# average
Calculate statistics of a sequence iteratively in a single pass, using
constant space and avoiding numerical problems. The calculations can be
easily parallelized by using `merge`.
This crate works without `std`.
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## Implemented statistics
* Mean and its error.
* Variance, skewness, kurtosis.
* Arbitrary moments.
* Minimum and maximum.
* Quantile.
* Histogram.
## Crate features
The following features are available:
* `libm` enables `Quantile` (using floating point functions provided by `libm`).
This is enabled by default. If the `std` feature is also enabled, `std` is
preferred over `libm`.
* `std` enables `Quantile` (using floating point functions provided by `std`).
* `serde` enables serialization, via Serde version 1.
* `rayon` enables support for `rayon::iter::FromParallelIterator`.
* `nightly` enables the use of const generics for a histogram implementation
without macros. Note that nightly features are not stable and therefore not
all library and compiler versions will be compatible.
## Related Projects
* [`quantiles`](https://crates.io/crates/quantiles):
Provides quantile estimates with bounded error but using growing space.