DigitShield 0.1.6

A simple and quick password generator for enhanced security.
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A command-line password generator built with Rust, offering a swift and effortless solution for creating passwords of varying strengths. Cure your password creation woes with a single command!


More installation methods are coming soon...

Install using Cargo

Please ensure that your operating system has Rust and the Cargo development environment properly configured.

cargo install DigitShield --version=0.1.3 // When installing, please select the version of your choice.

CLI Usage

$ DigitShield -h
Usage: DigitShield --len <LEN> --complex <COMPLEX>

  -l, --len <PWDLEN>
  -c, --complex <PWDCOMPLEX>
  -h, --help               Print help
  -V, --version            Print version
$ DigitShield -l 8 -c s
$ DigitShield -l 16 -c m

$ DigitShield -l 18 -c c

The generated password will be automatically copied to the clipboard by default, allowing you to directly paste and use it.


Here are the features and improvements we plan to add to the tool in the future. If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to share!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.