name = "cargo-mutants"
version = "23.12.2"
edition = "2021"
authors = ["Martin Pool"]
license = "MIT"
description = "Find inadequately-tested code that can be removed without any tests failing."
repository = "https://github.com/sourcefrog/cargo-mutants"
homepage = "https://mutants.rs/"
categories = ["development-tools::testing"]
keywords = ["testing", "mutants", "cargo", "mutation-testing", "coverage"]
rust-version = "1.70"
exclude = [
upgrade-guid = "CA7BFE8D-F3A7-4D1D-AE43-B7749110FA90"
path-guid = "457C7F8E-0F02-42CC-80D9-FE55FBED23F8"
license = false
eula = false
anyhow = "1.0"
camino = "1.0"
cargo_metadata = "0.18"
clap = { version = "4", features = [
] }
clap_complete = "4"
console = "0.15"
ctrlc = { version = "3.2.1", features = ["termination"] }
fastrand = "2"
fs2 = "0.4"
globset = "0.4.8"
humantime = "2.1.0"
ignore = "0.4.20"
indoc = "2.0.0"
itertools = "0.11"
mutants = "0.0.3"
nix = "0.27"
patch = "0.7"
path-slash = "0.2"
quote = "1.0"
regex = "1.10"
serde_json = "1"
similar = "2.0"
subprocess = "0.2.8"
tempfile = "3.2"
time = "0.3"
toml = "0.8"
tracing = "0.1"
tracing-appender = "0.2"
tracing-subscriber = "0.3"
whoami = "1.2"
version = "0.1.4"
features = ["span-locations"]
version = "1.0.29"
version = "1"
features = ["derive"]
version = "2"
features = ["full", "extra-traits", "visit"]
assert_cmd = "2.0"
cp_r = "0.5.1"
insta = "1.12"
lazy_static = "1.4"
predicates = "3"
pretty_assertions = "1"
regex = "1.5"
walkdir = "2.3"
members = ["mutants_attrs"]
resolver = "2"
exclude = [
cargo-dist-version = "0.6.2"
ci = ["github"]
installers = ["shell", "powershell"]
targets = [
pr-run-mode = "upload"
inherits = "release"
lto = "thin"