arti-client 0.28.0

Library for connecting to the Tor network as an anonymous client
name = "arti-client"
version = "0.28.0"
authors = ["The Tor Project, Inc.", "Nick Mathewson <>"]
edition = "2021"
rust-version = "1.77"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
homepage = ""
description = "Library for connecting to the Tor network as an anonymous client"
keywords = ["tor", "arti", "privacy", "anonymity", "networking"]
categories = ["network-programming", "cryptography"]
repository = ""
# examples call TorClient::create_bootstrapped which needs PreferredRuntime
# @@ test-all-crates conditional-option minimal --features=tokio,native-tls

default = ["tokio", "native-tls", "compression"]
full = [
] # "full" is a top-level selector that turns on every feature, _EXCEPT FOR_:
#   * Features that are experimental or unstable
#   * Features that are testing-only
#   * Features which are select a particular implementation or build flag and
#     which therefore are not strictly additive.
#   * Features which may introduce unnecessary licensing restrictions.

async-std = ["tor-rtcompat/async-std"]
bridge-client = ["tor-guardmgr/bridge-client", "tor-dirmgr/bridge-client"]
memquota = ["tor-memquota/memquota"]
tokio = ["tor-rtcompat/tokio", "tor-proto/tokio"]
native-tls = ["tor-rtcompat/native-tls"]
pt-client = ["bridge-client", "tor-chanmgr/pt-client", "tor-guardmgr/pt-client", "tor-ptmgr"]

# Onion service proof of work schemes (specific schemes, full set, default set)
hs-pow-full = ["tor-hsclient?/hs-pow-full", "tor-hsservice?/hs-pow-full", "__is_experimental"]

# Expose interfaces useful for testing
testing = ["__is_experimental", "visibility"]

# This is not nonadditive from a software POV, but we mark it as such because it
# includes code licensed under the old OpenSSL license (which was 4-clause BSD),
# which in turn introduces a GPL-incompatibility.
rustls = ["tor-rtcompat/rustls", "__is_nonadditive"]

# depends directly on tor-rtcompat/static so native-tls doesn't get automatically included
static = ["static-sqlite", "tor-rtcompat/static", "__is_nonadditive"]
static-sqlite = ["tor-dirmgr/static", "__is_nonadditive"]
static-native-tls = ["tor-rtcompat/static", "native-tls", "__is_nonadditive"]

accel-sha1-asm = ["tor-llcrypto/with-sha1-asm", "__is_nonadditive"]
accel-openssl = ["tor-llcrypto/with-openssl", "__is_nonadditive"]

onion-service-client = ["tor-hsclient", "tor-hscrypto"]
onion-service-service = ["tor-hsservice", "tor-hscrypto", "tor-persist/state-dir", "keymgr"]
keymgr = ["tor-keymgr/keymgr", "tor-hsclient/keymgr"]
vanguards = ["tor-guardmgr/vanguards", "tor-circmgr/vanguards"]

__is_nonadditive = []

compression = ["tor-dirmgr/compression"]

experimental = [

# Enable experimental APIs that are not yet officially supported.
# These APIs are not covered by semantic versioning.  Using this
# feature voids your "semver warrantee".
experimental-api = ["__is_experimental"]
dirfilter = ["tor-dirmgr/dirfilter", "__is_experimental"]
ephemeral-keystore = ["tor-keymgr/ephemeral-keystore", "__is_experimental"]
ctor-keystore = ["tor-keymgr/ctor-keystore", "__is_experimental"]
error_detail = ["__is_experimental"]
geoip = ["tor-circmgr/geoip", "tor-dirmgr/geoip", "tor-geoip", "__is_experimental"]
rpc = ["dyn-clone", "tor-rpcbase", "__is_experimental"]

restricted-discovery = ["onion-service-service", "tor-hsservice/restricted-discovery", "__is_experimental"]
__is_experimental = []

anyhow = { version = "1.0.23", optional = true }
async-trait = "0.1.54"
cfg-if = "1.0.0"
derive-deftly = { version = "~1.0.0", features = ["full", "beta"] }
derive_builder = { version = "0.11.2", package = "derive_builder_fork_arti" }
derive_more = { version = "2.0.1", features = ["full"] }
dyn-clone = { version = "1.0.11", optional = true }
educe = "0.4.6"
fs-mistrust = { path = "../fs-mistrust", version = "0.9.0", features = ["serde"] }
futures = "0.3.14"
hostname-validator = "1.1.1"
humantime = "2"
humantime-serde = "1.1.1"
libc = "0.2"
once_cell = "1.9"
postage = { version = "0.5.0", default-features = false, features = ["futures-traits"] }
rand = "0.8"
safelog = { path = "../safelog", version = "0.4.2" }
serde = { version = "1.0.103", features = ["derive"] }
thiserror = "2"
tor-async-utils = { path = "../tor-async-utils", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-basic-utils = { path = "../tor-basic-utils", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-chanmgr = { path = "../tor-chanmgr", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-circmgr = { path = "../tor-circmgr", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-config = { path = "../tor-config", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-config-path = { path = "../tor-config-path", version = "0.28.0", features = ["arti-client"] }
tor-dirmgr = { path = "../tor-dirmgr", version = "0.28.0", default-features = false, features = ["mmap"] }
tor-error = { path = "../tor-error", version = "0.28.0", features = ["tracing"] }
tor-geoip = { path = "../tor-geoip", version = "0.28.0", optional = true }
tor-guardmgr = { path = "../tor-guardmgr", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-hsclient = { path = "../tor-hsclient", version = "0.28.0", optional = true }
tor-hscrypto = { path = "../tor-hscrypto", version = "0.28.0", optional = true }
tor-hsservice = { path = "../tor-hsservice", version = "0.28.0", optional = true }
tor-keymgr = { path = "../tor-keymgr", version = "0.28.0", default-features = false }
tor-linkspec = { path = "../tor-linkspec", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-llcrypto = { path = "../tor-llcrypto", version = "0.28.0" }
# tor-memquota dependency is unconditional, but most of the code is behind tor-memquota/memquota
tor-memquota = { path = "../tor-memquota", version = "0.28.0", default-features = false }
tor-netdir = { path = "../tor-netdir", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-netdoc = { path = "../tor-netdoc", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-persist = { path = "../tor-persist", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-proto = { path = "../tor-proto", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-ptmgr = { path = "../tor-ptmgr", version = "0.28.0", optional = true }
tor-rpcbase = { path = "../tor-rpcbase", version = "0.28.0", optional = true }
tor-rtcompat = { path = "../tor-rtcompat", version = "0.28.0" }
tracing = "0.1.36"
visibility = { version = "0.1.0", optional = true }
void = "1"

anyhow = "1.0.23"
rand = "0.8"
strum = { version = "0.26.3", features = ["derive"] }
tempfile = "3.3"
tokio-crate = { package = "tokio", version = "1.7", features = [
] }
toml = "0.8.8"
tor-relay-selection = { path = "../tor-relay-selection", version = "0.28.0" }
tor-rtcompat = { path = "../tor-rtcompat", version = "0.28.0", features = ["tokio", "native-tls"] }
tracing-subscriber = "0.3.0"

all-features = true