aes 0.3.1

Facade for AES (Rijndael) block ciphers implementations
aes-0.3.1 has been yanked.

This crate is a wrapper around different implementations of AES block ciphers.

Currently it uses:

  • aes-soft hardware independent bit-sliced implementation
  • aesni implementation using AES-NI instruction set. Used for x86-64 and x86 target architectures with enabled aes and sse2 target features (the latter is usually enabled by default).

Crate switches between implementations automatically at compile time. (i.e. it does not use run-time feature detection)

Usage example

use aes::block_cipher_trait::generic_array::GenericArray;
use aes::block_cipher_trait::BlockCipher;
use aes::Aes128;

let key = GenericArray::from_slice(&[0u8; 16]);
let mut block = GenericArray::clone_from_slice(&[0u8; 16]);
let mut block8 = GenericArray::clone_from_slice(&[block; 8]);
// Initialize cipher
let cipher = Aes128::new(&key);

let block_copy = block.clone();
// Encrypt block in-place
cipher.encrypt_block(&mut block);
// And decrypt it back
cipher.decrypt_block(&mut block);
assert_eq!(block, block_copy);

// We can encrypt 8 blocks simultaneously using
// instruction-level parallelism
let block8_copy = block8.clone();
cipher.encrypt_blocks(&mut block8);
cipher.decrypt_blocks(&mut block8);
assert_eq!(block8, block8_copy);

For implementations of block cipher modes of operation see block-modes crate.