apimokka 0.1.1

Mock with mokka ☕️🌄 Visual mocking helper to handle API mock Server generating HTTP/JSON responses
# API mokka
Mock with mokka ☕️🌄

Visual mocking helper to handle API mock Server generating HTTP/JSON responses written in Rust.

## Development

cargo run

## Usage

### Executable

[Assets](https://github.com/nabbisen/apimokka/releases/latest) in Releases offer executables for multiple platforms.


There are an example config file and directories by default.

### `cargo` install

cargo install apimokka

## Acknowledgements

Depends on [apimock-rs](https://github.com/nabbisen/apimock-rs) and [fltk-rs](https://github.com/fltk-rs/fltk-rs).