bitfield 0.0.6

A procedural macro to generate bitfield-like stuct failed to build bitfield-0.0.6
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Visit the last successful build: bitfield-0.19.0


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This project provides a procedural macro to generate bitfield-like struct.

The generated structs use an array of u8 for the data and provide methods to get and set the values of the fields.

The generatated structs are not compatible with C bitfield. Unlike in C, the position of each bytes and bits in the underling bytes array is specifed. The bytes are in network order, and the bits are MSB first. No padding is added.

Because the generated struct is just a normal struct, you can add other methods to it or implement the trait you want.

Possible use includes decoding some binary file formats and reading the headers of some network protocols or some low-level protocols.


To use this macro in a cargo enabled project, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

git = ""

See the examples folder for examples of the use the macro.


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