<div align="center">
### ⚡ Cairo Native ⚡
A compiler to convert Cairo's intermediate representation "Sierra" code <br>
to machine code via MLIR and LLVM.
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- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Included Tools](#included-tools)
- [Scripts](#scripts)
- [cairo-native-compile](#cairo-native-compile)
- [cairo-native-dump](#cairo-native-dump)
- [cairo-native-run](#cairo-native-run)
- [cairo-native-test](#cairo-native-test)
- [cairo-native-stress](#cairo-native-stress)
- [scarb-native-dump](#scarb-native-dump)
- [scarb-native-test](#scarb-native-test)
- [Benchmarking](#benchmarking)
For in-depth documentation, see the [developer documentation][].
## Disclaimer
🚧 Cairo Native is still being built therefore API breaking changes might happen
often so use it at your own risk. 🚧
For versions under `1.0` `cargo` doesn't comply with
[semver](https://semver.org/), so we advise to pin the version the version you
use. This can be done by adding `cairo-native = "0.1.0"` to your Cargo.toml
## Getting Started
### Dependencies
- Linux or macOS (aarch64 included) only for now
- LLVM 19 with MLIR: On debian you can use [apt.llvm.org](https://apt.llvm.org/),
on macOS you can use brew
- Rust 1.78.0 or later, since we make use of the u128
[abi change](https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/03/30/i128-layout-update.html).
- Git
### Setup
> This step applies to all operating systems.
Run the following make target to install the dependencies (**both Linux and macOS**):
make deps
#### Linux
Since Linux distributions change widely, you need to install LLVM 19 via your
package manager, compile it or check if the current release has a Linux binary.
If you are on Debian/Ubuntu, check out the repository https://apt.llvm.org/
Then you can install with:
sudo apt-get install llvm-19 llvm-19-dev llvm-19-runtime clang-19 clang-tools-19 lld-19 libpolly-19-dev libmlir-19-dev mlir-19-tools
If you decide to build from source, here are some indications:
<details><summary>Install LLVM from source instructions</summary>
# Go to https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases
# Download the latest LLVM 19 release:
# The blob to download is called llvm-project-19.x.x.src.tar.xz
# For example
wget https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-19.1.5/llvm-project-19.1.5.src.tar.xz
tar xf llvm-project-19.1.5.src.tar.xz
cd llvm-project-19.1.5.src.tar
mkdir build
cd build
# The following cmake command configures the build to be installed to /opt/llvm-19
cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \
-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="mlir;clang;clang-tools-extra;lld;polly" \
ninja install
Setup a environment variable called `MLIR_SYS_190_PREFIX`, `LLVM_SYS_191_PREFIX`
and `TABLEGEN_190_PREFIX` pointing to the llvm directory:
# For Debian/Ubuntu using the repository, the path will be /usr/lib/llvm-19
export MLIR_SYS_190_PREFIX=/usr/lib/llvm-19
export LLVM_SYS_191_PREFIX=/usr/lib/llvm-19
export TABLEGEN_190_PREFIX=/usr/lib/llvm-19
Alternatively, if installed from Debian/Ubuntu repository, then you can use
`env.sh` to automatically setup the environment variables.
source env.sh
#### MacOS
The makefile `deps` target (which you should have ran before) installs LLVM 19
with brew for you, afterwards you need to execute the `env.sh` script to setup
the needed environment variables.
source env.sh
### Make targets:
Running `make` by itself will check whether the required LLVM installation and
corelib is found, and then list available targets.
% make
LLVM is correctly set at /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm.
./scripts/check-corelib-version.sh 2.6.4
deps: Installs the necesary dependencies.
build: Builds the cairo-native library and binaries in release mode.
build-native: Builds cairo-native with the target-cpu=native rust flag.
build-dev: Builds cairo-native under a development-optimized profile.
runtime: Builds the runtime library required for AOT compilation.
check: Checks format and lints.
test: Runs all tests.
proptest: Runs property tests.
coverage: Runs all tests and computes test coverage.
doc: Builds documentation.
doc-open: Builds and opens documentation in browser.
bench: Runs the hyperfine benchmark script.
bench-ci: Runs the criterion benchmarks for CI.
install: Invokes cargo to install the cairo-native tools.
clean: Cleans the built artifacts.
stress-test Runs a command which runs stress tests.
stress-plot Plots the results of the stress test command.
stress-clean Clean the cache of AOT compiled code of the stress test command.
## Included Tools
Aside from the compilation and execution engine library, Cairo Native includes
a few command-line tools to aid development, and some useful scripts.
These are:
- The contents of the `/scripts/` folder
- `cairo-native-compile`
- `cairo-native-dump`
- `cairo-native-run`
- `cairo-native-test`
- `cairo-native-stress`
- `scarb-native-dump`
- `scarb-native-test`
### `cairo-native-compile`
Compiles a Cairo project outputting the generated MLIR and the shared library.
Exits with 1 if the compilation or run fails, otherwise 0.
Usage: cairo-native-compile [OPTIONS] <PATH> [OUTPUT_MLIR] [OUTPUT_LIBRARY]
<PATH> The Cairo project path to compile and run its tests
[OUTPUT_MLIR] The output path for the mlir, if none is passed, out.mlir will be the default
[OUTPUT_LIBRARY] If a path is passed, a dynamic library will be compiled and saved at that path
-s, --single-file Whether path is a single file
--allow-warnings Allows the compilation to succeed with warnings
-r, --replace-ids Replaces sierra ids with human-readable ones
-O, --opt-level <OPT_LEVEL> Optimization level, Valid: 0, 1, 2, 3. Values higher than 3 are considered as 3 [default: 0]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
### `cairo-native-dump`
Usage: cairo-native-dump [OPTIONS] <INPUT>
-o, --output <OUTPUT> [default: -]
--starknet Compile a starknet contract
-h, --help Print help
### `cairo-native-run`
This tool allows to run programs using the JIT engine, like the `cairo-run`
tool, the parameters can only be felt values.
Example: `echo '1' | cairo-native-run 'program.cairo' 'program::program::main' --inputs - --outputs -`
Exits with 1 if the compilation or run fails, otherwise 0.
Usage: cairo-native-run [OPTIONS] <PATH>
<PATH> The Cairo project path to compile and run its tests
-s, --single-file Whether path is a single file
--allow-warnings Allows the compilation to succeed with warnings
--available-gas <AVAILABLE_GAS> In cases where gas is available, the amount of provided gas
--run-mode <RUN_MODE> Run with JIT or AOT (compiled) [default: jit] [possible values: aot, jit]
-O, --opt-level <OPT_LEVEL> Optimization level, Valid: 0, 1, 2, 3. Values higher than 3 are considered as 3 [default: 0]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
### `cairo-native-test`
This tool mimics the `cairo-test`
and is identical to it in interface, the only feature it doesn't have is the profiler.
Compiles a Cairo project and runs all the functions marked as `#[test]`.
Exits with 1 if the compilation or run fails, otherwise 0.
Usage: cairo-native-test [OPTIONS] <PATH>
<PATH> The Cairo project path to compile and run its tests
-s, --single-file Whether path is a single file
--allow-warnings Allows the compilation to succeed with warnings
-f, --filter <FILTER> The filter for the tests, running only tests containing the filter string [default: ]
--include-ignored Should we run ignored tests as well
--ignored Should we run only the ignored tests
--starknet Should we add the starknet plugin to run the tests
--run-mode <RUN_MODE> Run with JIT or AOT (compiled) [default: jit] [possible values: aot, jit]
-O, --opt-level <OPT_LEVEL> Optimization level, Valid: 0, 1, 2, 3. Values higher than 3 are considered as 3 [default: 0]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
For single files, you can use the `-s, --single-file` option.
For a project, it needs to have a `cairo_project.toml` specifying the
`crate_roots`. You can find an example under the `cairo-tests/` folder, which
is a cairo project that works with this tool.
cairo-native-test -s myfile.cairo
cairo-native-test ./cairo-tests/
This will run all the tests (functions marked with the `#[test]` attribute).
### `cairo-native-stress`
This tool runs a stress test on Cairo Native.
A stress tester for Cairo Native
It compiles Sierra programs with Cairo Native, caches, and executes them with AOT runner. The compiled dynamic libraries are stored in `AOT_CACHE_DIR` relative to the current working directory.
Usage: cairo-native-stress [OPTIONS] <ROUNDS>
Amount of rounds to execute
-o, --output <OUTPUT>
Output file for JSON formatted logs
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
To quickly run a stress test and save logs as json, run:
make stress-test
This takes a lot of time to finish (it will probably crash first), you can kill
the program at any time.
To plot the results, run:
make stress-plot
To clear the cache directory, run:
make stress-clean
### `scarb-native-dump`
This tool mimics the `scarb build` [command](https://github.com/software-mansion/scarb/tree/main/extensions/scarb-cairo-test).
You can download it on our [releases](https://github.com/lambdaclass/cairo_native/releases) page.
This tool should be run at the directory where a `Scarb.toml` file is and it will
behave like `scarb build`, leaving the MLIR files under the `target/` folder
besides the generated JSON sierra files.
### `scarb-native-test`
This tool mimics the `scarb test` [command](https://github.com/software-mansion/scarb/tree/main/extensions/scarb-cairo-test).
You can download it on our [releases](https://github.com/lambdaclass/cairo_native/releases) page.
Compiles all packages from a Scarb project matching `packages_filter` and
runs all functions marked with `#[test]`. Exits with 1 if the compilation
or run fails, otherwise 0.
Usage: scarb-native-test [OPTIONS]
-p, --package <SPEC> Packages to run this command on, can be a concrete package name (`foobar`) or a prefix glob (`foo*`) [env: SCARB_PACKAGES_FILTER=] [default: *]
-w, --workspace Run for all packages in the workspace
-f, --filter <FILTER> Run only tests whose name contain FILTER [default: ]
--include-ignored Run ignored and not ignored tests
--ignored Run only ignored tests
--run-mode <RUN_MODE> Run with JIT or AOT (compiled) [default: jit] [possible values: aot, jit]
-O, --opt-level <OPT_LEVEL> Optimization level, Valid: 0, 1, 2, 3. Values higher than 3 are considered as 3 [default: 0]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
## Benchmarking
### Requirements
- [hyperfine](https://github.com/sharkdp/hyperfine): `cargo install hyperfine`
- [cairo 2.9.0-dev.0](https://github.com/starkware-libs/cairo)
- Cairo Corelibs
- LLVM 19 with MLIR
You need to setup some environment variables:
$MLIR_SYS_190_PREFIX=/path/to/llvm19 # Required for non-standard LLVM install locations.
$LLVM_SYS_191_PREFIX=/path/to/llvm19 # Required for non-standard LLVM install locations.
$TABLEGEN_190_PREFIX=/path/to/llvm19 # Required for non-standard LLVM install locations.
You can then run the `bench` makefile target:
make bench
The `bench` target will run the `./scripts/bench-hyperfine.sh` script.
This script runs hyperfine commands to compare the execution time of programs in the `./programs/benches/` folder.
Each program is compiled and executed via the execution engine with the `cairo-native-run` command and via the cairo-vm with the `cairo-run` command provided by the `cairo` codebase.
The `cairo-run` command should be available in the `$PATH` and ideally compiled with `cargo build --release`.
If you want the benchmarks to run using a specific build, or the `cairo-run` commands conflicts with something (e.g. the cairo-svg package binaries in macos) then the command to run `cairo-run` with a full path can be specified with the `$CAIRO_RUN` environment variable.
[developer documentation]: https://lambdaclass.github.io/cairo_native/cairo_native/docs/index.html