cbindgen 0.28.0

A tool for generating C bindings to Rust code.
# This is a template cbindgen.toml file with all of the default values.
# Some values are commented out because their absence is the real default.
# See https://github.com/mozilla/cbindgen/blob/master/docs.md#cbindgentoml
# for detailed documentation of every option here.

language = "C++"

############## Options for Wrapping the Contents of the Header #################

# header = "/* Text to put at the beginning of the generated file. Probably a license. */"
# trailer = "/* Text to put at the end of the generated file */"
# include_guard = "my_bindings_h"
# pragma_once = true
# autogen_warning = "/* Warning, this file is autogenerated by cbindgen. Don't modify this manually. */"
include_version = false
# namespace = "my_namespace"
namespaces = []
using_namespaces = []
sys_includes = []
includes = []
no_includes = false
# cpp_compat = true
after_includes = ""

############################ Code Style Options ################################

braces = "SameLine"
line_length = 100
tab_width = 2
documentation = true
documentation_style = "auto"
documentation_length = "full"
line_endings = "LF" # also "CR", "CRLF", "Native"

############################# Codegen Options ##################################

style = "both"
sort_by = "Name" # default for `fn.sort_by` and `const.sort_by`
usize_is_size_t = true

# "target_os = freebsd" = "DEFINE_FREEBSD"
# "feature = serde" = "DEFINE_SERDE"

include = []
exclude = []
# prefix = "CAPI_"
item_types = []
renaming_overrides_prefixing = false




rename_args = "None"
# must_use = "MUST_USE_FUNC"
# deprecated = "DEPRECATED_FUNC"
# deprecated_with_note = "DEPRECATED_FUNC_WITH_NOTE"
# no_return = "NO_RETURN"
# prefix = "START_FUNC"
# postfix = "END_FUNC"
args = "auto"
sort_by = "Name"

rename_fields = "None"
# must_use = "MUST_USE_STRUCT"
# deprecated = "DEPRECATED_STRUCT"
# deprecated_with_note = "DEPRECATED_STRUCT_WITH_NOTE"
derive_constructor = false
derive_eq = false
derive_neq = false
derive_lt = false
derive_lte = false
derive_gt = false
derive_gte = false

rename_variants = "None"
# must_use = "MUST_USE_ENUM"
# deprecated = "DEPRECATED_ENUM"
# deprecated_with_note = "DEPRECATED_ENUM_WITH_NOTE"
add_sentinel = false
prefix_with_name = false
derive_helper_methods = false
derive_const_casts = false
derive_mut_casts = false
# cast_assert_name = "ASSERT"
derive_tagged_enum_destructor = false
derive_tagged_enum_copy_constructor = false
enum_class = true
private_default_tagged_enum_constructor = false

allow_static_const = true
allow_constexpr = false
sort_by = "Name"

bitflags = false

############## Options for How Your Rust library Should Be Parsed ##############

parse_deps = false
# include = []
exclude = []
clean = false
extra_bindings = []

crates = []
all_features = false
default_features = true
features = []