bpx-api-client 0.6.1

Backpack Exchange API client

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Backpack Exchange API Crate

This crate provides both REST and WebSocket APIs for interacting with the Backpack Exchange:


  • REST API: Access public and private (authenticated) endpoints.
  • WebSocket API: Subscribe to private streams for real-time updates (requires ws feature).

The official API documentation is available at https://docs.backpack.exchange/.


Add this crate to your Cargo.toml:

bpx_api_client = "x.y.z" # Replace with the latest version

To enable WebSocket support:

bpx_api_client = { version = "x.y.z", features = ["ws"] }


REST API example:

use bpx_api_client::{BpxClient, BACKPACK_API_BASE_URL};
use std::env;

async fn main() {
    let base_url = env::var("BASE_URL").unwrap_or_else(|_| BACKPACK_API_BASE_URL.to_string());
    let secret = env::var("SECRET").expect("Missing SECRET environment variable");

    let client = BpxClient::init(base_url, secret, None)
        .expect("Failed to initialize Backpack API client");

    match client.get_open_orders(Some("SOL_USDC")).await {
        Ok(orders) => println!("Open Orders: {:?}", orders),
        Err(err) => tracing::error!("Error: {:?}", err),

WebSocket API example:

use anyhow::Result;
use bpx_api_client::{BpxClient, BACKPACK_API_BASE_URL, BACKPACK_WS_URL};
use bpx_api_types::rfq::RequestForQuote;
use std::env;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let base_url = env::var("BASE_URL").unwrap_or_else(|_| BACKPACK_API_BASE_URL.to_string());
    let ws_url = env::var("WS_URL").unwrap_or_else(|_| BACKPACK_WS_URL.to_string());
    let secret = env::var("SECRET").expect("Missing SECRET environment variable");

    let client = BpxClient::init_with_ws(base_url, ws_url, &secret, None)?;

    let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::<RequestForQuote>(100);
    tokio::spawn(async move {
        while let Some(rfq) = rx.recv().await {
            println!("Received RFQ: {:?}", rfq);




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