borsh-derive 1.5.7

Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing

Borsh in Rust   Latest Version borsh: rustc 1.67+ License Apache-2.0 badge License MIT badge

borsh-rs is Rust implementation of the Borsh binary serialization format.

Borsh stands for Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing. It is meant to be used in security-critical projects as it prioritizes consistency, safety, speed, and comes with a strict specification.


use borsh::{BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, from_slice, to_vec};

#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct A {
    x: u64,
    y: String,

fn test_simple_struct() {
    let a = A {
        x: 3301,
        y: "liber primus".to_string(),
    let encoded_a = to_vec(&a).unwrap();
    let decoded_a = from_slice::<A>(&encoded_a).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(a, decoded_a);

Docs shortcuts

Following pages are highlighted here just to give reader a chance at learning that they exist.

Advanced examples

Some of the less trivial examples are present in examples folder:


Integration tests should generally be preferred to unit ones. Root module of integration tests of borsh crate is linked here.


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So, to publish a new version of all the crates, you can do so by simply bumping that to the next "patch" version and submit a PR.

We have CI Infrastructure put in place to automate the process of publishing all crates once a version change has merged into master.

However, before you release, make sure the CHANGELOG is up to date and that the [Unreleased] section is present but empty.


This repository is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0). See LICENSE-MIT and LICENSE-APACHE for details.