ambient-authority 0.0.1

Ambient Authority
# This is a clippy.toml file for the [`disallowed_method`] clippy lint which
# disallows functions in `std` and a few other crates which utilize ambient
# authority.
# The Rust standard library is pretty big, and this list is currently
# maintained by hand, so it's possible there are errors and omissions.
# Corrections welcome!
# [`disallowed_method`]
disallowed-methods = [
  # Crates that explicitly declare their ambient authorities require this.

  # By default we warn about ambient authorities known at compile time as well;
  # comment this out if you're only interested in dynamic ambient authority.

  # Use cap-std instead.

  # No replacement available for these yet.

  # Use io-streams instead.

  # Use cap-async-std instead.

  # Use cap-directories instead.

  # Use cap-rand instead.

  # Use cap-tempfile instead.

  # Use cap-fs-ext instead.