# Changelog
All notable changes to alacritty_terminal are documented in this file. The
sections should follow the order `Added`, `Changed`, `Deprecated`, `Fixed` and
**Breaking changes are written in bold style.**
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
## 0.25.0-rc1
### Changed
- Replaced `Options::hold` with `Options::drain_on_exit` that drains, but doesn't hold, since holding can be done outside of alacritty_terminal
## 0.24.2
### Added
- Escape sequence to move cursor forward tabs ( CSI Ps I )
## 0.24.1
### Changed
- Shell RCs are no longer sourced on macOs
### Fixed
- Semantic search handling of fullwidth characters
- Inline search ignoring line wrapping flag
- Clearing of `XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN` and `DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID` in the main process
- FD leaks when closing PTYs on Unix
- Crash when ConPTY creation failed
## 0.24.0
### Added
- `tty::unix::from_fd()` to create a TTY from a pre-opened PTY's file-descriptors
### Changed
- **`Term` is not focused by default anymore**