aptos-config 0.2.1

Aptos config
# Aptos Configuration

The configuration describes the operational details for a node
(Validator or Full node) and provides the clients' information on how to
connect to the blockchain and derive trust.

Validators perform the BFT protocol and host the source of truth for the

Fullnodes offer replication services for the blockchain as the primary
entry point for clients to submit read requests (i.e., queries about the
state of the blockchain). In turn, Validators focus on optimizing transaction

Clients are any service interested in learning about the state of the
blockchain or performing transactions.

For a more detailed summary of the differences between a Validator and a
Fullnode, see this [blog

## Organization

Configuration is broken up into many utilities:
- `src/config` hosts the core configuration file structure
- `src/generator.rs` assists in building sets of configurations for a Validator
  or Fullnode set
- `src/keys.rs` wraps keys within the configuration files for testing purposes
- `config-builder` extends `src/generator.rs` with a command-line utility
  and also provides support for generating genesis

The separation of the `config-builder` into its own crate was dictated by the
need for `config-builder` to be able to generate genesis. Genesis requires the
VM as a dependency, which is not a dependency for loading or using the
configuration from many of the services.

## Building a Test Network (TestNet)

`config-builder` builds an entire configuration for a Validator or FullNode,
including the genesis blob. It takes as one of its input parameters an index that
specifies the specific node config to return. This can be used to create an Aptos
TestNet by constructing compatible configurations for the full set of Validators.
Similarly the tool can be used to add Fullnodes to an existing network.  Finally,
it enables generation of a mint/faucet client capable of performing mint
transactions/creating accounts.

## Generating a new TestNet

The only requirements for generating the configuration for a full TestNet are: (i)
having IP addresses and ports for each Validator; (ii) a pre-agreed upon shared secret
for the Validator network; and (iii) a fixed ordering for the Validators in the
network. FullNode configs can either be newly generated added to existing configs.

The configuration for validator `I`, can be produced by:

    config-builder validator \
        -d /opt/aptos/data \
        -i $I \
        -o /opt/aptos/etc \
        -s $SHARED_SECRET

As an example, this is the 2nd Validator (offset 1) in a 4 Validator TestNet:

    config-builder validator \
        -a "/ip4/" \
        -b "/ip4/" \
        -d /opt/aptos/data \
        -i 1 \
        -l "/ip4/" \
        -n 4 \
        -o /opt/aptos/etc \
        -s 0123456789abcdef101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f2021222324252627

To create a mint service's key:

    config-builder faucet \
        -o /opt/aptos/etc \
        -s 0123456789abcdef101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f2021222324252627

Instantiating a FullNode config is similar to instantiating a Validator config.
Though there are three possible routes: (i) creating a new node config; (ii)
extending an existing Fullnode with another network; and (iii) extending a
Validator with a Fullnode network. The input is similar for all three cases
with only the command (create vs. extend) differing between them. When
extending a Validator, `config-builder` assumes that there are `n + 1`
Fullnodes and gives the `n + 1` identity to the Validator. The `n + 1` peer id
is also used to define the upstream peer for state sychronization and mempool.
Note: currently, the tool does not support the creation of trees of Fullnode

    config-builder full-node (create | extend) \
        -d /opt/aptos/data \
        -o /opt/aptos/etc \

Here an example of extending the Validator configuration above with a FullNode

    config-builder full-node extend \
        -a "/ip4/" \
        -b "/ip4/" \
        -d /opt/aptos/data \
        -l "/ip4/" \
        -n 4 \
        -o /opt/aptos/etc \
        -s 0123456789abcdef101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f2021222324252627 \
        -i 0 \
        -f 4 \
        -c 28292a2b2c2d2e2f303132333435363738393a3b3c3d3e3f4041424344454547

Here is an example of creating a new FullNode that will connect to the
Validator/FullNode hybrid configured above.

    config-builder full-node create \
        -a "/ip4/" \
        -b "/ip4/" \
        -d /opt/aptos/fn/data \
        -l "/ip4/" \
        -n 4 \
        -o /opt/aptos/fn/etc \
        -s 0123456789abcdef101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f2021222324252627 \
        -i 1 \
        -f 4 \
        -c 28292a2b2c2d2e2f303132333435363738393a3b3c3d3e3f4041424344454547

Similarly a public network could be added via:

    config-builder full-node create \
        -a "/ip4/" \
        -b "/ip4/" \
        -d /opt/aptos/fn/data \
        -l "/ip4/" \
        -n 4 \
        -o /opt/aptos/etc \
        -s 0123456789abcdef101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f2021222324252627 \

## Internals

There are several configurations contained within the configuration.

### Node Configuration
The node configuration contains several modules:

- AdmissionControlConfig - Where a node hosts their admission control
- BaseConfig - Specifies the Node's role and base directories
- ConsensusConfig - The behaviors of Consensus including the SafetyRules trusted computing base
- DebugInterface - A special gRPC service for identifying internals of the
- ExecutionConfig - The gRPC service endpoint and path to the genesis file
  that defines the Move standard library and the initial Validator set.
- MempoolConfig - Parameters for configuring uncommitted transaction storage
- MetricsConfig - Local storage for metrics
- NetworkConfig - AptosNet configuration file that specifies peers with keys,
  seed addresses to connect to upstream peers, the local peers network keys,
and other network configuration parameters
- NodeConfig - Hosts all configuration files for a node
- SafetyRulesConfig - Specifies the persistency strategy for Safety
- StateSyncConfig - Specifies parameters around state sycnhronization and the
  set of peers that provide the data
- StorageConfig - Where the AptosDB is stored and its gRPC service endpoints

### External Component Configurations
Outside of each node, external components can also be configured:

- KeyManagerConfig - This contains configurations details for starting and
operating the Key Manager: the component service responsible for rotating
cryptographic keys for nodes.

### Shared Configuration

- LoggerConfig - Configures the logging service for each component
- SecureBackendConfig - Configures the secure storage backend used by each component
- TestConfig - Used during tests to hold account keys and temporary paths for
  the configurations that will automatically be cleaned up after the test.

## Testing
Configuration tests serve several purposes:

- Identifying when defaults have changed
- Ensuring that parsing / storing works consistently
- Verifying that default filename assumptions are maintained

Several of the defaults in the configurations, in particular paths and
addresses, have dependencies outside the codebase. These tests serve as
a reminder that there may be ramifications from breaking these tests, which
may impact production deployments.

The test configs currently live in `src/config/test_data`.


- Add the ability to turn off services that are optional (e.g., debug
  interface, AC gRPC)
- Generating public networks is broken
- Make SafetyRule use on disk by default and remove from config generator