cargo-tarpaulin 0.32.3

Cargo-Tarpaulin is a tool to determine code coverage achieved via tests
# The name of the project or the configuration.
name = "tarpaulin"

# Path to the project's cargo manifest.
# The manifest path is required for Tarpaulin to find the project.
manifest-path = "./Cargo.toml"

# Optional path to a custom tarpaulin.toml config file.
# config = null

# Path to the project's root directory.
# This is optional and can be used to override the default location.
# root = null

# Flag to run tests with the ignored attribute.
# If true, ignored tests will be included in the coverage report.
run-ignored = false

# Ignore panic macros in code during coverage analysis.
ignore-panics = false

# Force a clean step before building the project.
# This will clean the target directory before running tests.
force-clean = false

# Skip the clean step and proceed without cleaning the target directory.
skip-clean = true

# Enable verbose logging for user information during tests.
verbose = true

# Enable debugging information for internal issues.
debug = false

# Enable the event logger for trace dumps.
dump-traces = false

# Count hits for coverage, useful for more detailed reporting.
count = true

# Set the type of coverage to be run:
# - 'line' for line coverage (default)
# - 'branch' for branch coverage
line-coverage = true
branch-coverage = false

# Directory to output coverage files and reports.
output-dir = "./coverage_output"

# Optional key for a coveralls service or repository.
# coveralls = null

# Specify the CI server tool for integration with coverage reports.
# Only valid if coveralls is set.
# ci-tool = null

# Report URI to send results to a custom endpoint if provided.
# report-uri = null

# Forward unexpected signals back to the tracee (useful for tests relying on signals).
forward-signals = false

# Flag to disable linking with `-Clink-dead-code`.
no-dead-code = false

# Include all available features in the build.
all-features = false

# Exclude default features from the build.
no-default-features = false

# Build all packages in the workspace.
workspace = false

# Timeout duration for tests to finish.
# (in a format that human-time library can parse, e.g., "5m" for 5 minutes)
test-timeout = "10m"

# Build in release mode for optimized builds.
release = false

# Do not run the tests, only build them (for faster compilation).
no-run = false

# Do not update the `Cargo.lock` file.
locked = false

# Do not update the `Cargo.lock` or any caches.
frozen = false

# Build for a specific target architecture or OS.
# target = null

# Directory for storing generated build artifacts.
target-dir = "./target"

# Run the tests without accessing the network (offline mode).
offline = false

# Cargo subcommand to run; options are "Test" or "Build".
command = "Test"

# Types of tests to collect coverage for. For example: ["Lib", "AllTargets", "Benchmarks", "Bins", "Examples", "Doctests", "Tests"]
run-types = ["AllTargets"]

# List of packages to include when building the target project.
packages = []

# List of packages to exclude from testing.
exclude = []

# List of file paths to exclude from testing.
exclude-files = []

# List of file paths to include (and exclude all others) from testing.
include-files = []

# Additional arguments to pass to the test executables.
args = []

# Features to include in the build, e.g., "feature1 feature2".
# features = null

# List of unstable cargo features to use.
unstable-features = []

# Output files to generate as part of the test execution.
generate = []

# List of test names to run (corresponding to `cargo --test <NAME>`).
test-names = []

# List of binary names to run (corresponding to `cargo --bin <NAME>`).
bin-names = []

# List of example names to run (corresponding to `cargo --example <NAME>`).
example-names = []

# List of bench names to run (corresponding to `cargo --bench <NAME>`).
bench-names = []

# Flag to allow the process to stop immediately on a test failure.
no-fail-fast = false

# Specify a custom profile to use when building.
# profile = null

# Fail if coverage is below the specified threshold (e.g., 80.0).
# fail-under = null

# Metadata generated from `cargo metadata` (this field is internal and usually empty).
# metadata = null

# Flag to avoid passing `--cfg=tarpaulin` to the Rust compiler.
avoid-cfg-tarpaulin = false

# Colouring of logs in the terminal output (e.g., "auto", "always", "never").
color = "Auto"

# Follow traced executables down through function calls.
follow-exec = true

# Number of jobs (threads) to use for building the tests.
# jobs = null

# Allow the test suite to use implicit test threads if needed.
implicit-test-threads = true

# Specify the engine to use for collecting coverage (default: "trace").
engine = "Llvm"

# Additional rust flags to be passed during the build process.
# rustflags = null

# Include test functions in the coverage statistics.
include-tests = true

# Delay after tests to collect instrumentation files (LLVM only).
# post-test-delay = 0

# Additional objects to be included in the coverage instrumentation.
objects = []

# Directory where profraw files are stored.
profraw-folder = "./target/profraw"

# Fail immediately after a single test fails.
fail-immediately = false

# Log to stderr instead of the default output.
stderr = false