amplify 4.8.0

Amplifying Rust language capabilities: multiple generic trait implementations, type wrappers, derive macros
# Code of Conduct

We do not apply any code of conduct expectations for contributors and
maintainers in their live and behaviour outside the scope of this project.
We believe that a restriction is the word of sin: free people write code, take
their decisions and act in a way they will, taking responsibility for the

Moreover, we will try to protect the freedom of speech of contributors, and
explicit distance from personal or public life of contributors, as long as
they behave in a civil and productive way when contributing and interacting
within the project, and will go to great lengths to not deny anyone

Actions within the technical scope of the project (code quality, spamming etc),
as well as interaction with other maintainers and contributors of course is
a factor of the access to the project development and lifecycle. The decision in
these cases will be made by the project maintainers, with the right of veto or
overriding vote reserved for the original project author, Maxim Orlovsky.