
Module dataloader

Available on crate feature dataloader only.
Expand description

Batch loading support, used to solve N+1 problem.


use async_graphql::*;
use async_graphql::dataloader::*;
use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap};
use std::convert::Infallible;
use async_graphql::dataloader::Loader;

/// This loader simply converts the integer key into a string value.
struct MyLoader;

#[cfg_attr(feature = "boxed-trait", async_trait::async_trait)]
impl Loader<i32> for MyLoader {
    type Value = String;
    type Error = Infallible;

    async fn load(&self, keys: &[i32]) -> Result<HashMap<i32, Self::Value>, Self::Error> {
        // Use `MyLoader` to load data.
        Ok(keys.iter().copied().map(|n| (n, n.to_string())).collect())

struct Query;

impl Query {
    async fn value(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, n: i32) -> Option<String> {

let schema = Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription);
let query = r#"
        v1: value(n: 1)
        v2: value(n: 2)
        v3: value(n: 3)
        v4: value(n: 4)
        v5: value(n: 5)
let request = Request::new(query).data(DataLoader::new(MyLoader, tokio::spawn));
let res = schema.execute(request).await.into_result().unwrap().data;

assert_eq!(res, value!({
    "v1": "1",
    "v2": "2",
    "v3": "3",
    "v4": "4",
    "v5": "5",

