byteorder_slice 3.0.0

Byteorder like crate for &[u8]


Provides convenience methods for reading numbers and slices from a slice


Use byteorder_slice = "1.0.0" if you want reads to return an Option.

Use byteorder_slice = "2.0.0" if you want reads to return a std::io::Result.

use byteorder_slice::{BigEndian, LittleEndian, ReadSlice}
let data = vec![0_u8; 100];
let src = &mut &data[..];

let a = src.read_u8().unwrap();
let b = src.read_u32::<BigEndian>().unwrap();
let c = src.read_uint::<LittleEndian>(3).unwrap();
let d = src.read_slice(10).unwrap();