SED := `command -v gsed || command -v sed`
@just --list
# git tasks to start next development version
prepare-dev-version v:
git checkout trunk
{{SED}} -zE -i 's/(name = "bigdecimal"\nversion )= [^\n]*/\1= "{{v}}+dev"/' Cargo.toml Cargo.lock
git add Cargo.toml Cargo.lock
git commit -m 'Begin v{{v}} development'
# git tasks to run to merge trunk into master
prepare-release v:
git checkout trunk
cargo clippy
{{SED}} -zE -i 's/(name = "bigdecimal"\nversion )= [^\n]*/\1= "{{v}}"/' Cargo.toml Cargo.lock
git add Cargo.toml Cargo.lock
git commit -m 'Version {{v}}'
git checkout master
git merge trunk --no-ff -m 'v{{v}}'
# git tag 'v{{v}}'
# enable and run benchmarks
benchmark *args:
scripts/benchmark-bigdecimal {{args}}
# enable and run property-tests
scripts/bigdecimal-property-tests test
# enable property test dependencies
scripts/bigdecimal-property-tests enable
# print decimals with various formatting rules
cargo run --example formatting-examples