addr2line 0.9.0

A cross-platform symbolication library written in Rust, using `gimli`
## 0.9.0 (2019/05/02)

### Breaking changes

* [#121]
  Update `gimli`, `object`, and `fallible-iterator` dependencies.

### Added

* [#121]
  Reexport `gimli`, `object`, and `fallible-iterator`.

## 0.8.0 (2019/02/06)

### Breaking changes

* [#107]
  Update `object` dependency to 0.11. This is part of the public API.

### Added

* [#101]
  Add `object` feature (enabled by default). Disable this feature to remove
  the `object` dependency and `Context::new` API.

* [#102]
  Add `std` (enabled by default) and `alloc` features.

### Changed

* [#108]
  `demangle` no longer ouputs the hash for rust symbols.

* [#109]
  Set default `R` for `Context<R>`.