attribute-derive 0.10.3

Clap like parsing for attributes in proc-macros
# attribute-derive

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Basically clap for attribute macros:
use attribute_derive::Attribute;
use syn::Type;

#[attribute(ident = collection)]
#[attribute(error(missing_field = "`{field}` was not specified"))]
struct CollectionAttribute {
    // Options are optional by default (will be set to None if not specified)
    authority: Option<String>,
    name: String,
    // Any type implementing default can be flagged as default
    // This will be set to Vec::default() when not specified
    views: Vec<Type>,
    // Booleans can be used without assigning a value, i.e., as a flag.
    // If omitted they are set to false
    some_flag: bool,

Will be able to parse an attribute like this:
#[collection(authority="Some String", name = r#"Another string"#, views = [Option, ()])]

## Limitations

There are some limitations in syntax parsing that will be lifted future releases.

- literals in top level (meaning something like `#[attr(42, 3.14, "hi")]`
- function like arguments (something like `#[attr(view(a = "test"))]`
- other syntaxes, maybe something like `key: value`

## Parse methods

There are multiple ways of parsing a struct deriving [`Attribute`](

For helper attributes there is:
- [`Attribute::from_attributes`] which takes in an [`IntoIterator<Item = &'a
(e.g. a [`&Vec<syn::Attribute>`] Most useful for derive macros.
- [`Attribute::remove_attributes`] which takes an [`&mut Vec<syn::Attribute>`]
and does not only parse the [`Attribute`] but also removes those matching. Useful for helper
attributes for proc macros, where the helper attributes need to be removed.

For parsing a single [`TokenStream`]( e.g. for parsing the proc macro input there a two ways:

- [`Attribute::from_args`] taking in a [`TokenStream`]
- As `derive(Attribute)` also derives [`Parse`] so you can use the [parse] API,
e.g. with [`parse_macro_input!(tokens as Attribute)`]