# cargo-generate
> cargo, make me a project
`cargo-generate` is a developer tool to help you get up and running quickly with a new Rust
project by leveraging a pre-existing git repository as a template.
Here's an example of using `cargo-generate` with [this template]:

[this template]: https://github.com/ashleygwilliams/wasm-pack-template
## Installation
### Using `cargo` with system's OpenSSL
cargo install cargo-generate
See the [`openssl-sys` crate readme] on how to obtain the OpenSSL library for your system. Alternatively, use the `vendored-openssl` flag if you do not want to install OpenSSL.
[`openssl-sys` crate readme]: https://crates.io/crates/openssl-sys
### Using `cargo` with vendored OpenSSL
> NOTE: `vendored-openssl` requires the following packages to be installed:
> - libssl-dev
> - gcc
> - m4
> - ca-certificates
> - make
> - perl
cargo install cargo-generate --features vendored-openssl
### Manual Install:
1. Download the binary tarball for your platform from our [releases page](https://github.com/cargo-generate/cargo-generate/releases).
2. Unpack the tarball and place the binary `cargo-generate` in `~/.cargo/bin/`
## Usage
Standard usage is to pass a `--git` flag to `cargo generate` or short `cargo gen`. This will prompt you to enter the name of your project.
> NOTE: `cargo gen` requires an [cargo alias configuration](#cargo-gen---alias)
cargo generate --git https://github.com/githubusername/mytemplate.git
You can also pass the name of your project to the tool using the `--name` or `-n` flag:
cargo generate --git https://github.com/githubusername/mytemplate.git --name myproject
If the git repository contains multiple templates, the specific subfolder in the git repository may be specified like this:
cargo generate --git https://github.com/githubusername/mytemplate.git <relative-template-path>
> NOTE: The specified `relative-template-path` will be used as the actual template root, whether or not this is actually true!
> NOTE: When using the `subfolder` feature, `cargo-generate` will search for
## git over ssh
New in version [0.7.0] is the support for both public and private and ssh git remote urls.
For example:
cargo generate --git git@github.com:rustwasm/wasm-pack-template.git --name mywasm
leads to the same result as:
cargo generate --git https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack-template.git --name mywasm
as well as:
cargo generate --git rustwasm/wasm-pack-template --name mywasm
> NOTE: you can pass a custom ssh identity file with via `-i | --identity` like `-i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_other`
## http(s) proxy
New in version [0.7.0] is automatic proxy usage. So, if http(s)\_PROXY env variables are provided, they
will be used for cloning a http(s) template repository.
## Favorites
Favorite templates can be defined in a config file, that by default is placed at `$CARGO_HOME/cargo-generate`.
To specify an alternative configuration file, use the `--config <config-file>` option.
Each favorite template is specified in its own section, e.g.:
description = "<optional description, visible with --list-favorites>"
git = "https://github.com/ashleygwilliams/wasm-pack-template"
branch = "<optional-branch>"
subfolder = "<optional-subfolder>"
Values may be overridden using the CLI arguments of the same names (e.g. `--subfolder` for the `subfolder` value).
When favorites are available, they can be generated simply by invoking:
cargo gen <favorite>
or slightly more involved:
cargo generate demo --branch mybranch --name expanded_demo --subfolder myfolder
> NOTE: when `<favorite>` is not defined in the config file, it is interpreted as a git repo like as if `--git <favorite>`
## Templates
Templates are git repositories whose files contain placeholders. The current
supported placeholders are:
- `{{authors}}`
this will be filled in by a function borrowed from Cargo's source code, that determines your information from Cargo's configuration.
- `{{project-name}}`
this is supplied by either passing the `--name` flag to the command or working with the interactive CLI to supply a name.
- `{{crate_name}}`
the snake_case_version of `project-name`
- `{{crate_type}}`
this is supplied by either passing the `--bin` or `--lib` flag to the command line, contains either `bin` or `lib`, `--bin` is the default
- `{{os-arch}}`
contains the current operating system and architecture ex: `linux-x86_64`
Additionally, **all filters and tags** of the liquid template language are supported.
For more information, check out the [Liquid Documentation on `Tags` and `Filters`][liquid].
[liquid]: https://shopify.github.io/liquid
You can use those placeholders in the file names of the generated project.
For example, for a project named `awesome`, the filename `{{project_name}}.rs` will be transformed to `awesome.rs` during generation.
Only files that are **not** listed in the exclude settings will be templated.
> NOTE: invalid characters for a filename will be sanitized after template substitution. Invalid is e.g. `/` or `\`.
You can also add a `.genignore` file to your template. The files listed in the `.genignore` file
will be removed from the local machine when `cargo-generate` is run on the end user's machine.
The `.genignore` file is always ignored, so there is no need to list it in the `.genignore` file.
Here's a list of [currently available templates](TEMPLATES.md).
If you have a great template that you'd like to feature here, please [file an issue or a PR]!
[file an issue or a PR]: https://github.com/cargo-generate/cargo-generate/issues
### Example for `--bin` and `--lib`
A template could be prepared in a way to act as a binary or a library. For example the `Cargo.toml` might look like:
# the usual stuff
{% if crate_type == "bin" %}
structopt = "0.3.21"
{% endif %}
# other general dependencies
{% if crate_type == "bin" %}
path = "src/main.rs"
name = "{{crate_name}}-cli"
{% endif %}
Now a user of this template could decide weather they want the binary version by passing `--bin`
or use only the library version by passing `--lib` as a command line argument.
## Template defined placeholders
Sometimes templates need to make decisions. For example one might want to conditionally include some code or not.
Another use case might be that the user of a template should be able to choose out of provided options in an interactive way.
Also, it might be helpful to offer a reasonable default value that the user just simply can use.
Since version [0.6.0](https://github.com/cargo-generate/cargo-generate/releases/tag/v0.6.0) it is possible to use placeholders in a `cargo-generate.toml` that is in the root folder of a template.
Here [an example](https://github.com/sassman/hermit-template-rs):
type = "string"
prompt = "What hypervisor to use?"
choices = ["uhyve", "qemu"]
default = "qemu"
type = "bool"
prompt = "Want to enable network?"
default = true
As you can see the `placeholders` configuration section accepts a table of keywords that will become the placeholder name.
In this example the placeholder `hypervisor` and `network_enabled` will become template variables and can be used like this:
{% if network_enabled %}
use std::net::TcpListener;
fn main() {
let listener = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
loop {
let (conn, addr) = listener.accept().unwrap();
println!("Incoming Connection from {}", addr);
std::io::copy(&mut &conn, &mut &conn).unwrap();
{% else %}
fn main() {
println!("Hello Rusty Hermit 🦀");
{% endif %}
> Tip: similar to `dependencies` in the `Cargo.toml` file you can also list them as one liners:
hypervisor = { type = "string", prompt = "What hypervisor to use?", choices = ["uhyve", "qemu"], default = "qemu" }
network_enabled = { type = "bool", prompt = "Want to enable network?", default = true }
### `prompt` property
The `prompt` will be used to display a question / message for this very placeholder on the interactive dialog when using the template.
🤷 What hypervisor to use? [uhyve, qemu] [default: qemu]:
### `type` property
A placeholder can be of type `string` or `bool`. Boolean types are usually helpful for conditionally behaviour in templates.
### `choices` property (optional)
A placeholder can come with a list of choices that the user can choose from.
It's further also validated at the time when a user generates a project from a template.
choices = ["uhyve", "qemu"]
### `default` property (optional)
default = 'qemu'
### `regex` property (optional)
A `regex` property is a string, that can be used to enforce a certain validation rule. The input dialog will keep repeating
until the user entered something that is allowed by this regex.
### Placeholder Examples
An example with a regex that allows only numbers
phone_number = { type = "string", prompt = "What's your phone number?", regex = "[0-9]+" }
## Default values for placeholders from a file
For automation purposes the user of the template may provide provide a file containing the values for the keys in the template by using the `--template-values-file` flag.
The file should be a toml file containing the following (for the example template provided above):
hypervisor = "qemu"
network_enabled = true
## Include / Exclude
Templates support a `cargo-generate.toml`, with a "template" section that allows you to configure the files that will be processed by `cargo-generate`.
The behavior mirrors Cargo's Include / Exclude functionality, which is [documented here](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html#the-exclude-and-include-fields-optional).
If you are using placeholders in a file name, and also wish to use placeholders in the contents of that file,
you should setup your globs to match on the pre-rename filename.
include = ["Cargo.toml"]
# include and exclude are exclusive, if both appear we will use include
exclude = ["*.c"]
The `cargo-generate.toml` file should be placed in the root of the template. If using the `subfolder` feature, the root is the `subfolder` inside the repository, though `cargo-generate` will look for the file in all parent folders until it reaches the repository root.
## Cargo gen - alias
`cargo gen` requires an [cargo alias](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/config.html)
to be configured in your `$HOME/.cargo/config` like this:
gen = "generate"
## License
Licensed under either of
* Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
* MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
### Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0
license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or
If you want to contribute to `cargo-generate`, please read our [CONTRIBUTING notes].
[0.7.0]: https://github.com/cargo-generate/cargo-generate/releases/tag/v0.7.0