atuin-server 18.4.0

server library for atuin
## host to bind, can also be passed via CLI args
# host = ""

## port to bind, can also be passed via CLI args
# port = 8888

## whether to allow anyone to register an account
# open_registration = false

## URI for postgres (using development creds here)
# db_uri="postgres://username:password@localhost/atuin"

## Maximum size for one history entry
# max_history_length = 8192

## Maximum size for one record entry
## 1024 * 1024 * 1024
# max_record_size = 1073741824

## Webhook to be called when user registers on the servers
# register_webhook_username = ""

## Default page size for requests
# page_size = 1100

# [metrics]
# enable = false
# host =
# port = 9001

# [tls]
# enable = false
# cert_path = ""
# pkey_path = ""