# Bonsai Ethereum Relay
This repository provides the `bonsai-ethereum-relay`, a tool to integrate Ethereum with Bonsai.
It is coupled with an Ethereum Smart Contract able to relay the interaction from Ethereum to Bonsai and vice versa.
## Usage
A relayer to integrate Ethereum with Bonsai.
Usage: bonsai-ethereum-relay [OPTIONS] --contract-address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> --eth-node-url <ETH_NODE_URL> --wallet-key-identifier <WALLET_KEY_IDENTIFIER>
-p, --port <PORT>
The port of the relay REST API [default: 8080]
Toggle to disable the relay REST API
--contract-address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
Bonsai Relay contract address on Ethereum
--eth-node-url <ETH_NODE_URL>
Ethereum Node endpoint
--eth-chain-id <ETH_CHAIN_ID>
Ethereum chain ID [default: 5]
-w, --wallet-key-identifier <WALLET_KEY_IDENTIFIER>
Wallet Key Identifier. Can be a private key as a hex string, or an AWS KMS key identifier [env: WALLET_KEY_IDENTIFIER=]
--bonsai-api-url <BONSAI_API_URL>
Bonsai API URL [env: BONSAI_API_URL=http://localhost:8081] [default: http://localhost:8081]
--bonsai-api-key <BONSAI_API_KEY>
Bonsai API Key Defaults to empty, providing no authentication [env: BONSAI_API_KEY=none] [default: ]
Toggle to enable dev_mode: only a local executor runs your zkVM program and no proof is generated [env: RISC0_DEV_MODE=]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
For additional instructions please refer to our [documentation] and our [Bonsai Foundry template].
[documentation]: https://dev.risczero.com/api/bonsai/bonsai-on-eth
[Bonsai Foundry template]: https://github.com/risc0/bonsai-foundry-template