array-bytes 9.1.2

A collection of Array/Bytes/Hex utilities with full No-STD compatibility.
### v9.1.2
- Add `ser_bytes_stringify` and `de_bytes_destringify`.

### v9.1.1
- Integrate `serde_bytes`.

### v9.1.0
- Use reference instead of value in `Hexify` trait and related serialize functions.

### v9.0.0
- Expose more friendly APIs, `Hexify` and `DeHexify` traits.
- Un-public some tiny functions to encourage using `Hexify` and `DeHexify` traits.
- Improve docs.
- Restructure the code.

### v8.0.0
- Improve performance.

### v7.1.0
- Rename `se_hex` to `ser_hex`.
- Rename `se_hex_without_prefix` to `ser_hex_without_prefix`.

### v7.0.0
- Improve docs.
- Improve tests.
- Bump dependencies.
- Add `se_hex`, `se_hex_without_prefix`.
- Rename `de_hex2num` to `de_try_from_hex` and make it support more types.
- Remove `de_hex2bytes`.

### v6.2.3
- Add `slice2array_ref` and `slice2array_ref_unchecked`.
- Bump dependencies.

### v6.2.2
- Improve documentation.

### v6.2.1
- Add `prefix_with` and `suffix_with`.
- Bump dependencies.

### v6.2.0
- Adjust generics order.
- Bump dependencies.

### v6.1.0
- Improve expression.
- Improve `TryFromHex` and add `Hex`.

### v6.0.0
- Optimize algorithm.
- Bump dependencies.

### v5.1.0
- Rename error fields.

### v5.0.0
- Optimize algorithm.
- Improve documentation.
- Support `AsRef<T>` input.
- Add `hex2slice` and `hex2slice_unchecked`.

### v4.2.0
- Bump dependencies.
- Update CI.
- Update license.

### v4.1.0
- Mark `hex_bytes2hex_str_unchecked` as unsafe.

### v4.0.0
- Use `is_hex_ascii` to optimize performance.
- Add benchmark results.
- Add `hex_bytes2hex_str` and `hex_bytes2hex_str_unchecked`.
- Add fuzzing.

### v3.0.0
- Break `hex_into` into `hex_into` and `hex_n_into`.
- Break `hex_into_unchecked` into `hex_into_unchecked` and `hex_n_into_unchecked`.

### v2.0.2
- Bump dependencies.
- Update README.
- Update CI.

### v2.0.1
- Fix tests.

### v2.0.0
- Split `dyn_*` to `slice_*` and `vec_*`.
- Remove all the unsafe usage.

### v1.6.0
- Disable generic input. (people should know what are they going to do)
- Bump dependencies.

### v1.5.2
- Update documentation.
- Update code format.
- Bump dependencies.

### v1.5.1
- Update description.

### v1.5.0
- Revert *"Use `String` instead `&str` in `serde`"*.
- Bump dependencies.
- Rust edition 2021.

### v1.4.1
- Use `String` instead `&str` in `serde`.

### v1.4.0
- Bump `serde`.
- Add more documentation.
- Add more tests.
- Rename `hexd2num` to `de_hex2num`, `hexd2bytes` to `de_hex2bytes`.

### v1.3.3
- Allow explicit generic argument.

### v1.3.2
- Add `dyn_into`.

### v1.3.0
- Add `hex2array`, `hex_try_into` and `hex_into_unchecked`.
- Support `serde`.

### v1.2.0
- Deprecated macro `hex2array_unchecked`.
- Introduce function `hex2array_unchecked`.
- Require at least Rust `1.51.0`.