actix-web 1.0.2

Actix web is a simple, pragmatic and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
# Changes

## [1.0.2] - 2019-06-17

### Changes

* Move cors middleware to `actix-cors` crate.

* Move identity middleware to `actix-identity` crate.

## [1.0.1] - 2019-06-17

### Add

* Add support for PathConfig #903

* Add `middleware::identity::RequestIdentity` trait to `get_identity` from `HttpMessage`.

### Changes

* Move cors middleware to `actix-cors` crate.

* Move identity middleware to `actix-identity` crate.

* Disable default feature `secure-cookies`.

* Allow to test an app that uses async actors #897

* Re-apply patch from #637 #894

### Fixed

* HttpRequest::url_for is broken with nested scopes #915

## [1.0.0] - 2019-06-05

### Add

* Add `Scope::configure()` method.

* Add `ServiceRequest::set_payload()` method.

* Add `test::TestRequest::set_json()` convenience method to automatically
  serialize data and set header in test requests.

* Add macros for head, options, trace, connect and patch http methods

### Changes

* Drop an unnecessary `Option<_>` indirection around `ServerBuilder` from `HttpServer`. #863

### Fixed

* Fix Logger request time format, and use rfc3339. #867

* Clear http requests pool on app service drop #860

## [1.0.0-rc] - 2019-05-18

### Add

* Add `Query<T>::from_query()` to extract parameters from a query string. #846
* `QueryConfig`, similar to `JsonConfig` for customizing error handling of query extractors.

### Changes

* `JsonConfig` is now `Send + Sync`, this implies that `error_handler` must be `Send + Sync` too.

### Fixed

* Codegen with parameters in the path only resolves the first registered endpoint #841

## [1.0.0-beta.4] - 2019-05-12

### Add

* Allow to set/override app data on scope level

### Changes

* `App::configure` take an `FnOnce` instead of `Fn`
* Upgrade actix-net crates

## [1.0.0-beta.3] - 2019-05-04

### Added

* Add helper function for executing futures `test::block_fn()`

### Changed

* Extractor configuration could be registered with `App::data()`
  or with `Resource::data()` #775

* Route data is unified with app data, `Route::data()` moved to resource
  level to `Resource::data()`

* CORS handling without headers #702

* Allow to construct `Data` instances to avoid double `Arc` for `Send + Sync` types.

### Fixed

* Fix `NormalizePath` middleware impl #806

### Deleted

* `App::data_factory()` is deleted.

## [1.0.0-beta.2] - 2019-04-24

### Added

* Add raw services support via `web::service()`

* Add helper functions for reading response body `test::read_body()`

* Add support for `remainder match` (i.e "/path/{tail}*")

* Extend `Responder` trait, allow to override status code and headers.

* Store visit and login timestamp in the identity cookie #502

### Changed

* `.to_async()` handler can return `Responder` type #792

### Fixed

* Fix async web::Data factory handling

## [1.0.0-beta.1] - 2019-04-20

### Added

* Add helper functions for reading test response body,
 `test::read_response()` and test::read_response_json()`

* Add `.peer_addr()` #744

* Add `NormalizePath` middleware

### Changed

* Rename `RouterConfig` to `ServiceConfig`

* Rename `test::call_success` to `test::call_service`

* Removed `ServiceRequest::from_parts()` as it is unsafe to create from parts.

* `CookieIdentityPolicy::max_age()` accepts value in seconds

### Fixed

* Fixed `TestRequest::app_data()`

## [1.0.0-alpha.6] - 2019-04-14

### Changed

* Allow to use any service as default service.

* Remove generic type for request payload, always use default.

* Removed `Decompress` middleware. Bytes, String, Json, Form extractors
  automatically decompress payload.

* Make extractor config type explicit. Add `FromRequest::Config` associated type.

## [1.0.0-alpha.5] - 2019-04-12

### Added

* Added async io `TestBuffer` for testing.

### Deleted

* Removed native-tls support

## [1.0.0-alpha.4] - 2019-04-08

### Added

* `App::configure()` allow to offload app configuration to different methods

* Added `URLPath` option for logger

* Added `ServiceRequest::app_data()`, returns `Data<T>`

* Added `ServiceFromRequest::app_data()`, returns `Data<T>`

### Changed

* `FromRequest` trait refactoring

* Move multipart support to actix-multipart crate

### Fixed

* Fix body propagation in Response::from_error. #760

## [1.0.0-alpha.3] - 2019-04-02

### Changed

* Renamed `TestRequest::to_service()` to `TestRequest::to_srv_request()`

* Renamed `TestRequest::to_response()` to `TestRequest::to_srv_response()`

* Removed `Deref` impls

### Removed

* Removed unused `actix_web::web::md()`

## [1.0.0-alpha.2] - 2019-03-29

### Added

* rustls support

### Changed

* use forked cookie

* multipart::Field renamed to MultipartField

## [1.0.0-alpha.1] - 2019-03-28

### Changed

* Complete architecture re-design.

* Return 405 response if no matching route found within resource #538