armv8 0.0.1

A library to program armv8-a (aarch64/aarch32) hardware. Contains armv8-a specific data structure definitions, data-tables, and functions to access architectural registers.
# Rust ARMv8 (aarch64/aarch32)

Rust library to program ARMv8-A hardware. It provides access and construction functions
for ARMv8 hardware-defined state and data structures.

## Acknowledgements

The library closely follows the structure of [rust-x86](,
and borrows some of its code.

## Supports

 * architectural registers (generated from arm xml spec)
 * paging definitions (4k granule)
## Todo's
 * AArch32 support
 * Paging granules 16k and 64k

## Register Binding Generation

To generate/update the Rust register bindings execute:
    $ bash tools/

Dependencies for the Rust register binding generations:
    # apt-get install python3-plumbum