async-graphql 2.10.8

A GraphQL server library implemented in Rust
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [2.10.8] 2021-10-26

- [async-graphql-poem] Bump poem to `1.0.13`. 

## [2.10.6] 2021-10-26

- Add derived for object & simple object & complex object. [#667] [#670]
- Respect query object field order. [#612]

## [2.10.5] 2021-10-22

- Bump poem from `0.6.6` to `1.0.7`. 

## [2.10.4] 2021-10-22

- Implement `Default` for ID #659.
- Implement `ScalarType` for `bson::Bson` and `bson::Document`. [#661]
- Add `CharsMinLength` and `CharsMaxLength` validators. [#656]
- Fix the `Subscription` macro to work on Rust 2021. [#665]

## [2.10.3] 2021-10-12

- Add `visible` macro argument for union type. [#655]

## [2.10.2] 2021-09-29

- Add concrete names support for `Object` macro. [#633]
- Add `Lookahead::selection_fields` method. [#643]

## [2.10.1] 2021-09-24

- Add `DataLoader::enable_all_cache` and `DataLoader::enable_cache` methods. [#642]
- Change the execution order of `chain` and `race` guards. [#614]
- Change log level from `error` to `info`. [#518]

## [2.10.0] 2021-09-17

- Add support for `graphql-ws` pings. [#635]
- Add feature gate `websocket` for async-graphql-tide. [#636]
- Implement GraphQL enum to `Value` conversion. [#617]
- Implement `ScalarType` for `HashMap`/`BTreeMap` to use `ToString`/`FromStr`. [#585]

## [2.9.15] 2021-09-10

- Added Axum error handling. [#629]
- Bump bson from `2.0.0-beta.1` to `2.0.0`. [#628]

## [2.9.14] 2021-09-03

- Add support for [serde_cbor] [#619]

## [2.9.13] 2021-09-01

- Released [`Axum`] integration. [`async-graphql-axum`]

## [2.9.12] 2021-08-24

- Add integration for [`Poem`]
- Ignore items flagged `@skip` in `SelectionField` and `Lookahead`. [#605]

## [2.9.11] 2021-08-22

- Implement `From<MaybeUndefined<T>> for Option<Option<T>>`. [#599]
- Add human readable for serializer. [#604]

## [2.9.10] 2021-08-05

- Change `GraphQLPlaygroundConfig::with_setting` to accept `impl Into<Value>` [#583]
- Remove unnecessary unwrap in multipart handler [#594]

## [2.9.9] 2021-07-20

- Add binary types to `ConstValue` and `Value`. [#569]
- Implemented `OutputType` for [Bytes]
- Changed Lookahead to support multiple fields. [#574]
- Implement `TryFrom<&[SelectionField<'a>]>` for `Lookahead<'a>`. [#575]
- Attach custom HTTP headers to the response when an error occurs. [#572]
- Allow field visible to support paths. [#578]
- Add support for the `list` operator to the input value validator. [#579]

## [2.9.8] 2021-07-12

- Add Extensions in Error of `InputValueValidator`. [#564]

- Fix SDL print is not stable. [#547]

## [2.9.7] 2021-07-04

- Add support for generic `ComplexObject`. [#562]

## [2.9.6] 2021-07-02

- Implement `From<SelectionField>` for `Lookahead`. [#557]
- Add Decimal scalar (from `rust_decimal` crate) [#559]

## [2.9.5] 2021-06-29

- Allows to get the actual field name and alias in `ResolveInfo`. [#551]

## [2.9.4] 2021-06-21

- Fix the bug that `MergedObject` may cause panic. [#539]

## [2.9.3] 2021-06-17

- Bump upstream crate `bson` from `v1.2.0` to `v2.0.0-beta.1`. [#516]

- Add `serial` attribute for `Object`, `SimpleObject` and `MergedObject` macros. [#539]

- Remove the `static` constraint of the `receive_body` and `receive_batch_body` functions. [#544]

- Implement `InputType` and `OutputType` for `[T; N]` array.

## [2.9.2] 2021-06-10

- Allow field guards to support paths. [#536]
- Add the `operation_name` to `Extension::execute` method. [#538]

## [2.9.1] 2021-06-08

- Rework error propagation. [#531]

## [2.9.0] 2021-06-07

- Add support for returning multiple resolver errors. [#531]

- Bump upstream crate `multer` from `v1.2.2` to `v2.0.0`.

- Aligned NaiveDateTime formatting with DateTime. [#535]

## [2.8.6] 2021-06-01

- Allow the ability to set GraphQL Playground settings. [#508]

- WebSocket is now generic in graphql_subscription_upgrade functions. [#530]

- Removed `Copy` trait from initializer in `graphql_subscription_with_data`. [#530]

## [2.8.5] 2021-05-11

- If `InputObject` contains an unnamed field, the correct error message will be given. [#498]

- Added `Websocket::with_message_stream` for client message customization. [#501]

- Added the `Secret` type using [secrecy] crate.

## [2.8.4] 2021-04-23

- Fix the problem that the `ComplexObject` macro cannot work due to the `secret` attribute.

## [2.8.3] 2021-04-12

- Fixed an error in exporting Federation SDL.

## [2.8.2] 2021-04-09

- Now when the resolver returns the `Result` type, `E` can be all types that implement `async_graphql::Into<Error>`.

## [2.8.1] 2021-04-08

### Fixed

- Fix stack overflow during Registry::create_type for recursive type while running Schema::build. [#474]

### Added

- Add `secret` attribute for arguments, they will not appear in the log.

impl Query {
    async fn login(&self, username:String, #[graphql(secret)] password: String) -> i32 {

## [2.8.0] 2021-04-05

### Changed

- Rework `Extension`, now fully supports asynchronous, better to use than before, and can achieve more features, it contains a lot of changes. _(if you don't have a custom extension, it will not cause the existing code to fail to compile)_
### Added

- Add `async_graphql_warp::graphql_protocol`, `async_graphql_warp::graphql_subscription_upgrade` and `async_graphql_warp::graphql_subscription_upgrade_with_data` to control WebSocket subscription more finely. 

## [2.7.4] 2021-04-02

- Add the `BuildHasher` generic parameter to `dataloader::HashMapCache` to allow custom hashing algorithms. [#455]

## [2.7.3] 2021-04-02
## Added 

- Add cache support for DataLoader. [#455]
- Implements `ScalarType` for `serde_json::Value`.
- Add `SelectionField::alias` and `SelectionField::arguments` methods.

## Fixed  

- Prevent Warp WS Close, Ping, and Pong messages from being parsed as GraphQL [#459]
- Fix Schema::sdl() does not include subscription definitions. [#464]

## [2.7.2] 2021-04-01

## Removed

- Remove `SchemaBuilder::override_name` method. [#437]
## Added

- Add `name` and `visible` attributes for `Newtype` macro for define a new scalar. [#437]
- `NewType` macro now also implements `From<InnerType>` and `Into<InnerType>`.

## [2.7.1] 2021-03-31

- Add `Request::disable_introspection` method. [#456]

## [2.7.0] 2021-03-27

## Fixed

- Fix chrono-tz integration. [#452]

## Changed

- Rework Extension & TracingExtension & OpenTelemetryExtension

## [2.6.5] - 2021-03-24

- In websocket, if the client sends `start` before `connection_init`, the connection will be immediately disconnected and return `1011` error. [#451]

## [2.6.4] - 2021-03-22

- Fix docs.

## [2.6.3] - 2021-03-22

### Added

- Add `extension::OpenTelemetry`.

### Removed

- Remove `TracingConfig`, now Request span always takes the current span as the parent, so this option is no longer needed.
- Remove `multipart` feature.

### Changed

- Now all features are not activated by default.

## [2.6.2] - 2021-03-20

- Add `SchemaBuilder::enable_subscription_in_federation` method.  [#449]

## [2.6.1] - 2021-03-19

- Fix tracing extension doesn't work with async code. [#448]

## [2.6.0] - 2021-03-18

- Add [ComplexObject] macro.

## [2.5.14] - 2021-03-14

- Add `DataLoader::loader` method. [#441]
- Fix the validation does not work on some inline fragments.

## [2.5.13] - 2021-03-09

- Support generics in Subscription types. [#438]

## [2.5.12] - 2021-03-09

- Remove unnecessary Box from WebSocket messages.
- Export subscription type to Federation SDL. (for [GraphGate] 😁)
- Add `extends` attribute for derive macros Subscription and MergedSubscription.
- Add `SchemaBuilder::override_name` method. [#437]

## [2.5.11] - 2021-03-07

- Execute `_entity` requests in parallel. [#431]

## [2.5.10] - 2021-03-06

- Add descriptions for the exported Federation SDL.

## [2.5.9] - 2021-02-28

### Changed

- Moved `Variables` from `async_graphql::context::Variables` to `async_graphql::Variables`.

## [2.5.8] - 2021-02-27

### Added

- Allow the `deprecation` attribute to have no reason.

    struct MyObject {
        a: i32,
        #[graphql(deprecation = true)]
        b: i32,
        #[graphql(deprecation = false)]
        c: i32,
        #[graphql(deprecation = "reason")]
        d: i32,

## [2.5.7] - 2021-02-23

### Fixed

- Fix the problem that the borrowing lifetime returned by the `Context::data` function is too small.

## [2.5.6] - 2021-02-23

### Changed

- When introspection is disabled, introspection related types are no longer registered.

## [2.5.5] - 2021-02-22

### Added

- Add support for Federation [nested keys]

## [2.5.4] - 2021-02-15

### Fixed

- Fixed the error that the directive locations `FIELD_DEFINITION` and `ENUM_VALUE` cannot be parsed.

## [2.5.3] - 2021-02-13

### Fixed

- Fixed [#409]

## [2.5.2] - 2021-02-06

### Added

- Add subscription support for tide with [tide-websockets]

### Fixed

- Fixed the bug that can accept subscription requests during the initialization of WebSocket.
- Fixed GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol does not support ConnectionError events. [#406]