bio 2.0.3

A bioinformatics library for Rust. This library provides implementations of many algorithms and data structures that are useful for bioinformatics, but also in other fields.
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# <img src="./img/bioferris.svg" width=50em alt="Rust-Bio logo" /> Rust-Bio, a bioinformatics library for Rust.

This library provides [Rust]( implementations of algorithms and data structures useful for bioinformatics.
All provided implementations are rigorously tested via continuous integration.

**Please see the [API documentation]( for available features and examples of how to use them.**

When using Rust-Bio, **please cite** the following article:

[Köster, J. (2016). Rust-Bio: a fast and safe bioinformatics library. Bioinformatics, 32(3), 444-446.](

Further, you can cite the used versions via DOIs:

Rust-Bio: [![DOI](](

## Contribute

Any contributions are welcome, from a simple bug report to full-blown new modules:

If you **find a bug** and don't have the time or in-depth knowledge to fix it, just [check if you can add info to an existing issue]( and otherwise [file a bug report]( with as many infos as possible.
Pull requests are welcome if you want to contribute fixes, documentation, or new code. Before making commits, it would be helpful to first install `pre-commit` to avoid failed continuous integration builds due to issues such as formatting:
1. Install `pre-commit` (see []
2. Run `pre-commit install` in the rust-bio base directory

Depending on your intended contribution frequency, you have two options for opening pull requests:
1. For one-time contributions, simply [fork] the repository, apply your changes to a branch in your fork and then open a pull request.
2. If you plan on contributing more than once, become a contributor by saying hi [on the `rust-bio` Discord server],
    Together with a short sentence saying who you are and mentioning what you want to contribute.
    We'll add you to the team.
    Then, you don't have to create a fork, but can simply push new branches into the main repository and open pull requests there.

If you want to contribute and don't know where to start, have a look at the [roadmap](

### Documentation guidelines

Every public function and module should have [documentation comments](
Check out [which types of comments to use where](
In `rust-bio`, documentation comments should:
* [explain functionality]
* give at least one useful example of how to use it (best as [doctests],
  that run during testing, and using descriptive [`expect()`]
  statements for handling any `Err()`s that might occur)
* describe time and memory complexity listed (where applicable)
* cite and link sources and explanations for data structures, algorithms or code (where applicable)

For extra credit, feel free to familiarize yourself with:
* the Rust [documentation conventions]
* the Rust [API documentation guidelines]

## Minimum supported Rust version

Currently the minimum supported Rust version is 1.65.0.

## License

Licensed under the MIT license This project may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.