# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [3.1.3] - 2024-04-15
### Changed
- Improve parser errors on unexpected tokens. (#698, partially resolving #176)
- Validation error messages render types in the new, more readable, schema
syntax. (#708, resolving #242)
- Improved error messages when `null` occurs in entity json data. (#751,
resolving #530)
- Improved source location reporting for error `found template slot in a when clause`.
(#758, resolving #736)
- Improved `Display` implementation for Cedar schemas, both JSON and human
syntax. (#780)
### Fixed
- Support identifiers in context declarations in the human-readable schema
format. (#734, resolving #681)
## [3.1.2] - 2024-03-29
### Changed
- Implement [RFC 57](https://github.com/cedar-policy/rfcs/pull/57): policies can
now include multiplication of arbitrary expressions, not just multiplication of
an expression and a constant.
## [3.1.1] - 2024-03-14
### Fixed
- `ValidationResult` methods `validation_errors` and `validation_warnings`, along with
`confusable_string_checker`, now return iterators with static lifetimes instead of
custom lifetimes, fixing build for latest nightly Rust. (#712)
- Validation for the `in` operator to no longer reports an error when comparing actions
in different namespaces. (#704, resolving #642)
## [3.1.0] - 2024-03-08
Cedar Language Version: 3.1.0
### Added
- Implementation of the human-readable schema format proposed in
[RFC 24](https://github.com/cedar-policy/rfcs/blob/main/text/0024-schema-syntax.md).
New public APIs `SchemaFragment::from_*_natural`,
`SchemaFragment::as_natural`, and `Schema::from_*_natural` (#557)
- `PolicyId::new()` (#587, resolving #551)
- `EntityId::new()` (#583, resolving #553)
- `AsRef<str>` implementation for `PolicyId` (#504, resolving #503)
- `Policy::template_links()` to retrieve the linked values for a
template-linked policy (#515, resolving #489)
- `AuthorizationError::id()` to get the id of the policy associated with an
authorization error (#589)
- For the `partial-eval` experimental feature: added
`Authorizer::evaluate_policies_partial()` (#593, resolving #474)
- For the `partial-eval` experimental feature: added
`json_is_authorized_partial()` (#571, resolving #570)
### Changed
- Better integration with `miette` for various error types. If you have
previously been just using the `Display` trait to get the error message from a
Cedar error type, you may want to consider also examining other data provided
by the `miette::Diagnostic` trait, for instance `.help()`.
Alternately, you can use `miette` and its `fancy` feature to format the error
and all associated information in a pretty human-readable format or as JSON.
For more details, see `miette`'s
[documentation](https://docs.rs/miette/latest/miette/index.html). (#477)
- Cedar reserved words like `if`, `has`, and `true` are now allowed as policy
annotation keys. (#634, resolving #623)
- Add hints suggesting how to fix some type errors. (#513)
- The `ValidationResult` returned from `Validator::validate` now has a static
lifetime, allowing it to be used in more contexts. The lifetime parameter
will be removed in a future major version. (#512)
- Improve parse error around invalid `is` expressions. (#491, resolving #409)
- Improve parse error message when a policy includes an invalid template slot.
The error now identifies that the policy used an invalid slot and suggests using
one of the valid slots. (#487, resolving #451)
- Improve parse error messages to more reliably notice that a function or
method does exist when it is called with an incorrect number of arguments or
using the wrong call style. (#482)
- Include source spans on more parse error messages. (#471, resolving #465)
- Include source spans on more evaluation error messages. (#582)
- Changed error message on `SchemaError::UndeclaredCommonTypes` to report
fully qualified type names. (#652, resolving #580)
- For the `partial-eval` experimental feature: make the return values of
`RequestBuilder`'s `principal`, `action`, `resource`, `context` and
`schema` functions `#[must_use]`. (#502)
- For the `partial-eval` experimental feature: make `RequestBuilder::schema`
return a `RequestBuilder<&Schema>` so the `RequestBuilder<&Schema>::build`
method checks the request against the schema provided and the
`RequestBuilder<UnsetSchema>::build` method becomes infallible. (#591,
resolving #559)
- For the `permissive-validate` experimental feature: `X in []` is typed `False`
for all `X`, including unspecified `X`. (#615)
### Fixed
- Action entities in the store will pass schema-based validation without requiring
the transitive closure to be pre-computed. (#581, resolving #285)
- Variables qualified by a namespace with a single element are correctly
rejected. E.g., `foo::principal` is an error and is not parsed as
`principal`. Variables qualified by a namespace of any size comprised entirely
of Cedar keywords are correctly rejected. E.g., `if::then::else::principal` is
an error. (#594 and #597)
- The entity type tested for by an `is` expression may be an identifier shared
with a builtin variable. E.g., `... is principal` and `... is action` are now
accepted by the Cedar parser. (#595, resolving #558)
- Policies containing the literal `i64::MIN` can now be properly converted to
the JSON policy format. (#601, resolving #596)
- `Policy::to_json` does not error on policies containing special identifiers
such as `principal`, `then`, and `true`. (#628, resolving #604)
- `Template::from_json` errors when there are slots in template conditions.
(#626, resolving #606)
## [3.0.1] - 2023-12-21
Cedar Language Version: 3.0.0
### Fixed
- Possible panic (when stack size limit reached) in `Context::empty()` (#524,
fixed by #526)
## [3.0.0] - 2023-12-15
Cedar Language Version: 3.0.0
### Added
- The `is` operation as described in
[RFC 5](https://github.com/cedar-policy/rfcs/blob/main/text/0005-is-operator.md).
- Marked the `Template::from_json` and `Template::to_json` apis as public (#458)
- New APIs to `Entities` to make it easy to add a collection of entities to an
existing `Entities` structure. (#276)
- `PolicySet::remove_static`, `PolicySet::remove_template` and
`PolicySet::unlink` to remove policies from the policy set. (#337, resolving #328)
- `PolicySet::get_linked_policies` to get the policies linked to a `Template`. (#337)
- Export the `cedar_policy_core::evaluator::{EvaluationError, EvaluationErrorKind}` and
`cedar_policy_core::authorizer::AuthorizationError` error types. (#260, #271)
- `ParseError::primary_source_span` to get the primary source span locating an
error. (#324)
- `ValidationResult::validation_warnings` to access non-fatal warnings returned
by the validator and `ValidationResult::validation_passed_without_warnings`.
The main validation entry point now checks for warnings previously only
available through `confusable_string_checker`. (#404)
- `Entity::new_no_attrs()` which provides an infallible constructor for `Entity`
in the case that there are no attributes. (See changes to `Entity::new()`
below.) (#430)
- `RestrictedExpression::new_entity_uid()` (#442, resolving #350)
- Experimental API `PolicySet::unknown_entities` to collect unknown entity UIDs
from a `PartialResponse`. (#353, resolving #321)
### Changed
- Implement [RFC 19](https://github.com/cedar-policy/rfcs/blob/main/text/0019-stricter-validation.md),
making validation slightly more strict, but more explainable. (#282)
- Implement [RFC 20](https://github.com/cedar-policy/rfcs/blob/main/text/0020-unique-record-keys.md),
disallowing duplicate keys in record values (including record literals in
policies, request `context`, and records in entity attributes). (#375)
- `Request::new()` now takes an optional schema argument, and validates the request
against that schema. To signal validation errors, it now returns a `Result`.
(#393, resolving #191)
- `Entities::from_*()` methods now automatically add action entities present in
the `schema` to the constructed `Entities`, if a `schema` is provided. (#360)
- `Entities::from_*()` methods now validate the entities against the `schema`,
if a `schema` is provided. (#360)
- `Entities::from_entities()` and `Entities::add_entities()` now take an
optional schema argument. (#360)
- `Diagnostics::errors()` now returns an iterator over `AuthorizationError`s.
- `Response::new()` now expects a `Vec<AuthorizationError>` as its third
argument. (#260)
- Change the semantics of equality for IP ranges. For example,
`ip("") == ip("")` was previously `true` and is now
`false`. The behavior of equality on single IP addresses is unchanged, and so is
the behavior of `.isInRange()`. (#348)
- Standardize on duplicates being errors instead of last-write-wins in the
JSON-based APIs in the `frontend` module. This also means some error types
have changed. (#365, #448)
- `Entity::new()` now eagerly evaluates entity attributes, leading to
performance improvements (particularly when entity data is reused across
multiple `is_authorized` calls). As a result, it returns `Result`, because
attribute evaluation can fail. (#430)
- `Entities::from_json_*()` also now eagerly evaluates entity attributes, and as
a result returns errors when attribute evaluation fails. (#430)
- `Entity::attr()` now returns errors in many fewer cases (because the attribute
is stored in already-evaluated form), and its error type has changed. (#430)
- `Context::from_*()` methods also now eagerly evaluate the `Context`, and as
a result return errors when evaluation fails. (#430)
- Rename `cedar_policy_core::est::EstToAstError` to
`cedar_policy_core::est::FromJsonError`. (#197)
- Rename `cedar_policy_core::entities::JsonDeserializationError::ExtensionsError`
to `cedar_policy_core::entities::JsonDeserializationError::ExtensionFunctionLookup`.
- Rename variants in `SchemaError`. (#231)
- `SchemaError` has a new variant corresponding to errors evaluating action
attributes. (#430)
- Improve schema parsing error messages when a cycle exists in the action
hierarchy to includes an action which is part of the cycle (#436, resolving
- `<EntityId as FromStr>::Error` is now `Infallible` instead of `ParseErrors`.
- Improve the `Display` impls for `Policy` and `PolicySet`, and add a `Display`
impl for `Template`. The displayed representations now more closely match the
original input, whether the input was in string or JSON form. (#167, resolving
- `ValidationWarning::location` and `ValidationWarning::to_kind_and_location`
now return `&SourceLocation<'a>` instead of `&'a PolicyID`, matching
`ValidationError::location`. (#405)
- `ValidationWarningKind` is now `non_exhaustive`, allowing future warnings to
be added without a breaking change. (#404)
### Fixed
- Evaluation order of operand to `>` and `>=`. They now evaluate left to right,
matching all other operators. This affects what error is reported when there is
an evaluation error in both operands, but does not otherwise change the result
of evaluation. (#402, resolving #112)
- Updated `PolicySet::link` to not mutate internal state when failing to link a static
policy. With this fix it is possible to create a link with a policy id
after previously failing to create that link with the same id from a static
policy. (#412)
- Fixed schema-based parsing of entity data that includes unknowns (for the
`partial-eval` experimental feature). (#419, resolving #418)
### Removed
- Removed `__expr` escape from Cedar JSON formats, which has been deprecated
since Cedar 1.2. (#333)
- Move `ValidationMode::Permissive` behind an experimental feature flag.
To continue using this feature you must enable the `permissive-validate`
feature flag. (#428)
## [2.4.3] - 2023-12-21
Cedar Language Version: 2.1.3
### Fixed
- Reverted accidental breaking change to schema format introduced in the 2.3.2
Attribute types in schema files may now contain unexpected keys (as they could
before 2.3.2).
As a side effect, schema parsing error messages are less useful when an
attribute type is missing a required key.
The 2.4.2 behavior, including the more useful error messages, remain available
in all 3.x versions of Cedar.
## [2.4.2] - 2023-10-23
Cedar Language Version: 2.1.2
### Fixed
- Issue #370 related to how the validator handles template-linked policies.
The validator will now produce the same result for an equivalent static
and template-linked policy. (#371, resolving #370)
## [2.4.1] - 2023-10-12
Cedar Language Version: 2.1.1
### Added
- Experimental API to construct queries with `Unknown` fields for partial evaluation.
### Changed
- Improve validation error messages for access to undeclared attributes and
unsafe access to optional attributes to report the target of the access. (#295)
- `EntityUid`'s impl of `FromStr` is no longer marked as deprecated. (#319)
### Fixed
- Issue #299 related to how partial evaluation handled conditions of `if`,
resulting in a panic on some inputs.
- `Request::principal()`, `Request::action()`, and `Request::resource()` will
now return `None` if the entities are unspecified (i.e., constructed by passing
`None` to `Request::new()`). (#339)
## [2.4.0] - 2023-09-21
Cedar Language Version: 2.1.1
### Added
- New methods for `EntityTypeName`.
- `basename` to get the basename (without namespaces).
- `namespace_components` to get the namespace as an iterator over its components.
- `namespace` to get the namespace as a single string.
### Changed
- Some error types now carry more information about the error, with error
messages updated appropriately. For instance, the `RecordAttrDoesNotExist` error
message now contains a list of attributes that _do_ exist.
- Improve error messages for some schema parsing errors.
- When an entity type shape or action context is declared with type other than
`Record`, the error message will indicated the affected entity type or action.
- Various other improvements to error messages and documentation for errors raised during
policy parsing, validation, and evaluation.
- Increase precision for validating records. Previously,
`permit(principal, action, resource) when {{"foo": 5} has bar};` would validate.
Now it will not, since we know `{"foo": 5} has bar` is `False`, and the
validator will return an error for a policy that can never fire.
### Removed
- Uses of deprecated `__expr` escapes from integration tests.
## [2.3.3] - 2023-08-29
Cedar Language Version: 2.1.0
### Added
- Re-export `cedar_policy_core::entities::EntitiesError`.
### Changed
- Improve error messages and documentation for some errors raised during
policy parsing, validation, and evaluation.
- More precise "expected tokens" lists in some parse errors.
### Fixed
- Issue #150 related to implicit namespaces for actions in `memberOf` lists in
schemas. An action without an explicit namespace in a `memberOf` now
correctly uses the default namespace. (#151)
## [2.3.2] - 2023-08-04
Cedar Language Version: 2.1.0
### Changed
- Improve error messages for some validation errors
- Improve error messages for some schema parsing errors.
- Parsing a schema type without the `"type"` field will generate an error
stating that `"type"` is a required field instead of an inscrutable error
complaining about the untagged enum `SchemaType`.
- Parsing a schema type with a `"type"` field corresponding to one of the
builtin types but missing a required field for that type will generate an
error stating that a required field is missing instead of claiming that it
could not find "common types" definition for that builtin type.
### Fixed
- Issues #73 and #74 related to schema-based parsing.
- Detect entities with parents of an incorrect entity type.
- Detect entities with an undeclared entity type.
### Removed
- Move public API for partial evaluation behind experimental feature flag. To
continue using this feature you must enable the `partial-eval` feature flag.
## [2.3.1] - 2023-07-20
Cedar Language Version: 2.1.0
### Fixed
- Panic in `PolicySet::link()` that could occur when the function was called
with a policy id corresponding to a static policy. (#203)
## [2.3.0] - 2023-06-29
Cedar Language Version: 2.1.0
### Changed
- Implement
[RFC 9](https://github.com/cedar-policy/rfcs/blob/main/text/0009-disallow-whitespace-in-entityuid.md)
which disallows embedded whitespace, comments, and control characters in the
inputs to several Rust API functions including `EntityTypeName::from_str()` and
`EntityNamespace::from_str()`, as well as in some fields of the Cedar JSON
schema format (e.g., namespace declarations, entity type names), Cedar JSON
entities format (e.g., entity type names, extension function names) and the
Cedar JSON policy format used by `Policy::from_json()` (e.g., entity type names,
extension function names). The risk that this may be a breaking change for some
Cedar users was accepted due to the potential security ramifications; see
discussion in the RFC.
## 2.2.0 - 2023-05-25
Cedar Language Version: 2.0.0
### Added
- `Entities::write_to_json` function to api.rs.
## 2.1.0 - 2023-05-23
Cedar Language Version: 2.0.0
### Added
- `Schema::action_entities` to provide access to action entities defined in a schema.
### Changed
- Update `cedar-policy-core` dependency.
### Fixed
- Resolve warning in `Cargo.toml` due to having both `license` and `license-file` metadata entries.
## 2.0.3 - 2023-05-17
Cedar Language Version: 2.0.0
### Fixed
- Update `Cargo.toml` metadata to correctly represent this crate as Apache-2.0 licensed.
## 2.0.2 - 2023-05-10
Cedar Language Version: 2.0.0
## 2.0.1 - 2023-05-10
Cedar Language Version: 2.0.0
## 2.0.0 - 2023-05-10
Cedar Language Version: 2.0.0
- Initial release of `cedar-policy`.
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v3.1.3...main
[3.1.3]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v3.1.2...v3.1.3
[3.1.2]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v3.1.1...v3.1.2
[3.1.1]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v3.1.0...v3.1.1
[3.1.0]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v3.0.1...v3.1.0
[3.0.1]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v3.0.0...v3.0.1
[3.0.0]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v2.4.3...v3.0.0
[2.4.3]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v2.4.2...v2.4.3
[2.4.2]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v2.4.1...v2.4.2
[2.4.1]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v2.4.0...v2.4.1
[2.4.0]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v2.3.3...v2.4.0
[2.3.3]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v2.3.2...v2.3.3
[2.3.2]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v2.3.1...v2.3.2
[2.3.1]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/compare/v2.3.0...v2.3.1
[2.3.0]: https://github.com/cedar-policy/cedar/releases/tag/v2.3.0