binread_derive 2.1.0

Derive macro for binread
# binread_derive

## Quick start for adding a new directive to `BinRead`

In all cases, look to existing directives to follow established code and test

1. Add a keyword for the new directive in `parser::keywords`.
2. Define the meta-type of the new directive in `parser::attrs`. If you need a
   new meta-type, add it to `parser::meta_types` along with tests.
3. If the new directive needs a special final type (e.g. `CondEndian`), add
   that to a new `parser::types` module and export it from `parser::types`. New
   types must ultimately implement `parser::TrySet`, but can sometimes do so
   more simply (using trait generic impls) by implementing `From` or `TryFrom`
4. Add the new directive as a field to the relevant structs in
   `parser::top_level_attrs` and `parser::field_level_attrs`.
5. If the new directive combines with other directives in ways that may be
   invalid, and the relationship cannot be expressed using an enum type
   (e.g. `ReadMode`), add validation in either `FromInput::push_field` (if the
   validation can occur immediately after the field is constructed) or
   `FromInput::validate` (if it can only be validated after the entire struct
   has been parsed).
6. Use the new fields to emit code in the appropriate places in
7. Add new integration tests in the `binread` crate’s `tests` directory.
8. If the new directive generates new errors (e.g. from validation), add unit
   tests to validate those code paths in `parser::tests` (in ``) and add
   identical trybuild tests to the `binread` crate’s `tests/ui` directory. (A
   nightly compiler is required to run the trybuild tests; see the comment in
   `binread::tests::ui` for more detail.)