anima-engine 0.0.1

The quirky game engine.
# Anima Engine. The quirky game engine.
[![Build Status]

# Roadmap

| Feature                        | Status      |
| ------------------------------ | :---------: |
| linear math                    | implemented |
| cross-device controls          | in-progress |
| mruby scripting                | implemented |
| live console                   | in-progress |
| flexible graphics pipeline     | waiting     |
| Vulkan support                 | waiting     |
| high-performance renderer      | waiting     |
| cross-device UI (vector?)      | waiting     |
| file support (3D, levels)      | waiting     |
| rigid body physics (Bullet)    | waiting     |
| joint physics (Bullet)         | waiting     |
| 3D sound                       | waiting     |
| AI (behavior, path-finding)    | waiting     |
| roads, foliage, trees, objects | waiting     |