Loading configuration (.yaml/.yml) files into a structure for easy usage
Basic usage:
extern crate amethyst_config;
use Element;
use Path;
is the name of the rust struct that will be generated by the macro. It can be anything
as long as it would be a valid struct in its context. e.g. no other structs by the same name.
The inner fields of Config
can be summed up as:
name: type = default,
The field name will be looked up when attempting to load from a .yml/.yaml file. If it is found then the value will be converted from a yaml type to a rust type and assigned to the field.
In the case that the value is either the wrong type from the field's or simply cannot be
found in the file, the field will be defaulted to default
In addition to basic types, any struct created through the config!
macro will automatically
implement the Element
trait. Meaning you can nest configuration structs
inside of eachother as such:
# extern crate amethyst_config;
# use Element;
# use Path;
External .yml/.yaml files
In the event that a config is getting too long, you can define it in the .yml/.yaml file as "extern"
display: "extern"
This works similarly to rust's module system. It will first search for "\display\config.yml"
in the current context. If it cannot find it, then it will look for "\display.yml". If it
cannot find either of these, then the value will be defaulted in addition to display
overwritten if you called write_file()
When config!
is used on an enum type, it automatically implements the Element trait. However,
it does not provide possibilities for data holding enums, only a simple options list enum.
# extern crate amethyst_config;
# use Element;
# use Path;
Normally when constructing a config you would want to have a small description as to what the fields will be used for. And possibly defaults.
# extern crate amethyst_config;
# use Element;
# use Path;
If the macro has problems expanding, then you may want to check whether you have the
documentation on the line before the field and that you have te pub
identifier before the
field name.