# boringssl-src
A crate for building boringssl.
This crate is intended to integrate with other build script to build boringssl.
1. To use the crate, just include it as build-dependency:
boringssl-src = "0.1"
2. And then build it in build script:
let artifact = boringssl_src::Build::new().build();
3. If you just need to link it to your library, then let it setup directly:
If you want to make it available to existing build system, take CMake as an example,
you can setup by using `OPENSSL_ROOT_PATH`:
let config = cmake::Config::new("native project");
config.define("OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR", format!("{}", boringssl_artifact.root_dir().display()));
Then cmake should be able to find the library by `find_package(OpenSSL)`.