assert_fs 1.0.0

Filesystem fixtures and assertions for testing.
<a name="0.13.1"></a>
## 1.0.0 (2020-03-26)

Stable release!

<a name="0.13.1"></a>
## 0.13.1 (2019-12-01)

#### Features

* **assert:**  Support more string types in shortcut ([3de84ce4]

<a name="0.13.0"></a>
## 0.13.0 (2019-11-29)

#### Breaking Changes

* **persist:**  Clarify API behavior ([5411d07c], closes [#51], breaks [#]
* `copy_from` now expects globs relative to the root (so change `*` to `**`)

#### Bug Fixes

* **persist:**  Clarify API behavior ([5411d07c], closes [#51], breaks [#]
* `copy_from` now expects globs relative to the root (so change `*` to `**`)

<a name="0.11.3"></a>
## 0.11.3 (2019-01-29)

#### Features

* **fixture:**  Another subdir route ([0959d5f6]

<a name="0.11.2"></a>
## 0.11.2 (2019-01-29)

#### Features

* **assert:**  Support NamedTempFile ([935b57dd]

<a name="0.11.1"></a>
## 0.11.1 (2019-01-29)

#### Features

* **fixture:**  Shorten route to Temp File ([73de421b]

<a name="0.11.0"></a>
## 0.11.0 (2019-01-29)

#### Breaking Changes

* **fixture:**
  *  Unify on error type ([27566755], closes [#39], breaks [#]
  *  Newtype for TempDir ([39b2913f], breaks [#]

#### Features

* **fixture:**
  *  Debug persistence support ([82220c82], closes [#31]
  *  Auto-create directories ([c6f8332c]
  *  NamedTempFile support ([e5209dfc], closes [#33]
  *  Copy a file ([4209ad29], closes [#34]
  *  Support creating dirs ([f7adecde], closes [#36]

<a name="0.10.1"></a>
## 0.10.1 (2019-01-07)

#### Bug Fixes

* **assert:**  Show why assert failed ([8079b749], closes [#37]

<a name="0.10.0"></a>
## 0.10.0 (2018-10-26)

#### Breaking Changes

*   Re-structure API ([6c9876d7], breaks [#]

#### Bug Fixes

*   Expose errors where relevant in the API ([d04cd8f9]
*   Re-structure API ([6c9876d7], breaks [#]

#### Features

* **assert:**  Accept Predicate<str> ([e7f174aa], closes [#25]

<a name="0.9.0"></a>
## 0.9.0 (2018-08-02)

#### Breaking Changes

*   Bury errors in the docs ([64f7b49d]
*   Remove failure from API ([22146f11], closes [#14]
*   Rename traits to clarify intent ([f22f8eb1]

#### Features

* **assert:**
  *  Show cause of failure ([befd9682], closes [#3]
  *  Support assert(bytes) shorthand ([118004e4]
  *  Use DifferencePredicate for str ([cfb49e57]
  *  Predicate<[u8]> acts on file contents ([43ec578f]

#### Bug Fixes

*   Bury errors in the docs ([64f7b49d]
*   Remove failure from API ([22146f11], closes [#14]
*   Rename traits to clarify intent ([f22f8eb1]
* **assert:**
  *  Isolate API details ([4f222646]

<a name="0.3.0"></a>
## 0.3.0 (2018-06-27)

#### Features

* **assert:**
  *  Support `assert(bytes)` shorthand ([118004e4]
  *  Support `assert(str)` shorthand ([bf999396]
* **fixture:**
  * copy_from now uses gitignore globs ([00d0f70b]
  * Improve fixture error reporting ([89fe9ebb]

#### Bug Fixes

* **fixture:**
  * `copy_from(".")` failed ([3b2fcfd8]

#### Breaking Changes

*   Rename traits to clarify intent ([f22f8eb1]

<a name="0.2.1"></a>
## 0.2.1 (2018-06-13)

* Documentation updates

<a name="0.2.0"></a>
## 0.2.0 (2018-05-30)

#### Bug Fixes

* **fixtures:**  copy_from now works ([f82317bb]

#### Features

*   Filesystem assertions ([3ba02a93], closes [#7]

#### Breaking Changes

* Update version of `predicates-rs` to v0.5.0.

<a name="0.1.1"></a>
## 0.1.1 (2018-05-28)

#### Features

*   Add a prelude ([43539abf]