baserow-rs 1.0.1

A Rust client for the Baserow API.


Baserow-rs is a Rust client for the Baserow API. It provides a comprehensive set of features for interacting with Baserow tables, including CRUD operations and file management.


Baserow supports two authentication methods:

  • API Key (for server-to-server communication)
  • JWT Token (for client-to-server communication)

Note: Some endpoints require a JWT token, some require an API key, and some require both.

Authentication (API Key)

let configuration = ConfigBuilder::new()

let baserow = Baserow::with_configuration(configuration);

Authentication (JWT Token)

let configuration = ConfigBuilder::new()

let baserow = Baserow::with_configuration(configuration);

Table Operations

Retrieve Table Rows

let baserow = Baserow::with_configuration(configuration);

// retrieve rows from a table
let rows = baserow
    .filter_by("field_1529", Filter::Equal, "testaaaaaaaaaa")
    .order_by("field_1529", OrderDirection::Asc)

Create a Row

let mut record: HashMap<String, Value> = HashMap::new();
record.insert("field_1529".to_string(), Value::String("test".to_string()));

let row = baserow.table_by_id(176).create_one(record).await?;

Update a Row

let mut record: HashMap<String, Value> = HashMap::new();
record.insert("field_1529".to_string(), Value::String("updated".to_string()));

let updated_row = baserow.table_by_id(176).update(row_id, record).await?;

Get Table Fields

let fields = baserow.table_fields(table_id).await?;

Map Rows to Structs

You can map table rows directly to your own structs using serde's Deserialize:

use serde::Deserialize;
use baserow_rs::{OrderDirection, filter::Filter};

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct User {
    id: u64,
    name: String,
    email: String,
    age: Option<i32>,

// First auto_map the table to ensure field mappings are available
let table = baserow.table_by_id(1234).auto_map().await?;

// Get a single row and deserialize it into your struct
let user: User = table.clone().get_one_typed::<User>(1).await?;
println!("Found user: {:?}", user);

// Query multiple rows with filtering, sorting, and pagination
let response = table.clone()
    .page_size(10)  // Get 10 rows per page
    .filter_by("age", Filter::HigherThan, "18")  // Only users over 18
    .order_by("name", OrderDirection::Asc)  // Sort by name

println!("Found {} total users", response.count);
for user in response.results {
    println!("User: {:?}", user);

The field names in your struct should match the column names in your Baserow table. Use Option<T> for nullable fields. Remember to clone the table when using it multiple times, as operations consume the table instance.

File Operations

Upload a File

let file = File::open("path/to/file").unwrap();
let result = baserow.upload_file(file, "filename.png".to_string()).await?;

Upload a File via URL

let result = baserow.upload_file_via_url("").await?;


Apache 2.0