baserow-rs 2.0.5

A Rust client for the Baserow API.
# Changelog

## [2.0.5] (2024-12-27)

### Bug Fixes

* thumbnail dimensions can be null ([#57] ([2f77cb6]

## [2.0.4] (2024-12-27)

### Bug Fixes

* dimensions can be null ([#55] ([211c67e]

## [2.0.3] (2024-12-26)

### Bug Fixes

* test deserialization ([#53] ([c6b4a57]

## [2.0.2] (2024-12-26)

### Bug Fixes

* map query parameters as well ([#51] ([9b22a61]

## [2.0.1] (2024-12-26)

### Bug Fixes

* make mapper and user_field_names mutually exclusive ([#49] ([d468634]

## [2.0.0] (2024-12-26)


* cleanup & remove old api

### Bug Fixes

* apply tracing ([#43] ([31f3d10]
* remove unused package key ([31f3d10]

### Miscellaneous Chores

* cleanup & remove old api ([31f3d10]

## [1.2.0] (2024-12-26)

### Features

* add tracing ([#42] ([e6c535f]

### Bug Fixes

* enforce correct type ([#40] ([7923414]

## [1.1.2] (2024-12-26)

### Bug Fixes

* add size ([#38] ([697bee9]

## [1.1.1] (2024-12-26)

### Bug Fixes

* use page, not offset ([#36] ([c23abf5]

## [1.1.0] (2024-12-26)

### Features

* add support for user_field_names ([abaacbe]

### Bug Fixes

* apply auto-mapping consistently ([abaacbe]
* include user_field_names request option ([abaacbe]
* include user_field_names request option ([#34] ([abaacbe]

## [1.0.1] (2024-12-26)

### Bug Fixes

* make baserow Debug'able ([#32] ([c2d2362]

## [1.0.0] (2024-12-25)


* condense get_one_typed
* condense get method on table
* move request building to table operations
* move get into BaserowTable
* condense get_one_typed ([#30]

### Bug Fixes

* correct endpoint for view and add tests ([b379fde]

### Miscellaneous Chores

* condense get method on table ([b379fde]
* condense get_one_typed ([b379fde]
* condense get_one_typed ([#30] ([b379fde]
* move get into BaserowTable ([b379fde]
* move request building to table operations ([b379fde]

## [0.8.0] (2024-12-25)

### Features

* allow retrieving typed-rows ([#29] ([660444f]
* allow selection of views ([#26] ([1e68076]

### Bug Fixes

* extract field mapper ([#28] ([8c10c34]

## [0.7.0] (2024-12-24)

### Features

* add pagination ([#23] ([6cdad0f]

## [0.6.0] (2024-12-24)

### Features

* make library testable ([#21] ([98acdf2]

## [0.5.1] (2024-12-19)

### Bug Fixes

* make fields public ([f1f711d]

## [0.5.0] (2024-12-13)

### Features

* implement table fields retrieval and mapping functionality ([#14] ([3c31cd4]

## [0.4.0] (2024-12-12)

### Features

* add file upload functionality and update dependencies ([#12] ([dad9de5]

## [0.3.0] (2024-12-12)

### Features

* add get one record ([#10] ([45337f3]
* delete one record ([#11] ([a1af353]
* update rows ([#8] ([11eaa41]

## [0.2.0] (2024-12-11)

### Features

* add ability to create a record ([0efc9d0]

## [0.1.4] (2024-12-11)

### Bug Fixes

* allow auto-release ([e0e8673]

## [0.1.3] (2024-12-11)

### Bug Fixes

* add cargo publishing ([1a78b0f]
* add categories ([f62f777]
* more info in the Cargo file ([33d566d]

## [0.1.2] (2024-12-11)

### Bug Fixes

* set license ([b34cf14]

## [0.1.1] (2024-12-11)

### Bug Fixes

* add example ([72a6ea2]

## 0.1.0 (2024-12-11)

### Bug Fixes

* rust-edition ([f7adb61]