfy_table::presets::UTF8_FULL;
use comfy_table::modifiers::UTF8_ROUND_CORNERS;

let mut table = Table::new();

Define the char that will be used to draw a specific component.
Look at TableComponent to see all stylable components

If None is supplied, the element won’t be displayed.
In case of a e.g. *BorderIntersection a whitespace will be used as placeholder, unless related borders and and corners are set to None as well.

For example, if TopBorderIntersections is None the first row would look like this:

+------ ------+
| this | test |

If in addition TopLeftCorner,TopBorder and TopRightCorner would be None as well, the first line wouldn’t be displayed at all.

use comfy_table::Table;
use comfy_table::presets::UTF8_FULL;
use comfy_table::TableComponent::*;

let mut table = Table::new();
// Load the UTF8_FULL preset
// Set all outer corners to round UTF8 corners
// This is basically the same as the UTF8_ROUND_CORNERS modifier
table.set_style(TopLeftCorner, '╭');
table.set_style(TopRightCorner, '╮');
table.set_style(BottomLeftCorner, '╰');
table.set_style(BottomRightCorner, '╯');

Get a copy of the char that’s currently used for drawing this component.

use comfy_table::Table;
use comfy_table::TableComponent::*;

let mut table = Table::new();
assert_eq!(table.get_style(TopLeftCorner), Some('+'));

Remove the style for a specific component of the table.
By default, a space will be used as a placeholder instead.
Though, if for instance all components of the left border are removed, the left border won’t be displayed.

Get a reference to a specific column.

Get a mutable reference to a specific column.

Iterator over all columns

Get a mutable iterator over all columns.

use comfy_table::{Width::*, ColumnConstraint::*, Table};

let mut table = Table::new();
table.add_row(&vec!["First", "Second", "Third"]);

// Add a ColumnConstraint to each column (left->right)
// first -> min width of 10
// second -> max width of 8
// third -> fixed width of 10
let constraints = vec![

// Add the constraints to their respective column
for (column_index, column) in table.column_iter_mut().enumerate() {
    let constraint = constraints.get(column_index).unwrap();

Get a mutable iterator over cells of a column. The iterator returns a nested Option<Option>, since there might be rows that are missing this specific Cell.

use comfy_table::Table;
let mut table = Table::new();
table.add_row(&vec!["First", "Second"]);
table.add_row(&vec!["Fourth", "Fifth"]);

// Create an iterator over the second column
let mut cell_iter = table.column_cells_iter(1);
assert_eq!(, "Second");
assert_eq!(, "Fifth");

Reference to a specific row

Mutable reference to a specific row

Iterator over all rows

Get a mutable iterator over all rows.

use comfy_table::Table;
let mut table = Table::new();
table.add_row(&vec!["First", "Second", "Third"]);

// Add the constraints to their respective row
for row in table.row_iter_mut() {
assert!(table.row_iter_mut().len() == 1);

Return a vector representing the maximum amount of characters in any line of this column.
This is mostly needed for internal testing and formatting, but can be interesting if you want to see the widths of the longest lines for each column.

Trait Implementations

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.