Crate alloy_dyn_abi

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Dynamic Solidity type encoder.

Run-time representation of Ethereum’s type system with ABI encoding & decoding.

This library provides a runtime encoder/decoder for solidity types. It is intended to be used when the solidity type is not known at compile time. This is particularly useful for EIP-712 signing interfaces.

We strongly recommend using the static encoder/decoder when possible. The dynamic encoder/decoder is significantly more expensive, especially for complex types. It is also significantly more error prone, as the mapping between solidity types and rust types is not enforced by the compiler.


Basic usage:

use alloy_dyn_abi::{DynSolType, DynSolValue};
use alloy_primitives::hex;

// parse a type from a string
// note: eip712 `CustomStruct`s cannot be parsed this way.
let my_type: DynSolType = "uint16[2][]".parse().unwrap();

// decode
let my_data = hex!(
    "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020" // offset
    "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001" // length
    "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002" // .[0][0]
    "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003" // .[0][1]
let decoded = my_type.abi_decode(&my_data)?;

let expected = DynSolValue::Array(vec![DynSolValue::FixedArray(vec![2u16.into(), 3u16.into()])]);
assert_eq!(decoded, expected);

// roundtrip
let encoded = decoded.abi_encode();
assert_eq!(encoded, my_data);



§How it works

The dynamic encoder/decoder is implemented as a set of enums that represent solidity types, solidity values (in rust representation form), and ABI tokens. Unlike the static encoder, each of these must be instantiated at runtime. The DynSolType enum represents a solidity type, and is equivalent to an enum over types implementing the crate::SolType trait. The DynSolValue enum represents a solidity value, and describes the rust shapes of possible solidity values. It is similar to, but not equivalent to an enum over types used as crate::SolType::RustType. The DynToken enum represents an ABI token, and is equivalent to an enum over the types implementing the alloy_sol_types::abi::Token trait.

Where the static encoding system encodes the expected type information into the Rust type system, the dynamic encoder/decoder encodes it as a concrete instance of DynSolType.

  • Detokenizing: DynSolType + DynToken = DynSolValue

Users must manually handle the conversions between DynSolValue and their own rust types. We provide several From implementations, but they fall short when dealing with arrays, tuples and structs. We also provide fallible casts into the contents of each variant.


Because the shape of the data is known only at runtime, we cannot compile-time allocate the memory needed to hold decoded data. Instead, we pre-allocate a DynToken with the same shape as the expected type, and empty values. We then populate the empty values with the decoded data.

This is a significant behavior departure from the static decoder. We do not recommend using the DynToken type directly. Instead, we recommend using the encoding and decoding methods on DynSolType.


This crate is an extensive rewrite of the ethabi crate by the parity team. That codebase is used under the terms of the MIT license. We have preserved the original license notice in files incorporating ethabi code.


pub extern crate alloy_sol_type_parser as parser;
pub use eip712::parser as eip712_parser;eip712
pub use eip712::Eip712Types;eip712
pub use eip712::PropertyDef;eip712
pub use eip712::Resolver;eip712
pub use eip712::TypeDef;eip712
pub use eip712::TypedData;eip712
pub use alloy_sol_types::abi;
pub use alloy_sol_types::abi::Decoder;
pub use alloy_sol_types::abi::Encoder;
pub use alloy_sol_types::Eip712Domain;
pub use alloy_sol_types::SolType;
pub use alloy_sol_types::Word;


Implementation of dynamic EIP-712.


A decoded dynamic ABI error.
A decoded dynamic ABI event.
A representation of a Solidity call
A dynamic ABI error.
A dynamic ABI event.
A representation of a Solidity call’s returns.


A dynamic Solidity type.
A dynamic Solidity value.
A dynamic token.
Error when parsing EIP-712 encodeType strings


Provides error encoding and decoding for the Error type.
Provides event encoding and decoding for the Event type.
Provide ABI encoding and decoding for the Function type.
Provides ABI encoding and decoding functionality.
Trait for items that can be resolved to DynSol*, i.e. they specify some Solidity interface item.

Type Aliases§

Dynamic ABI result type.